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Everything posted by Cesar

  1. Sorry for the double post, but I am so glad to show you the first test of a roundabout !
  2. Here is an update with the intersection test, when a spline comes to an other one : There is some work to do with the lines and the UV, note that the subdivision can be adjusted :
  3. Thanks, for sure, Kweso, if the Y position changes, I don't join the roads. Here is an update with the road material assignment (works line the decals with points selection), and a Y offset example : The melt road has been improved, I simply keep the bezier tangents of the target road to keep it straight :
  4. Here is the overlay feature and the first junction ; if a spline point is very close to an other one and its previous point is close enough to be a lane, the very close point will melt into the road (still some work to do with the bezier melting) : If we add a point selection to the spline and a material with its name as a restriction selection, the decal will be on the segment previous the selected spline point :
  5. Thanks, airport runway is indeed an excellent idea ! I am implementing overlay textures for horizontal sign and will post examples soon. Road and lines textures can be changed as well.
  6. Hello, I am currently interested in creating roads and intersections, and I am making a new plugin to manage that. I realized that there were a good number of possibilities for intersections, and I would like to make the most flexible plugin so that it could adapt to any situation Here is my progress and the current features, I post on a WIP because I think there will be lots of special cases that I haven't thought of and I would like to be able to manage them. First, the road are defined by splines : The plugin generate textured road polygons from the splines. It also add a line on both sides of the road : If two points of the splines are close enough, they will be magnetized : If two or more spline points are close enough, the splines are unite into one road of two lanes, the material of the line changes : If the direction of the splines are different, the material of the line changes (defined by the user) : We can add many lines in any directions : A twist in the spline affect the road path : We can disconnect and reconnect the lanes by moving the spline points : The line material will try to match as possible (still work to do here) : A preview oif the setup and wireframe in C4D : The road is a object with two UVW tags and some polygons selections to dissociate the lines : The next step will be the intersections. For the moment I develop it as a C4D plugin but I think it will also be an online tool with some exports options. I'm based on European roads for the moment, but I would like to look at signs from other countries to see the differences. Looking up for your comments and suggestions !
  7. Cesar

    Delaunator project

    The remeshed can't do the same (or maybe but I don't know how), it keep the polygons groups separated, while the goal here is to merge all groups into one coherent mesh with connected polygons : The idea of the MoGenerator is very intresting ! I think the main challenge is to apply the delaunay algorithm into 3d meshes. Splines is easy to implement because the delaunay only take 2D points and don't care about the original geometry (it's why it don't create intersections points between lines or edges, but it may be interesting wo have these intersections !). I don't think this is possible. Even in UE and City Skylines making procedural roads branching out requires a set of pretextured and UV mapped sections. For now I think I have good chances to manage them : By the way thanks for all your suggestions ! I didn't know that Curious Animal Effectors were no longer maintained. Maybe some of them can be done with the new C4D tools now ?
  8. Hello, I am implementing a 2D Delaunator library (this one : https://github.com/mapbox/delaunator) into a plugin. It works well and allow to mix with a nice topology multiple 2D meshes, even dirty ones : But, the main goal I would like to reach is to keep the UV ! It's a bit of a nightmare, because there is a lot of extrapolation and compromises to do, but here is my first results : There is still work to do with the material assignments and uv mix. I have for the moment one precise usecase for this tool (to create crossroads). Do you think it's something that can interest people, maybe in other uses ? Or with other features ?
  9. Cesar

    UV Projector

    Ah ! Indeed, it's because it select a poly of a ngon. I made a hotfix, can you try it ? https://code.vonc.fr/zip/vonc-suite.zip?v=1.5.1
  10. Cesar

    UV Projector

    Thank you ! Here is a new update of the UV Projector : the Adaptative Planar projection ! It projects like a plane, but the stretched UV are adjusted : I think it will be usefull for all planar mapping of photography what we want to emboss. Download : https://code.vonc.fr/projecteur-uv Video demo of the projection : https://code.vonc.fr/elements/6137306fc7aee/ressource_planaire_adaptatif_video.mp4 Example file : https://code.vonc.fr/elements/6137306fc7aee/ressource_planaire_adaptative_exemple.zip
  11. Cesar

