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Chester Featherbottom

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  1. Thanks for the lead @jbatista! It looks like a good, fairly straightforward solution to facial/body capture. It seems there are several promising solutions for facial/body capture these days, but my tracking needs are more mechanical than human.
  2. I'm looking for some current solutions to record positional data in C4D (in realtime) from external hardware. I was fooling around with this back in 2017 and managed to get decent results with the original Vive controller, using fOSC as a bridge. fOSC no longer works in 2023 (which I'm hoping is just some basic Python 2.x->3.x refactoring), but before I started down this old crude path, I was curious if anyone was aware of any better solutions that may have popped up in the last 6 years. A crude search showed griptools.io, which would be even more helpful, but it seems that it has been abandoned. Any leads would be appreciated, thanks.
  3. CA typically stands for Character Animation... unless you have old Curious Animal plugins that all used to begin with "CA".
  4. This is so painful to watch. It's like watching monkeys typing Shakespeare. In the time that it took him to "hope" it would work he could have just opened the SDK and read the documentation for tasks this trivial. Oh Jesus, kill me now.
  5. Rotating the Projection does work. Using a texture tag from another object is not a workaround, it's the exact workflow I described. I can seem to move both texture and cloner without issue. Shader_Projection.mp4
  6. You don't rotate the Shader Field... you rotate the PROJECTION of the texture the Shader Field is using. In order for that to work you'd need to be using a texture projection that can be rotated in 3D space such as a Flat Projection rather than a UV projection.
  7. That per-target is really cool, but I think you may have a bug there. I think it's grabbing the global matrix of the effector rather than the cloner, so if you move the cloner it breaks... if you move the effector it breaks.
  8. The image I posted only has 1 particle per polygon, but if you must have 1 particle per point... you can easy create a Color Vertex Map from a Shader Effector as mentioned above. Scenefile
  9. Any particular reason you need to create a vertex map at all? X-Particles can set color values for particles directly from the texture. Scenefile
  10. Not an editor, but I thought ProRes 4444 was only 12 bit, so something may be breaking. I use ProRes frequently at the end of the pipeline, but I would NEVER export ProRes from C4D. Stick with sequences (for so many good reasons), EXR for important things, JPGs for previews. Edit: Should have looked it up first, but it seems the image of 4444 is 12 bit and the alpha is 16 bit? Maybe that's why the 2 different movies? That seems... odd.
  11. Just exported an object with ngons from C4D to FBX. Imported it back into C4D and the nGons were still there.
  12. And python FTW! I've seen quite a few different python renaming scripts, but this one is by far the most thoughtful of what artists *actually* need. Nice find.
  13. Sequential_Rename.mp4 You are correct, the naming tool is not good (it would even be fair to say surprisingly poor). You can mostly get what you want with the above workflow... but even that will be starting at zero. Whomp, whomp. Best alternatives are Xpresso or Python.
  14. $N https://help.maxon.net/c4d/2023/en-us/Default.htm#html/TOOLCANAMING-MDATA_MAINGROUP.html?TocPath=Tools%20Menu%7CName%7C_____1
  15. Thank you. You were the person I was hoping would answer... particularly because you've built some of the more comlpex rigs that would require/benefit from them. 🙂
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