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TristanV last won the day on June 19 2022

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    De Meza

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    AMd Radeon Pro 5700 XT

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Community Answers

  1. Thanks Havealot! It worked though it is still a little buggy. Some work some don't and still float around but not big deal!
  2. Hi, we have a scene with a six pack of beer bottles. As you see in the screenshot they are all facing the same directions which is not realistic. We want inside the six pack bottles that each face to another direction (on the y axis). But no matter what we tried they spread around in the scene. Random effectors, position unclicked, different falloffs but nothing... Attached the cloner settings as well... Any ideas? Thanks
  3. Hello everyone, I'm currently working on adding thickness to an object, and I've tried several methods, including "thicken," "cloth surface," and even "explosion FX." However, I'm encountering an issue where my chosen material is applied to both the front and back of the object when I add the generator. I would greatly appreciate it if someone could provide some assistance with this problem! Thanks Tristan
  4. Hi, currently working on S26 and Redshift. Wanted to make a test rendering but the output is a small section of a shelf (the whole scene is a supermarket). Any Ideas? I made a new camera but nothing changed. Thanks Tristan
  5. Hi, I have a stone in a scene and I need for post production in After Effects and Photoshop the alpha channel of it. To make it short. IT DOES NOT WORK. Would be great if someone knows what the problem is. I attach the c4d file. I simply want a separate alpha channel (black and white) for the stone. Best Tristan Cinema 4d S26, Redshift shimming-precious.c4d
  6. Hi, for whatever reason I cannot extrude an object anymore. m-t is greyed out when in model mode (polygons, edges and point are working). Any ideas?
  7. Found! You may modify under Brush Selection.
  8. Hi everybody, how to I get rid of this white circle around the cursor? Or were in general do I modify it? In former versions with shift-v you had the point handle size to modify but this is gone. Working in S26 or 2023. Thanks!
  9. Thanks for the comments, I learnt a lot!
  10. Hi, I have done lately some tests with photogrammetry. The result is OK, but the number of polygons is insane, So the new remesh tool in S26 comes in very handy and did a fantastic job, But still there are some bumps in the mesh. Any idea how to smooth them? I tried the new smooth edges and flatten but did not really work. I have attached two screenshots and the C4D file. Thanks Christian remesh-test.c4d
  11. Thanks for your comments! I did the whole scenery again from scratch, applied remeshes on the objects with insane number of polygons and it seems to work now.
  12. Hi, I am modelling supermarket shelves, rendering worked like a charm, but all of a sudden C4D crashes with out of memory warning. See the attached screenshot, there is memory available (I know the bucket size is small but same result if higher). Any ideas? Thanks Tristan
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