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Everything posted by HappyPolygon

  1. That's someone else's problem. Maybe Disney just chooses to look the other way or they just haven't found out yet. I'm just advising 3D-Pangel to not spend money on things like these... not because he might get in trouble but because there are free options.
  2. buy ? this is Disney property. You should only find it for free. https://www.gambody.com/blog/50-cool-star-wars-models-with-stl-files-to-3d-print/ https://sketchfab.com/3d-models/millennium-falcon-2c0783d083e44b959c691682b4cb1f16
  3. For me they have delivered. They haven't delivered the way I want but they have. I can't use the editor much due to lack of proper documentation but I use Capsules all the time. As for the Node ecosystem I constantly bombard them with node suggestions (even XPresso). Whatever is missing from generators like Tracers, Cloners or whatever and I don't see any hope adding it to them I suggest a node equivalent or node component that can help make the effect. This way it's easy for them to know better the limitations of SceneNodes and whether it is more convenient to develop as a capsule or as a feature (examples: Thickener, Symmetry...)
  4. I want a boost in Spine manipulation features Interactive non-destructive individual point chamfer. Spline Outline Generator (SDF paradigm). Plexus mode in Tracer Outline Caps for open Splines Edge to Spline Capsule (there's a node but no Capsule) Manipulate Spline Graphs from XPresso Point Reduction Capsule Cage Deformer supports splines. Close Spline, Type and Intermediate Points for MoSpline Connect's Weld Points supports splines Spline Graph Editor enhancements like interactive panning and zooming, graph cycling, Distribute Nodes and Duplicate Nodes Other Point Cloud export from Pyro, Volume Builder and Voronoi Fracture. Use of the Pyro under the Volume Builder. Volume Stylization (AI) Centerline Generation from the Vector Import Keep polygons when extruding edges Camera/Light Field From all of the above of course we will see nothing except this: Spline Dynamics - Hard Structures.
  5. To be honest the best solution is to use the appropriate software for the job. Namely Vue and Gaea . Both (I think) has a GIS support for importing real geographical data. If you are a landscape modeler these programs (including World Machine and foliage plugins like XFrog, Forester etc) are a must. After you're done with the terrain geometry and texturing grab your paint brush and put some happy trees here and there ... The closest thing to the ecosystem brush in C4D is the Scatter Pen. But C4D doesn't handle well too much geometry, Vue on the other hand creates billboards for foliage and proxy geometry for procedural terrains all inside C4D. Rendering with vue is quite fast even with all the foliage except for volumetric skies in which case you'll need to start packing for vacation once you press the render button.
  6. Alright, get ready ! ... for disappointment These are my findings: Long story short, you can't have it all procedural... up to a point. And its the Mesher's fault. It doesn't act as the Surface Subdivision retaining materials. Probably a feature and not a bug but let me tag @Cerbera just in case. So, let's begin. Prerequisites: Edge to Spline, humble contribution from NoseMan. Scene Nodes have a nice Edge to Spline Node but it's not a capsule so it's useless. We begin with a simple Voronoi Fracture on a Plane. Always drop the subdivision to 0. Next use the handy Edge to Spline and link the Voronoi to it Create a Cone and make it child of the Cloner. I use the Geometry Axis Capsule all the time to move the pivot around. Cones are trees and the center of mass needs to be at the bottom center. Now sign the Edge to Spline to the Cloner and a Random Effector with Absolute Scale. The fields are flat. Add a Displacer Deformer with a high scale noise to the Voronoi to add hills. Make sure use set the Projection Space to World Wonderful. Let's add color ! Use a Multishader and set it to Index Ratio Assign the Material to the Voronoi. Isn't this nice ! From now on everything goes downhill. Prepare for total destruction. To make the hills more round I use the Remesh in Polygon Count Make sure the Displacer Deformer acts on Remesh and Edge to Spline and enable Override Type and add extra subdivisions. Where did the colors go ? No one knows except Noseman. Now, you wanted to color with Fields. Let's try that ! Make two Color Vertex tags on that Remesh. Enable Fields and add the one to the