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Leo D

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Everything posted by Leo D

  1. Leo D

    C4D July release

    Does anyone know how this works and what is it good for?
  2. Thanks a lot @Havealot and @keppn!! I will take a closer look at the flock modifier. Looking forward to particle-particle collisions 🙂
  3. Hi guys, maybe someone can help me. I'm trying to create kind of particle pile. I found this video in the c4d help. That's pretty much exactly what I need. However, I can't manage to recreate it. When I run the simulation it seems to work somewhat as soon as I press pause the particles jump to another place. Caching hasn't helped yet either. Maybe someone has a clue? Many thanks in advance 2024-4_Particles_Modificators_Example_24.mp4 ParticlePile_01.c4d
  4. Thanks, people. and thanks @Mash. I was hoping for a pixel perfect solution but apparently that's just not possible wihout a lot of xpresso. Would be nice to have that as a feature natively in c4d. @HappyPolygon In my screenshot you can see what I want to do. I don't want to render multiple times.
  5. Does anyone know how I can render overscan in C4D? I would like to increase the canvas by 20% without changing the perspective and size of the objects to have a little more freedom in post-production. The aspect ratio should also be retained. We have the plugin FuV CanvasSize but unfortunately it doesn't seem to work in my case. Changing the aspect ratio seems to work. It does exactly the same as if I only change the output in the render settings. I also found this tutorial but the link is dead.
  6. Hi, for a personal project of mine I'm trying to simulate giant rubber balls rolling through the desert raising dust. The cloth simulation works well so far. To generate the dust I use vertexmaps as a mask for the pyro emitter. My first question is related to the vertex maps: I use a field setup with decay to limit the dust emission to the area of the ball that is or was in contact with the ground. The vertex map is on an object with a cached cloth simulation. It seems to me that changes to my vertex map setup (more or less decay) are not reflected in the pyro simulation until I cache the cloth simulation again. Is that right? Is there another way to cache only the vertex map? The Vertexmap seem to be very important for testing the pyrosimulation in my setup. If I have to bake the cloth simulation again after every change in my vertexmap setup, it makes my workflow much more cumbersome. How can I make the pyrosim look a little less like smoke and a little more like dust / sand. At the moment the dust is flying very far up. I think it would be better if it went down faster. So far I have tried to set Density Buoyancy to a positive value or played with the velocity settings in the Pyro Tag. Both had no effect. Does anyone have any idea why this might be? The simulation is very big, the balls are 60 meters high. Are there special things to consider in this case apart from a larger voxel size? In general, I'm a little lost when it comes to the approach to dust simulation. There are so many settings that affect the look. In my last attempt I turned off Vorticity, Turbulence and Noise to first find the right setting for my Vertex Map, Density Set / Add and Density Dissipation. But maybe someone has a tip on how to approach something like this best. Here is a link to the c4d file with cached clothsim: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/7yvfrwrs307u459/AAChD6Pb7fTM-ZIBIpY2Wytda?dl=0 Thank you in advance!!
  7. Hi @pfistar, I'm sorry if I caused confusion. Exactly, I meant the C4D Shader Note. As far as I know this is the only node that exists in the shader graph but not in the node material. I have never used C4D shaders (except C4D Noise) in Redshift. If the C4D shaders are important to your workflow, it's probably best to stay in the shader graph. FYI I saw on the redshift Trello site that there will be a tile and a brick shader soon. https://trello.com/b/QASr74yB/redshift
  8. As far as i Know the only thing that is missing in the Node Material is baking c4d Shader. I used it for my last project without any Problems.
  9. https://support.maxon.net/hc/en-us/articles/6558745208348--Cinema-4D-2023-1-0-November-9-2022 A new Pyro Tag as Part of the New Dynamics System. Sounds nice but i cant finde any demovideos…
  10. Thank you for your reply JSOFT!! Unfortunately I haven't had time to write to MAXON Support yet so your suggestion is very welcome. We'll try that! Thanks again!!
