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Everything posted by FerLop

  1. Hello, i don't know what happend : the selection tool dosen't work anymore. only selection by frame or lasso works, the polygon selection tool does not want to select... otherwise, I would just like to invert some polygons because they are upside down. Thank you for your help! tube soudés.c4d
  2. Hello, I took a course to make a pierced cylinder and now I would like the whole cylinder to have a thickness. if I take the tool "extrusion" and select the stop of the cylinder, it extrudes only the stop.Is there a way to extrude the whole cylinder? Thank you in advance for your help! cylinder with holes.c4d
  3. Hello, I’m trying to remove the n-gone polygon formed inside the square, but no tool works: I tried to select and it doesn’t matter, I can’t even select a stop, there are only the points that are selectable... Where is the mistake? thank you in advance for your help! polygone trou.c4d
  4. Thanks CERBERA, I don’t even know why I misces "distributions", have a good day!!
  5. No matter what I look for: I can’t find the object of this big pebble... the object of the arrow... it must be simple but I can’t see it, when I try to select it there are no arrows, what mistake did I make? Thank you in advance!! https://www.dropbox.com/s/cwzg4k8v3lpqnpf/crabe-5 remesher.c4d?dl=0
  6. Hello, thank you very much for the help of the pebbles, afterwards I put materials on the legs or feet of the crab, the problem is that now I find myself with 2 feet/legs that float up right... What did I do wrong? https://www.dropbox.com/s/fqiu4ia5o2lqefc/crabe-4 remesher.c4d? dl=0 Thank you in advance for your help!
  7. FerLop

    Rocks faces

    Here are examples of pebbles, rather rounded with finally quite few faces, variable from 2 to 4-5 faces, small sizes in general. Thank you!
  8. FerLop

    Rocks faces

    Thank you , sorry for the lack of details, in fact it is an aquarium with as central character the crab. All the elements around like plants, sand, small pebbles, are not detailed.For me it’s just to learn the basics of C4D. Even the crab, which is a central character is not even detailed (because I think this course is designed for beginners). To come to the stones, after your very fair reflection on the lack of details of the stones, I had not even realized that if we look in detail, it is necessary to know what type of stones or rocks it is. I wasn’t even aware. I seek instead to make small pebbles that are found at the edges of small rivers kind of flat forms or forms with a few faces (3 or 4) eroded by the water and finally quite smooth. You can walk on it without shoes, it’s just "decorative". But in fact I try the course of Cineversity on these famous pebbles, it is simple as form, but already the Vornoi noise makes holes it is a shame because otherwise it works well. (it is the one used in the lesson as example) I don’t know how to do otherwise, once I tried to make a rock from your given example but I struggled (I guess this is normal for a beginner who discovers) The effects of noise on the forms is incredible and powerful as long as we know how. I will continue to test and try to understand what kinds of noises do and how to adjust them. Otherwise I tried to make another shape than the classic round: by stretching with the tool: "free form" but apart from moving one by one the points of the free form to transform the sphere into a longer rock start, I had like a bug: no stretching possible with parameters "numbers", no result,you had to do everything handle by handle, while your example is perfect, the sphere is proportionally deformed and the result is clean, I failed to do it again. In any case, thank you very much for your help and advice, I will repeat your example and try to do it again. I think I need 2 or 3 rocks of this aspect in the sand then about twenty small pebbles around I realize that I am too beginner, never done anything in 3D. The idea is to learn the basics. Good evening to you and thanks again for your patience!
  9. FerLop

    Rocks faces

    Starting from a sphere, exhaèdre, I have results with "aplats" more or less, but overall we see that the origin is a sphere.how to have fewer faces? Thanks for your help!! rock-cineversity1.c4d
  10. FerLop

    Rocks faces

    I try Voronoi , why it's give a result well but whith hole ? Thanks! rocks-leger.c4d
  11. FerLop

    Rocks faces

    Hello, I wade: on the one hand I can not make small smooth patties, eroded by water, as on the banks of rivers, small pebbles, I tried to clone with "displacer" but the result is horrible, on the other hand the mesh is too dense, So I’ve narrowed it down to "remailer," can you give me the c4d file with cloning to see how? Thanks in advance! Help!! rocks3 platonicien for crab.c4d crabe-1.zip
  12. FerLop