other as a Variable Tag. Rename that to Smooth. We will use it to smooth the effects. Create a Material and add a Vertex Shader Effect and add the Smooth Vertex tag to it. Now on the other Color Tag I used the following for experimentation: Voronoi Field gives this : Edge to Spline gives this: and the Shader Field with Voronoi Cells and a Colorizer gives this which renders for no reason to this But it's OK because Cerbera doesn't sleep and he might take some time to report it... So there is no way to allign the field generated Voronoi with the how the Fracture creates borders. So we left the fields out and go back to the point where we left the Voronoi. Don't make a Remesh and make a Subdivision Surface instead and set it to OpenSubdiv. Addes some stripes to show how shitty the SubDiv is So there you have it. Procedural fields as far as the eye can see... fields.c4d
  7. I just had other hopes for C4D. I expected to be the exception. To make the pioneering step to convert all available tools to nodes. In other words don't make a system to simulate what others also can do but rebuild the way things already work in C4D. Take for example Vue and Gaea. Gaea can generate a terrain as Vue can but the nature of the node system allows to apply the effects non-destructively. But what makes Gaea superior to Terrain Generation from Vue is not really the node system itself but the unique tools that are not available in Vue. So (I imagine so) in their plan they didn't decide to make a node UI with all the necessary basic nodes for users to have the power to generate all the amazing stuff that the system can potentially offer (because the nodes systems are essentially snippets of code) but they incorporated unique generative tools in the form of a node (for example water erosion with flow map generation). This is the equivalent of dropping a C4D Generator in the SceneNodes UI. So far so good because this is already how the Node Editor already can be used. BUT... their node form hasn't been reworked to accommodate for the advantages a node System could (emphasis on that) provide. So instead of expanding/reworking/regrouping the node counterparts with their parameters Maxon decided to add more nodes to the pool. This is not different from any other Node System except the aforementioned Gaia which I never read or watched a tutorial on how to use and I was amazed how quickly and simple it was for me do things that I just thought on that moment. That's how intuitive their system is ! You just connect things and Terrain pops out ! In C4D (probably the same for Blender and Houdini) you need to know a lot before actually building anything. You need a plan and the know-how before having any meaningless output or any output at all. So what Gaia offers as powerful nodes, Maxon is up to offer since the past two releases with Capsules (which I love very much but blur the borders of the entity ecosystem in C4D and is purely a philosophical argument). Coincidentally when I suggested to Rick a node system, Maxon was already working on the Neutron project. And my suggestions, he said, were a very useful insight on what the project could adapt to, to make room for what I suggested. Well since then I'm always a step behind and there is no way to change the system but only to expand it as it it. So to cut the story short and to make sure I don't deviate the post from what it was suppose to discuss... or sound like I don't like scene nodes... No it's not. Not all node systems have be the same. Grasshopper for example is a nice twist compared to Geonodes of Houdini. What I was expecting (and I wish people communicated earlier) was this: A system similar to what old apps used to call Labs. Special interfaces (this time modernized with Nodes) to accommodate for modern CGI needs. For example: an interface for Tiling as an extension of MoGraph. an interface for modular generative/procedural modeling using prefabricated geometry (kit bashing) with high-level nodes based on space/object relations and a based on programming with restrictions. an interface for crowd simulations an interface for procedural landscapes an interface for evolutionary systems a C4D tailored Python-like programming language hiding and automatically taking care of data structure technicalities. Class and Attribute names are easy to remember as they are the same as the attribute names of the actual objects. Easy handling of objects in scene, easy creation, deletion and nesting of objects in the Object Manager. I think these are the areas C4D needs to expand to.