  11. Thanks a lot for your reply Srek!! I do believe that we set up the asset database correctly: we have several users on each workstation, one of whom is the Royal Render user. The database is loaded in all users see screenshot: Today I did some more tests with very surprising results: 1. Via Royal Render: All textures are missing 2. Command line via Powershell without the argument: Some textures are missing but not all. On closer inspection, I noticed that all textures that are loaded in Redshift via the texture node are there, but the textures that are loaded directly without a texture node (in the sprite shader and in the domelight) are missing. Very strange. 3. Commandline via Powershell with the argument "g_prefsPath=": All textures are there. After rendering, a warning comes up in Powershell: Warning: Unknown arguments: Cinema 4D R26_7DC20B77 So the "g_prefsPath=" argument seems to be the solution here. Many Thanks!! We can now try whether we can get Royal Render to take over this argument. But unfortunately i still can't wrap my head around this whole thing. How can it be that C4D Commandline finds some textures and not others without the argument? Are the preferences set up correctly? And if we now get Royal Render to use this argument, can we put a Preferences folder on our server so that we don't have to set up a separate path for each client? Unfortunately, I'm a normal C4D artist and not a network administrator or anything like that and I'm very grateful for any help!!
  12. Does anyone here happen to be using Asset Browser with Royal Render? We're trying to get this to work, so far without success. We have our own Asset Browser database that is on our server and is loaded on every workstation via the C4D Preferences. I created a test scene with different assets from this database. As long as I render in the Picture Viewer, all textures are found, but unfortunately not via Royal Render. I suspect this is because Royal Render uses the Comadline version of C4D and the database may not be loaded there. Anyone know how to load an Asset Browser Database for C4D Comadline? Or does anyone have another solution to this problem. I am very grateful for every hint!!
  13. Hi, I have a question regarding the new cloth simulation in C4D s26. My plan is to build several abstract objects with feather-like structures. The feathers should be animated later and they should collide with each other so that they don't intersect. In the giff you can see a very simplified example. The Mograph part is already working well but the simulation is still giving me a headache. The movement of the feathers should come from the morgraph setup and the feathers should behave dynamically but they should be fixed at the bottom and not just fly away. I've tried the whole thing with keyframes instead of Mograph and it does exactly what it's supposed to. There is an animated belt to which the feather object is attached. It doesn't seem possible to use the belt in a Mograph setup as it always requires a point selection. So my question is: How do I get the belt to work in Mograph and if not is there another way? Maybe with the new Connect Tag? Clothynamics_s26_01.c4d
  14. The ability to calculate in the Attribute Manager, e.g. x*2, x+1 etc. This is also great for adjusting keyframe traks. Timetrack - super powerful and incredibly hidden 🙂 Take Manager UI in general. For example, I find it super powerful how you can filter in the object manager or simply duplicate managers. E.g. it is very useful in complex scenes to have two Object Managers or one Attribute Manager just for the tools and one for everything else. I'm also starting to like the asset browser more and more. The whole preset system is very useful. I have my own database on my Dropbox with my presets and helper files. So I always have access to it at home and in the office. The new placement and scatter tools
  15. Hi Cerbera, many thanks for your response!! I'm afraid I misphrased my question. I want to keep the setup parametric. I would put the cloner in a null and then move it so that the null is right in the middle of the structure. I would like to control this offset via an xpresso setup. Unfortunately, I don't understand the mathematics behind the step rotation parameter. Basically, math is not my greatest talent 😕
  16. Please excuse the strange appearance of my question 😕
  17. Hi, I have a simple setup: cloner in linear mode and through the settings in the step rotation it becomes a round structure (I am playing with the golden angle). So far so good. But the axis of the cloner is not in the center of the structure now. I'm trying to find a way (through an expresso setup) to move the axis so that it always stays in the center of the structure no matter what values I set. But unfortunately that is beyond my horizon. Maybe someone can give me a hint? ClonerSteprotation.c4d
  18. I remember a post by Shrek on this forum. In it he explained that a new object manager and improved object handling will be the last step in the implementation of the new core. I'm still hoping for the big performance boost 🙂 As I understand it, there hasn't been any real improvement in object handling so far. But I have no insight into Maxon's work at all.
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