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Everything posted by HappyPolygon

  1. Quickly design buildings and surroundings in Cinema 4d. Facades, elements and textures can be easily replaced or created by yourself. Cinema4D Building Generator comes with C4D Standard Render and Octane shaders, but shaders for all render engines can be used. https://florenoir.gumroad.com/l/ltklct Building Generator is one of three plugins dedicated to urban design developed by Florian Renner.
  2. I had the weird idea of assigning a cloner as a field to alter its' own clones scale based on their proximity... But I'm having difficulties. I don't even know how to do this using XPresso and to spheres to make my point clear... Using natural language I would program it like this: init_radius1 = sph1.radius init_radius2 = sph2.radius distance = DistanceBetweenTwoSpheres(sp1, sph2) # I presume the distance between the intersecting spheres is given by the formula 2*blue - red = green if distance <= (init_radius1+init_radius2){ sph1.radius = sph1.radius - (-distance+(init_radius1+init_radius2))/2 sph2.radius = sph2.radius - (-distance+(init_radius1+init_radius2))/2 } # I'm not sure if the following is nesessary, I'm just making sure the spheres do not remain smaller when they gain distance again... if distance > (init_radius1+init_radius2) && ((sph1.radius != init_radius1) && (sph2.radius != init_radius2)){ sph1.radius = init_radius1 sph2.radius = init_radius2 } I don't use the PushApart Effector because it assigns a constant radius to all clones. I tried to make the Cloner a Field to drive the scale of itself but it turns out it doesn't have any effect... My last idea was to (finally) make use of the Inheritance Effector. I've never used it before to be honest... I know it is used to change PSR of clones belonging to a cloner to match those of an other cloner, and I assumed that I could drive the position of the "ghost"/field clones to match the original cloner, with the difference that the field cloner will have slightly bigger radii on its clones in an attempt to find out if I get any visual difference ... Still nothing. The original cloner did not drive the position of the field cloner... Any ideas ? (if none of the above made any sense : If a cloned sphere touches another they both shrink as they approach each other's center of origin)
  3. From the album: Personal Projects & Experiments

    Experimenting on softbody dynamics
  4. In his previous post has mentioned he doesn't desire any deformation on the letter faces so I proposed the MoText. It's impossible to deform the text like this even if you used fields to partially deform them. I'm not sure if rigid letter-face is still in the restriction list or there was a change in plans.
  5. Thank you Fritz for the clarification. I guess this is called an Object Layer and these Reference Lists ? Glad it's not a bug but given that, I, as a user, am forced on remaking a Field Layer setup manually since coping and pasting the Field objects won't also copy the Field Layer Effects. What I was trying to do when found out about this was to copy and paste the Radial Field and all its children and just change the direction. My hierarchy is simple but in other cases might be more elaborate adding to the frustration. Is there a command I can use to hard-copy that layer hierarchy ? If not it's going to be #82 in my suggestion list for C4D 2024 🙃
  6. Under the Field Force Field Reference list (possibly in any Field Reference), when I choose to duplicate a Field from the list (right click -> Duplicate), I've noticed that it gets duplicated only in the list and not in the Object Manager. I've also noticed that whatever change I make in the parameters of the one field it automatically alters the parameters of the second. Even repositioning one will reposition the other. If this isn't a bug, then what's the purpose of duplication if the copy is hard-linked to the original and the opposite ?
  7. Don't know if you ever solved this but I recently saw this video and reminded me your case.
  8. Is this what you've been trying to achieve ? screams.c4d
  9. Try using separate letters as clones using MoText with the Spline Effector and set the Deformer tab as Object. What you are trying to do doesn't seem to be relevant to a deformation but to a pose. Instead of using Bend deformers use splines to position the letters. In order to spin them on their rail use a Plain Effector with a Field. The same applies for the helix too. Spline Effector.
  10. PluginHUB Difficulty Level 2/10 (2 for the maintenance) Description: This is the ONE plugin to rule them all, One plugin to Find Them. One plugin to Bring Them All and In C4D Bind Them. It's quite an easy task. Many have tried to make forums, blogs and websites that list plugins... I think it's harder to maintain a site rather a simple plugin that does nothing except link to other plugins. The only maintenance the developer has to do is to update the status of the plugin list once per month or 6 months or what ever. Great for anyone who just wants to easily keep track of their plugins. Since Maxon isn't interested in hosting a central Hub for all independent developers this could be an easy solution for anyone interested in expanding their client audience. Parameters: The plugin presents an EXCEL-like list on a window, like the Structure Manager It could have an Auto-Update function or just have a link of itself for the user to find the latest update list.