  8. I don't think this is possible without Scene Nodes or plugin. The closest to a variable length is this but it's not random and very slow tracerPath2.c4d I think Mesh-to-Spline can help you here https://rocketlasso.gumroad.com/l/mesh-to-spline-from-rocketlasso?layout=profile But I'm not 100% it will work on splines. You might need to contact Chris for that first and ask him.
  9. What kind of real-time demonstrations are they looking for ? I think for machines it's most appropriate to have that fake 360s which is basically pre-rendered PNGs around the object. It's about 12-36 camera shots that make it look like real-time 3D when you drag it around... far better than real 3D in my opinion. http://woosterwebdesign.com/experiments/360.html
  10. @HavealotThank you. I didn't know Scene Nodes could do that.
  11. OK I'm just stupid. I didn't know you could change the Output ports' data type ... That M though is weird... maybe a bug of the interpreter
  12. I'm having some hard time with simple things in C4D Python... I just want to make some simple string manipulation in XPresso but I found out that the Python Node will output only float values ! Is there a way to change that ? I aslo found out that if I type "M", it gets highlighted... is this some kind if reserved word ?
  13. Did you use the formula ? You say use had particles but SceneNodes don't support particles so I guess you had SceneNodes create the gradient ? How did ypu use the gradient to move particles ? Did you convert colors to direction like in the Material Normal Channel ?
  14. Tried to pass the Vertex Color Tag. Totally works. (this formula has different values)
  15. This isn't a question. This is the answer. Someone sometime long ago and recently in Rocket Lasso Live asked for a recreation of the famous Chladni patterns in C4D. I was randomly watching this video in Houdini and searched the term in Google. Surprisingly there is a formula that describes the pattern. https://physics.stackexchange.com/questions/90021/theory-behind-patterns-formed-on-chladni-plates Following some instructions from others and searching further I found this code in Mathematica https://math.stackexchange.com/questions/1225759/chladni-patterns This is actually useless in C4D as it contains too many variables. A bit more searching and found the original paper the YouTuber Junichiro Horikawa used. http://www.phys.nthu.edu.tw/~gplab/file/07 Standing Waves/chladni patterns (US).pdf Page 5 contains the more simplified formula. cos(nπx/L)·cos(mπy/L) - cos(mπx/L)·cos(nπy/L) = 0 Again too many variables, but L is for length and it's kinda arbitrary to type something specific for C4D to visualize so I let it be 1. With L=1 the division doesn't contribute anything so you can totally ommit L in the formula or let it be as a placeholder if you really need to change it later. π = pi in C4D n and m are - acording to the paper - integers between values 1 and 5 so just replace them with something between those. Formula generators in C4D can only get parametric equations and I don't like those. So I used Microbion's Plotter3D The plugin does not take the Y variable but the Z variable for height. So the final formula is (something like) this Cos(2*pi*(x/1))*Cos(3*pi*(z/1))-Cos(3*pi*(x/1))*Cos(2*pi*(z/1)) - just change the m and n variables to something between 1-5 So there you have it I believe it's totally possible to use XPresso to manipulate the formula string to control and have the m,n variables animate as floats between 1 - 5 Haven't tested it but if someone would like to use the output to control objects, the Plotter can generate a Vertex Map, so using Fields I think there is a chance to manipulate visibility and scale on cloners for a "sand" effect.
  16. Why don't we start from our own members ? I'd like to know more about devs like Fritz and Srek. They are not profecional artists but they probably do have interesting things to show... I know Srek does things with 3D printing... Oh yes, make Chris show up. It's hard to interview him while being live.
  17. Don't do it all as one simulation. bake the simulation of only one capsule and distribute it as instances
  18. keep adding hair from the Hair Generator Also the interpolation might help you
  19. AMD announced a CG competition https://amdaward.com/#brief Can't participate myself, good luck to anyone who can
  20. I'd use the Force Field for this. Set the scene gravity force to 0. Use a solid Field Layer for the Force Field with 0 strength. Just animate the strength after everything else has taken place, For the color change see this post
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