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Everything posted by FerLop

  1. Thanks, i don't have help in french but i will see your link in english, i try again with help.
  2. Hello, I try the tool "lens distortion" but I can not deform a grid to try it, how should I do it? Thank you for your help! lens distorsion.c4d
  3. Hello, in the course, the teacher makes a torus from a circle and applies a revolution. I do all the same and result I have a sphere! It’s still sad! How to achieve the same result? Thank you very much!! d apres le cours le cercle revolution est un donuts.c4d
  4. Hello, I essiae to understand how the projection of a spline on a surface works, so I guess by creating stops and points? I didn’t get the desired result. Are there any rules to follow so that the spline "sticks" to the destination mesh? Does it have to have a volume? Thank you for your help! take care of yourself! projection maillage.c4d
  5. Hi, I’m trying to understand the operation of "Lens Distortion" but on the one hand I’m not sure I can find the equivalent in the French menus, but above all I can not create this grid that the camera distorts through the lens. How can I create the grid? How can I apply the "Lens Distortion" effect? Thank you in advance! lens distorsion.c4d
  6. Hello CERBERA, i'm sorry, I forgot, now it’s well engraved!! no boolean with splines!!
  7. Thank you!! I had been creating material (extruded) to use the Boolean for a while, thank you very much!!
  8. Hello, why does the Boolean not work in these cases? these are splines, does the Boolean have trouble with objects without volumes? Thank you in advance for enlightening me! roues trouées signe version 1.c4d
  9. Thanks to you, I apologize for the automatic translation of the French, I will find the asset in the menus or in the right click. (in French we do not have a manual or even in English Maxon put a 404 error in place of help)... I’ll find him eventually! Take care!
  10. I have already encountered this problem: when I want to make a booleen if one of the 2 objects is a "sheet" it does not apply, it absolutely has to be a thickness so I have to extrude for it to do the drilling.Is it normal? Thank you! roue demi arrondis.c4d
  11. Thanks for the solution, I try to find the function, the only approach is: "mesh>sculture>subdivide" but it doesn’t work, I don’t see where it applies. Can you take a screenshot of the command "subdivision with field management"? Thank you in advance!
  12. hi, thanks for the answer, Actually these are exercises from a training book at Cinema 4D, so I don’t build complex scenes, it’s just piece by piece to train. Thanks, I’ll look at the solution to try and learn.
  13. Hello, I want to associate the SDS subdivision surface on only part of the object. I was thinking of either cutting the object or applying a field, which is not provided for in the SDS.What do you advise me to do? Thank you for your support!! clé USB.c4d
  14. Thanks a lot ! i don't think to use the null object! i would like do a aspect in rendering with the lines like in work aspect: i hope i am clear... here is the project to renderer: Thanks again to help me !! robot Kobo ebook R20 version 1.c4d
  15. Here is the file, thanks robot Kobo ebook R20 version 1.c4d
  16. Hello, I have two pieces that are not displayed in the rendering but well visible in the "work mode. I activated everything in green for rendering but does not appear either, if you can help me? Thanks in advance! robot Kobo ebook R20 version 1.c4d
  17. Hello, I put the center of the axis on the shoulder of an arm, but I did not see the circles, I believed an error on my part with L, but the small rods that appear allow to execute the rotation, so this is a novelty? Is this presentation normal? Thank you in advance! 2022-11-08_07-39-35.mp4
  18. Hello, I have a question about the "line knife" that is to say that on the one hand I would like more than a line but draw a shape along the edges and points of the capsule, and I would especially like the line to make a cut of the surface of the capsule; There it is not so, I cannot make angles, the cut disappears immediately. What mistakes do I make? Thanks in advance!! 2022-11-06_08-51-57.mp4
  19. Hello, I’m trying to do nono but I don’t know how to do it for the mouth, can extrusion deformation work for the mouth? I was also thinking of a boolean for the mouth cavity. Thank you for your help!! nono3d.c4d
  20. hello, everything is said in the title, everything is wrong and when I want to straighten the robot, it straightens the work plan, I don’t know how I got there... thank you for your help and advice nono3d.c4d
  21. Hello, I have a problem with the deformation of a chair: I wish to have the appearance of a chair used, so a little depressed. When I use the deformator, it distorts a part of the chair, but the edge does not, I can add more margin but the result is the same, the edge of the chair is as if fixed. Where can the problem come from? Thank you for your precious help!! chaise2.c4d
  22. After cleaning, invert all polygons upside down. Cleaning lines and dots by "merge" so normally it’s "clean" but I don’t understand why it has to come to this? Thanks for the tips! tubes soudés version 4.c4d
  23. I don’t know how, eventually the stops were able to connect, except that for the second edge I had to do it twice. I assume you need to delete the generated slice? tubes soudés version 3.c4d I think there are some inverted sides, and I have the impression that the normals are not in the same direction.
  24. Thanks CERBERA I think that from the start there is a problem: I did as requested: the tube flattened with its 8 sides. But when I try to use the polygonal tool it does not manage to join the stop opposite because there is an angle between the two and one side glue but not the other... So I think my version has a problem from the start.I should have stops that are "face" perfectly aligned and there I would have a good result. So I will try to align the stops face to face as on the lesson. tubes soudés version 2.c4d 2022-10-21_06-24-41.mp4
  25. Thank you for the frank response to this disaster! I had a hard time because with the Polygone tool I could not join so I tried with "bridge" and there I could join but it caused problems of triangles and others. Sorry, I’m having trouble moving forward with this English course, and my mistakes. I post the course passage. Thanks for helping me, it’s essential, I can’t see where the problems come from, like, why the polygon tool doesn’t work for me?
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