  11. New round of guesses ! It looks like particles, it behaves like particles, but it's not particles. What is it ?
  12. When was his last appearance ? Could you share the link ? It's been long since I've seen him.
  13. This is the furthest i could work on it... Untitled 2.c4d I don't know why geometry over-inflates from certain regions (usually letter E). I even used a displacer but its effects always get overshadowed by the softbody tag. Maybe someone can work on it and correct it.
  14. Use the Sort Distribution Mode Make a Shader Effector Deselect any P/S/R presets under the Parameter tab Set the Modify Clone to 100% Add a simple gradient shader to the Shading tab
  15. Just a quick thought... Weight maps are responsible for the seams not the splines themselves. Could there be a way to paint the weight map on the letters (using a shader/texture maybe or by hand) and have them move freely without being concerned on how the spiles will follow along ? Correction: The Connector tag does not use any Weightmaps.
  16. How do I access it ? AAAAAAHHHH ... Now I found it .... It has been moved to a Bullet Tags menu ... By habit I automatically was looking for it at the bottom of the list ... That was a relief
  17. Has anyone seen Sandman ? I haven't seen any VFX breakdowns of their 1st episode intro but it immediately reminded me of those AI animations. I have the feeling it could still be made with traditional AE but it was so well made and hadn't seen anything like this before. I'm talking about the first few transitions before the craw enters the dream world. It could be some kind of datamosh effect or good-old morphing...
  18. You are right. I hadn't noticed because I used a default low-res sphere. It seems the new model although it solves a number of issues for soft bodies it completely forgets how to handle solids! Your solution for low-res proxies seems to me an overstretch. We used to put a simple dynamics tag on a sphere, put the sphere under a cloner and see the magic happen with tons of balls hitting the ground. Now it's all squishy ... Was it really necessary to scrap the simple rigid body solver ? Everybody is talking about softbodies and ropes but we completely lost the most basic and common collision type. And the icons are definitely not helping new users... The SoftBody icon looks exactly like a jellyfish... and why a collider should be represented with a hanger ? Increasing the simulation sub-steps though did the trick. I will certainly make a note of that. But I'm not sure what effect will that have on the refresh rate on more complex scenes. Right now this configuration seems to run smoothly on my pc
  19. AI is a whole new beast and hard to add to 3D DCC companies for the following reasons: Companies like to implement well-founded technologies, or they will have to invest in R&D which is a risk and costs time and money. Deep Dreaming has been around for a long time and gave the foundations (data bases) for text-to-image. The evolution to 3D needs more data and tricks and this is just the beginning. AI is based on training data. This means that the algorithm needs access to a huge dedicated data base on a specific problem in order to solve it. In the case of UV mapping that would require a big database of well-made 3D models and their respective UV maps. The data also require some normalization and classification this is a big headache for data analysts due to the quantity of the data. This is done during the build of the data base. Classification means that the data need to be described in terms of tags and normalization means they have to be conformed to certain restrictions like the resolution size of the UV maps, number of polygons or even color space. It's a whole new and different field of expertise for companies to look out for hiring. Not just programmers but also technicians. Training an AI requires some big guns in the hardware arsenal and the gun provider is only NVidia. The technician's job would be to setup a GPU cluster or farm with all appropriate necessities that requires (cooling regulations, security monitoring etc). The AI needs to be trained. This is also quite a task because the AI still needs some human guidance to make sure it spits out correct results.
  20. Is this a generic setup ? Can we substitute the tube with any other polygonal object ?
  21. No extra settings at all. If the ball is deforming in any way it means the soft body tab is enabled
  22. You use the Dresser mode of the Cloth tag on your sheet. The catch though is to have your sheet as an editable object and not parametric. After that you go to point mode, select all peripheral points (all those points on the boundaries of the sheet) and while on the attributes tab of the cloth tag press the Set option of the Fixed Points attribute, this will hold your cloth on position. Then make sure you have also a cloth tag on your falling object (no Balloon, no Soft Body or anything enabled) and just let the simulation run. My solution using a parametric object is the following: Use the Correction Deformer on your sheet Select the points using the deformer Make a selection of the points Enable the Mix Animation with Pins under the Mix Animation of the Cloth Tag Use the selection tag on the Map attribute and lower a bit the influence.
  23. I've noticed that McGavran is breaking the NDA dogma and it seems that MAXON has finally recognized the benefits of creating hype by showing features under development. I think they were strict about those information leaks in fear that some competitor might catch up with them and release earlier.
  24. I hope they've put some Field integration with the particles... That will be a more competitive mechanic in the market. I see a new Pyro object with a material tag and a new Pyro tag. I guess the Pyro object is the equivalent of the old Pyrocluster Volume Tracer. The good thing is that I have no idea what exactly is going on in that scene. This is exactly how a good teaser should work. We know the attractor repels particles from the torus surface but what drives the turbulence ? Why does that ring of air pocket at the perimeter of the torus form ? Is the variation in color driven by vertex maps or is it hard-coded ?
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