    UV Projector

    Hello, Here is a new projection UV added to the plugin, the Radial projection allows to unwrap along an arc like this : Have fun with the UV ! πŸ˜‰ https://code.vonc.fr/projecteur-uv
  12. Thanks, Havealot πŸ™‚ I think it's a question of point of view, Happypolygon, if you consider you have only the black point with the controls points, without the green top point, you can split each side into a quadratic bezier curve like this : I think I will make other examples to show how to convert a B-Spline C4D spline to a Bezier with control points, the principle is quite the same, it's just different ways to edit the spline. In other software you can also edit the weight of the control points to have results like this, I will also make examples of how it works : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/BΓ©zier_curve#/media/File:Rational_Bezier_curve-conic_sections.svg
  13. Thanks, here is a new entry about splines, it modify the splines by ading all their 2D intersections : Search for "IntersectionSplines" https://code.vonc.fr/utils https://bitbucket.org/codevonc/voncutils/src/master/voncutils.py You can play with it in the test file : https://bitbucket.org/codevonc/voncutils/src/master/Tests unitaires.c4d
  14. Thanks, I am glad it helps ! In fact I made it first for plugins devlopper, I am not very familiar with the Node Editor, I just discover there is indeed a lot of very usefull nodes ! (I don't think I have enough skill on C++ for Maxon. Also I work actually as web devlopper in the real estate with WebGL and it's pretty fun) Indeed, here is the repository of the project, I will love to see contributions πŸ˜„ https://bitbucket.org/codevonc/voncutils About the licences, I don't put restrictions, I let it free to use/modify as you wish, I guess it's GPL ?
  15. Hello, I am sharing my personal utility class that contains a lot of functions that help to compute some geometrical data on meshes, selections, mesh editing, splines, normals, polygons and more : https://code.vonc.fr/utils It's still in construction, there is more to come, the descriptions are not yet translated in english, there is not yet images for all, it's not all in Python 3 yet too, but I am working on it. πŸ™‚ I am also making a C4D file that contains all theses functions, like a bit unit test file where you can play with each function. I am searching a way to make a better presentation of it because it make a quite huge page actually, I'd like to have your opinion on it. Here is also a specific chapter on bezier curves in a more tutorial way to understand them : https://code.vonc.fr/courbe-de-bezier And if you are interested, there is more stuff on my website, not necessary C4D but still 3D oriented. I think will post here when I will translate some bach of them, with images. I hope this stuff can help some !
  16. Can it be done with MoGraph and an animated seed of Random clones ? If you make one Cloner for hats, one for glasses and one for beard.
  17. Cesar

    UV Projector

    Thanks, I hope it will give a new way to unwrap the UV ! πŸ™‚
  18. Cesar

    UV Projector

    Hello, The UV projections occupied my mind for quite a while, I made some tools to unwrap them, to make the edition easily, add features to BP UV Edit... But the problem was still the same, the UV edition is still boring to do and quite often we prefere to use the common automatic projections when it's possible. I was wondering, could we simply make other kind of projections to fit more shapes ? So I came up with a new plugin, the UV Projector ! It works like a deformer object and only edit the UVW property, it have some interesting new UV projections with the advantage to not have to make the object editable ! Here is some new projections : Rhombicuboctahedral : It's like a cubic projection with the 45Β° edges. Cylinder with deformations : Like the classic cylinder, with deformations to adjust the shapes. Half-cylinder : Some times you want to have only one side round and the other side plane. Y shape : It's maybe still a bit wobbly to setup but it gives a nice start. The last is I think the most interesting, it's a plane shape with editing points : Simply uset he point mode to move the surfaces points and adjust them to your object, you can literraly wrap it around your object ! All the features and download here : https://code.vonc.fr/projecteur-uv The free version is limited to 1000 polygons count with all the features so you can still enjoy it. The plugin is a part of the Vonc Suite that contains others tools. If you have other projections shapes ideas don't hesitate !
  19. Thanks all ! Wow, thanks very much, Igor, I send you a PM πŸ˜„
  20. Thanks ! Yes, I made some plugins for C4D that you can find on my website πŸ™‚ https://code.vonc.fr IRL I am backend web devlopper (PHP & Symfony) but I make some Python plugins on my free time. I also make some WebGL stuff you can see here : https://4d.vonc.fr/ I see that there is a group for devlopper yes, I would love to share my works πŸ™‚
  21. Hello, I am devlopper, I live in Paris, I use C4D from a long time and I hope find here a nice place to share and talk. πŸ™‚
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