Hi Everyone,
I'm new to the forum and Cinema4D/3D in general! I made a custom guitar pedal generator with Xpresso and a tiny bit of Python. It started as a simple tool but now I want to develop it to be more useful.
Here's the .C4D file (Google Drive)
The idea is to have an interface that controls the layout of each pedal with a button to randomize everything. It's my first time working with Xpresso and there's a lot going on here, I'm sure I've made many mistakes along the way.
I would like help making parts of this better or rather any help in general. I got random selection working but it tends to yield interesting results and a few errors.
My issues are:
The random selection isn't helpful at times. I need to restrict the number of LEDs, Switches, and null objects to one at a time and have the rest set to dials. As a result the random button will usually only give me a single switch or a LED but not both.
Objects overlapping when randomly generated
I'm using a cloner object and instances at the moment. Very unsure if I've set it up properly.
Setting the dials to be at a random angle
Right now the all face the same way and I have no clue how to change them individually
Rotating the main pedal object doesn't effect the instanced/cloned objects. They stay at a static rotation.
Any advice is extremely welcome! I'm very excited to learn more about Xpresso and Scene Nodes.