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Evan Bonk

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Everything posted by Evan Bonk

  1. Thanks everyone! This was a lot of reading the help documentation a few YouTube tutorials to get the basics down. Then I started small and slowly iterated to get to this point. I save a copy after major changes so this is version 63. I started off with simple controls for the pedal, changing the case colours and knob type. Once I saw got those working I started looking for more ways to control the pedal and eventually looked into a random button. That was the hardest part, it required coding and the help of my coworker who knows python. I've modified the generator work for two other sizes of pedals at the moment. I think it would be useful to apply these tactics to character creation but that might be overkill.
  2. Hi Everyone, I'm new to the forum and Cinema4D/3D in general! I made a custom guitar pedal generator with Xpresso and a tiny bit of Python. It started as a simple tool but now I want to develop it to be more useful. Here's the .C4D file (Google Drive) The idea is to have an interface that controls the layout of each pedal with a button to randomize everything. It's my first time working with Xpresso and there's a lot going on here, I'm sure I've made many mistakes along the way. I would like help making parts of this better or rather any help in general. I got random selection working but it tends to yield interesting results and a few errors. My issues are: The random selection isn't helpful at times. I need to restrict the number of LEDs, Switches, and null objects to one at a time and have the rest set to dials. As a result the random button will usually only give me a single switch or a LED but not both. Objects overlapping when randomly generated I'm using a cloner object and instances at the moment. Very unsure if I've set it up properly. Setting the dials to be at a random angle Right now the all face the same way and I have no clue how to change them individually Rotating the main pedal object doesn't effect the instanced/cloned objects. They stay at a static rotation. Any advice is extremely welcome! I'm very excited to learn more about Xpresso and Scene Nodes.
  3. Thanks for the warm welcome everyone! I've found that I get extremely bored working on realistic rendering, so I'm very excited to explore what I can create with Cinema4D. If you need me I'll be prepping a post asking a bunch of questions surrounding Xpresso and scene nodes!
  4. Hi Everyone, I'm Evan, a Graphic Designer from the Canadian Prairies. I've been teaching myself After Effects for the last few years and finally got a job with an opportunity to learn 3D. I want to learn more about mograph and general animation, however my job requires an even split of stylized animation and photo realistic renders. Unfortunately my 1080ti died last month so I've been focusing on sketch and toon recently! Xpresso almost makes sense to me. Will be seeking help on how to improve that particular skillset Other than that I love video games (specifically handhelds), mechanical keyboards and strong coffee!
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