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Digital Dave

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Everything posted by Digital Dave

  1. Hey guys, so I'm testing out some pyro rendering in Redshift and am getting a weird issue where looking through the VDB produces a weird effect on the missile (which is behind the smoke). Anyone able to give me any pointers on how I'd be able to fix this or work arounds? Thanks 🙂
  2. Ah yes thanks Keppn, have copied your motion blur steps and it's super smooth now! only issue is the drone itself moves in frame so the overall motion blur is a bit much. But I will try rendering them separately or disabling motion blur on the drone chassis instead!
  3. Hey guys, I'm trying to render a drone with Redshift and have motion blur on the animated blades. Problem I'm running into is Redshift only has 31 max steps, which aren't enough to properly smooth out the blades because of how fast they're going. I've linked an example image below Just wondering how I should approach rendering helicopter/drone blades and if there's any way to smooth out the blur. Thanks everyone!
  4. Hey there guys, I'm having an issue with the Mixamo Control De-Binding and breaking. So I set up a mixamo control rig, everything working fine. Then I'm either saving the project or switching between projects. When I switch back to my project the mixamo control rig no longer deforms the mesh almost as if it has "de-binded". It's like the whole rig is broken and none of the joints or controllers affect the mesh. Very Frustrating. Here's a video of the issue I've recorded: mixamo control rig issue.mp4 And I've attached the broken rig file here: https://drive.google.com/file/d/18TpUYne7W3EEC7Gzczke7IcrkB1a6P6q/view?usp=sharing I posted this to maxon support and this is the reply I got: Unfortunately, this problem has been confirmed as a bug our developer will have to find a fix for. I hope this can be fixed soon. The possible workarounds I can offer (some help in some cases, but unfortunately I cannot offer an overall solution): immediately save the project after transferring the weights and do not try any other action before saving assure to have the english language installed and used try an older version of Cinema 4D: https://www.maxon.net/en/downloads I'm sorry for this inconvenience and hope this information helps. Really hoping they can fix this soon, it's an issue I've encountered for the past few years so they really need to step up their game and get this resolved as it really affects my workflow. If anyone has any tips in the meantime would really appreciate it 🙂 Cheers
  5. Hey guys, I'm trying to make inflatable balloony objects and want to be able to use guide splines that that I've created in C4D. Aiming for this sort of result, but with splines driving the creases instead of manually masking. For reference, here's the base shape: Then here are the guide splines that exactly follow the mesh: Result using a volume builder with splines set to "Subtract" in C4D but topology is a mess: Wondering what the best workflow for this would be? Thanks for the help!
  6. Idea is to pipe an image into 4 separate channels then be able to modify the rotation of each further along the node graph:
  7. Hey guys Arnold has a UV transform node which allows you to play with scaling, rotating etc while keeping an existing uv tag. Wondering if Redshift has a similar node? Cheers, Dave
  8. Hey Guys, Wondering how I'd make a CMYK print shader in Redshift? pretty much exactly what Chad does in this tutorial. Just having trouble with: 1. Driving the 2nd knob of a circular ramp with a change range node 2. maniuplating the UV coords of the texture further down the node graph. "uv transform" node doesn't seem to have an option to keep existing uvs. Making a CMYK 4-Color Shader in Arnold for Cinema 4D (greyscalegorilla.com) Cheers! -Dave
  9. Hey I'm running into the same issue, how does one reset the preferences folder? Thanks!
  10. honestly it makes working with the mixamo control rig unbearable at times, this has been a recurring issue for a few years now. How do we get maxon to address it and implement a fix?
  11. This is an issue that I constantly run into. I can't pinpoint the exact problem that causes the rig to break, but when you "transfer weights" using the character object (mixamo control rig) and then make adjustments it seems to unbind randomly. I've also found that pressing CTRL+Z to undo can also cause it to unbind.
  12. Is it worth buying Nitro Solo if I'm already using C4D's built in Soloing tools?
  13. I've just noticed your cables are bent, have you run into any issues regarding melted or overheated connectors? I'm kinda questioning whether to buy a 4090 now, or wait til NVIDIA gets their act together as the reports of melted cables are increasing in number.
  14. Appreciate the response Fritz, Yes definitely hoping for a cache remapping system as soon as possible, would love get it all in render if possible. If I used the legacy cloth solver would I be able to remap?