    Rocks faces

    Thank you very much CERBERA!! As I am starting, I come more from the classic editing, I am not a graphic designer, but I wanted to train in 3D. So I have a subscription to Cineversity , and I wanted to follow the course of crab, it’s one of the first courses visible.And at one point it filled with small pebbles (stones, rocks), which are actually not very visible because they are a little embedded in the sand, and the main object is crab and fish, the rest is a bit of the aquarium decoration. So I don’t have any special requirements, I wanted these little pebbles to be realistic and not all look alike. But what you did is superb! I didn’t think it was possible to achieve such a detailed result! However, I did not find the Shader Properties as it appears in the example file. I don’t know why, when I selected the image (black and white)I have few attributes, I don’t have the Pits, B/C/G, V med, V Large, do I also need the file of the image that makes the relief? Or no need? In any case you helped me extremely there, I understand better how important and precise the interaction of Displacers are. Thank you!!
  13. FerLop

    Rocks faces

    Hello, thank you for the detailed answer, I tried parameters in all directions, poor me, I can not find a shape of pebble! How distressed, I also tried to create it by hand from a circle but the result is disastrous. If you can give me an example it would be great! Thanks again! rocks2 for crab.c4d
  14. FerLop

    Rocks faces

    Hello! I continue on the course of the crab of Cineversity but the rocks lesson poses me problem to make the different faces of the pebble in spite of following the method as is: from the start of the modification of the seed I have a result rather "round" for a pebble while it has much more of a worn out pebble shape. What parameters would allow to approach a beautiful result? Thank you in advance!! rocks for crab.c4d
  15. FerLop

    x-ray problem

    Thank you!! I feel disillusioned!! well, I have to change my glasses? Indeed, I don’t even remember checking the x-ray in the clamp! I have to be more careful, there are many parameters, all important, big thanks to you!!
  16. FerLop

    x-ray problem

    Hello, a huge thank you for sifting through all the parameters, indeed the x-ray has recovered its normal appearance! I still worry about the crab claws ( L Group Main) that disappear when the x-ray is active (otherwise in any case you can’t see anything, logic) but this is a very strange behavior: why only the claws disappear? They come back as soon as I remove the x-ray aquarium. Thanks again for your research! Have a good Sunday! crabe-1.c4d
  17. FerLop

    x-ray problem

    So, when I make a screen capture, fixed or video, it seems to take into account the x-ray 100% of the time on my screen that is not the case. I don’t know if I have a graphics card problem? I think x-ray is managed by the card? I reinstalled the driver, but it’s the same. I have AMD RADEON 6900XT, thank you for your help and support 2022-09-17_16-08-22.mp4
  18. FerLop

    x-ray problem

    Thanks for the answer, actually I don’t want to make with x-ray, I want to use x-ray in production, but exceptionally the display is not good, there is a display problem, all the crab is not displayed and I have no idea why. oulàà, I have a problem: the screen capture of the image is almost suitable (missing the claws of the crab) but it is not the display proposed by C4D, I may have a problem with graphics card? I am really lost and unattached!!
  19. FerLop

    x-ray problem

    precision: i am not sure about translate : loft for revolution ? thanks!
  20. FerLop

    x-ray problem

    Hello, to change I still have a concern: the crab is too hidden by the "loft", I tried a moment ago to make the crab in its aquarium and I do not remember that the transparency effect is such that one hardly sees the inside (despite x-ray) Is there a parameter that is poorly defined? What’s more, the crab’s hands disappear when the aquarium is in place. On the other hand we see them from above (in the top hole) so there is a problem of parameters in the x-ray. Can you help me please? Thanks in advance!! crabe-1.c4d
  21. Hello, thank you for your answers!! I don’t want to ask for help without stopping, but really I discover the tools, in the case "weight subdivision surface" I was lost and contextual help didn’t help me: I discovered that in fact you have to select the tag for that-This works, I know it’s silly, but I didn’t think about this "detail", my apologies, I always thought that the tools worked without tag but no, and on the other hand I thought that tags are active by default, but maybe some yes and some no, It’s probably case by case. Otherwise I tried the point as a shortcut but no result: my method: I select stops, then I select the tag, I take the tool "weight" and then a deformation occurs. Thank you very much for everything, I would be careful to try as much as possible before I ask the question, in which case I was far from imagining the whole procedure. But as long as it works. Thanks again. 2022-09-16_14-16-12.mp4 deplact_selon_les_normales.c4d
  22. Hello, I am studying the operation of "weight subdivision surface" which when I click and move: nothing happens, I added an attribute of "subdivision surface" to the deformed cube, but it’s the same, how does this tool work? Thanks (in the course of the ebook there is no explanation) deplact_selon_les_normales.c4d
  23. Hello JEFF H1, really a huge thank you for taking the time to do all the explanation!! Thank you again and take care of yourself!
  24. I try to understand but I come up against this: I put a gradient in [Random Field] however there are some cubes that do not follow the gradient (they seem to have the default color of C4D). I would like to understand the functions of delay and quantize, I can not understand despite "move the sliders, nothing moves", I hope not to abuse, thanks again!! coordonnées et base de données_RE_delay_quantize_color_1.c4d
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