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Everything posted by laurenth

  1. There are some new large bugs recently introduced in Redshift, I reported that Maxon noise can't be applied to any other projection than UV, moving / rotating / scaling textures isn't updated unless forced manually . . . Production ready software. . .
  2. To add to what Vilandra said , If you have a Normal tag and the object's polys were modified, it will create artifacts, in that case delete the tag.
  3. Use the Displacer object instead. Be prepared to use high subdivisions, I sometimes have to subdivide a subdivision object. Original mesh quality is paramount.
  4. It might not be practical for your set up but I used a workaround: I duplicated the cube, made it transparent tinted the color you want for shadow, used an redshift object to turn everything off but shadows, and used the opposite selection on the visible cube.
  5. Hi Monstrphil, A quick get around fix might work if you add a "Main" AOV, It could retain the original look that the Beauty isn't.
  6. Hard to tell, weird thing happens with your file: the ceiling object even stripped of all shader was still emitting light . . . Your sampling threshold at 0.001 multiplies the render times X3 better to bring it back to 0.01 and increase other samples. I brought the file elements in a new file, re did some of the lighting, and went from 3mns with your original file to 20 seconds that's X10 faster. Your choice of privileging lighting from emission makes the image noisier than necessary, to clean it up brut force rays have to come up and slow down the render or you could use traditional lights. The file here ORIGINAL 3mn (2080TI) MY VERSION 20s
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