  15. Hello everyone, I've got a problem which is causing me quite a bit of grief. I'm in C4D 2023 and have got a cloth simulation of a bag that rips open, however I now need to speed ramp the cloth sim for a client animation. I've tried doing this 2 ways but none of them work because of the tearing changing the point order/count: 1. Baking to alembic and time interpolating - doesn't work, when I bake out the animation the alembic is red (meaning points aren't consistent), thus time interpolation is greyed out and leads to really choppy and unusable playback when slowed down. 2. Baking to PLA (trying to use time track with keyframes) - I'm totally unable to bake the object with the cloth sim to PLA , after it finishes "baking" nothing happens. I'd assume this is again because of the tearing changing all the points, because when I disable tearing the exact same object bakes perfectly fine. So yeah does anyone have any pointers on how to speed ramp a cloth sim that has tearing? Absolutely stumped over this one. Cheers! Dave
  16. Awesome stuff! I'm looking at upgrading to a 4090 coming from a 3060ti, going off your experience I can't wait for the insane performance gains
  17. We definitely need more 2023 clothing tutorials using the cloth system! I've seen some awesome demos but would love to see the whole process
    thanks for this, super helpful for my modular building approach!
  18. Thanks for the reply, yes I think reducing texture size should definitely help the cause. I ended up cutting quite a bit of render time by turning down the trace depths, especially for reflections. Optimizing a scene is so crucial, yet ironically the time I spent trying to get my render times down I could have just spent rendering the dang thing 🙂 I think having bokeh enabled on my camera is also increasing the render times quite a bit, it just looks so much better than trying to add DOF in post.
  19. Hi guys, I'm currently working on a fallout animation and am looking for advice regarding how I can optimise my render times, before I proceed any further. I know this is a very broad topic but any advice would be appreciated 🙂 I have about 10 area lights scattered throughout the scene (quite excessive but I'm super picky about my lighting), and a hdri + redshift sun for the main lightsource through the windows. Below is my scene rendered with a few variations, mainly trying to highlight the variables that affect the render times. I'm using the same render settings and resolution for each frame. I know they're not fine-tuned by any means, haven't gone into each individual light or material to adjust the samples, more just a draft to get a semi-clean result. Obviously the goal is to optimise further after getting the overall render times down! All lights enabled, render time 09:11 minutes at a 2580x1080 resolution. Hiding fridge, character and robot. (most poly dense). Render time 07:27 - stumped how that shaved almost 2 minutes! Area lights disabled, only HDRI+Redshift Sun. render time 04:41. Just wanted to see how much impact those extra area lights made. Maybe I can change some of those area lights to be point/spot as I've heard they're less demanding. Material override enabled, all lights enabled. 01:23 render time. Crazy how much faster it renders without needing to calculate complex materials Here's a screenshot of my viewport with wireframe enabled: Some extra info: I'm using 4k maps exported from substance painter for several assets, I'm wondering if I swapped these out for 2k or 1k maps (depending on the shot), how much render time would I save? The poly count doesn't seem too dense overall, although I could reduce some objects like the robot and fridge door etc. Just want to know if it'll be worth it? Here's a screenshot of my RS feedback display, I'm wondering if it's worth down-resing textures and reducing polys to fit it into VRAM? I'd love to hear your feedback and what you'd do differently, please let me know if I'm missing anything or if I need to give more info, thanks in advance! Cheers, Dave
  20. No idea how it works but this is what I was able to do in Blender: Simple shape key (pose morph equiv) Then I absolutely destroyed the mesh, removing vertices and faces, and adding multiple edge loops, knife cuts and extrusions And the morph still works!
  21. Probably niche, but being able to modify topology and retain pose morphs similar to blender!
  22. Yeah I've tried uploading the character to mixamo but I'd like to retain character creator's skeleton/binding, as the weights are flawless and mixamo produces a sub-par result. Thanks for the reply!
  23. Hey everyone, I'm been struggling for days trying to figure out how to re-target a mixamo animation to a character exported from character creator, as the skeletons are wildly different. This would also be relevant for characters rigged using Realusion's Accurig. Here's a video walkthrough of the issue: My suspicions are that it might be a problem with joint alignment? Although I've tried rotating the axis of the Character Creator joints to match mixamo, to no avail. The project file is attached below, along with my character definition preset. Any help would be much appreciated 🙂 Retargeting.zip
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