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Everything posted by oddworldslig

  1. Hello. - I'm working on a job with a small robot flying around. - There is a Vibrate tag on the whole animation, which you can check in the project file below or see in screenshots. - I need to bake the whole lot into hard keyframes, including the vibrations caused by the vibrate tag. - Image: https://ibb.co/qWS229M - I've googled it, and tried [Show Tracks > Functions > Bake Objects > (All Parameters)], but I end up with ...chaos. - The Results: https://ibb.co/t4pT5mk - Project File: https://www.dropbox.com/s/gke07i1o15aozo1/Help.zip?dl=0 - I've tried all the combos in the Bake Objects and the result is always chaos. - Is there any trick here to get this working? It's important that I can bake this down because it will facilitate the next steps. The Project File is above; seeking help and can pay because it'd make my life much easier. TLDR: Vibrate tag wont bake. Please help.
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