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Sikorsky last won the day on February 5

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  1. Sikorsky

    Help with looping

    That is some really geeky stuff you guys do 🙂
  2. Love the channel, best stuff for C4D
  3. Looks like good release, congratualtions to Maxon Can you please elaborate? I cant find that on full release list
  4. Thanks a lot, this will work Who would have guessed this is troublesome - thanks to everyone that chipped in
  5. Hello all I'm having trouble making the most simplest thing with collision deformer. In the scene i want the sphere to collide with inside of the cube but it is not working at all. can someone enlightne me please? thanks collision deformer.c4d
  6. blender is free for a reason. there is no support, they can break compatibility, drop a feature, not document stuff, translate or resolve major bug, basically they can do as they like, there is zero safety there to lean onto if you are a professional. whenever you see fast development, rest assured that is rushed, poorly tested and code is likely not refactored and optimized. Last time I tried it I failed to miss what the hype is, it was terrible. from my pov on C4D, Maya and Houdini are complete 3D packages. hate AD for what they did to xsi so no Maya, Houdini is too techy td tool with long turnaorund times, and C4D snapped right away
  7. everyone forgive me but this give me a chuckle : ) They left to make better lightwave and ended up doing same mistake. it is also true that people are hyping up blender a lot, same as Brad hyped up Modo, wonder how that will end
  8. Hello I would need recommendation for particle training set if one exists? All that I found online is tutorial here and there but nothing structured. scenes in content browser are great but there is no learning options out there? thanks
  9. Thank you very much, reloading works, hope it ifixed soon
  10. hello all If I am not mistaken there is a bug with selections in particles? in this scene i get no particles at all
  11. I managed to get it to work, thank you sir! You work in Maxon, are you dev for nodes? Please keep it on with tips, because documentaiton does not mention importing into node at all, great stuff there
  12. If possible, I would love to see how I can color one object based on color closest to it on another object. Say you have a strip of led lights and you want to assign the color of current led light to which your object is closest to
  13. Sikorsky

    Mash 2024 work

    Very nice!!- I love Corsair products, have few things from them in my rig. It is really odd how many members here work at awesome companies yet this info is mostly unknown. For example, I found out only recently that one moderator works at Maxon and one other member works at SETI.
  14. Exactly what we needed, everyone else has this - thank you!
  15. awesome, it works brilliantly, thanks so much!
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