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Everything posted by HappyPolygon

  1. Reading comments about software attachment makes me think how important is a Psychology class in arts an design ...
  2. I lost so much hope for those I don't even consider them features anymore. It's like considering drop-down menus and a render button a feature...
  3. I think I've seen this post before... Could you describe what is the intended final result ? Sometimes trying to make our own solutions isn't going to solve a problem because we try to make mechanics work the way they are not built to. From my experience with C4D when an attempt to solve something in a certain way fails, it's better to see the problem from a different perspective. The following doesn't make any sense: There are Generators, Effectors, Modifiers, Deformers and Fields and this is their relations: Generators affect Generators. Generators produce new geometry from an old geometry, new splines from old splines, geometry from splines or splines from geometry. Effectors affect Cloner Generators and Modifiers. Modifiers and Deformers affect geometry and splines. Fields affect Effectors, Modifiers and Deformers. XPresso affects everything. From the above the following conclusions are made: Deformers and Modifiers can have the same effect on objects but Deformers cannot treat each clone in a different way, that the job for the Effectors and Modifiers. Same entity types cannot affect each other except Generators and XPresso. This means that a Deformer cannot deform a Deformer and an Effector cannot effect an Effector. But multiple Deformers, Modifiers and Deformers can affect a single generator or geometry. I opened your scene and everything looks fine. A time offset of one Effector will never affect an other Effector. I don't understand what you want to accomplish on your 3rd example because it is unrelated to the 2 before it. What is the purpose of the existence of the Plain Effector ? For all I can see, it only attributes color. In this context the Time Offset of this Effector has no visual application. If you want to make each compound cube to randomly disperse like in example B then make the Field go trough the array horizontally, not vertically.
  4. The only thing that is 100% certain is the Scene Nodes system and features improvement. All other already developed features will remain the same. For the past 5 years nothing old gets any significant upgrade. We get small upgrades on features introduced in the last release and that's it. So I'm just waiting for about 3 new features and some field-related involvement on some old generators like local subdivision using fields. If there is a small chance of getting an upgrade on an old tool I would expect some new fracturing algorithms for the VF.
  5. My expectations for getting a release packed with new features where high once things got more optimistic with the pandemic. Now with a WWIII forecast they are shattered again.
  6. Thank you, I though that the Capsule system worked only in a step-by-step top-to-bottom style, so in that context I thought that the last node always had to look for the right information from the node just above it and with that train of thought I was trying to avalanche every selections from previous nodes to the next one in order to feed it to the right node further down. If nodes can look further back things can get much easier.
  7. How can I do this using Scene Nodes ? I'd also like to know if it can be done in the Object Manager. It's an Inset and then Extrude. The right sphere is what I get using nodes. (I used the Newly Created node to isolate the center polygon but got the oposite... the Invert Selection didn't help either)
  8. Does the model have thickness ? Please show some topology pictures.
  9. It is possible to aply a variationn if you use the following setup that uses soft body dynamics The bad thing is that I'm unable to find this crutial constraint tag mode ! I can't think of an other way to produce this example image from the manual ! If someone could find fow to reproduce that without a cloth tag, it would be great. Now for your particular project you could use Hair. Under the Generate hair tab choose Type: Spline. And under Guides tab choose Root: Polygon Center. If you want to make a procedural appearence of those ribons you can still use single-polygon plains as clones and have them grow hair. I had to split the hierarchy to 2 'cause the app kept crushing ... strips r25.c4d
  10. WOW, Vue has come a long way and got very powerful. Thank you for sharing the technical aspects. When I use Vue (french) and C4D (german) I feel multicultural ... (I didn't know Bentley acquired Vue)
  11. You type a name for the selection and the Set Selection node creates a selection tag with that name, he then feeds that to the Bevel deformer
  12. Why is the anvil a lvl 5 and the microwave oven a lvl 1 ? To my experience any object can get a lvl 5 category if you try to replicate it as detailed as possible.
  13. Nope. There, did it. Wrong perspective. Much easier this way. procedural-random-gridpoints-v06.c4d
  14. Yeah .... It seems we've lost that information too when the Correction deformer came into play. Well, I suspected something to be off, when you break the rules you can't bring the pieces back together. That's the inconvenience the correction deformer provides... I tried the Random Selection node but nothing happened. Either I'm using it wrong or the Cloner (or anything with a selection field) does not recognize nodes. Probably it's the second. Unfortunately I can't think of any other solution to this so we have to wait for someone else to add his solution. 😞
  15. HappyPolygon

    Sparkly hat

    I've found a couple of procedural solutions but in order to have those constant-sized hexagons packed together uniformly it all boils down to the hat topology. The following solution provides a topology-driven distribution with uniform scaling but creates big gaps between clones. sobrero.c4d The following solution provides a better looking packing but squeezes the clones in order to preserve their arrangement. Surface Projection.c4d Your hat is more complicated than my attempts here. Maybe you could partition it to two and use different methods for each part. For example use the 1st method for the head cover and the 2nd for the sun-blocking part of it.
  16. Can be done BUT we are going to break some rules ! First of all you need to understand that the Connect object is not a "procedural make editable" object. Make Correction Deformer Group the deformer with the Connect object and whatever is under it. Move the selection tag from the Connect object to the deformer and back to the Connect object again. delete the deformer and null, voila I don't think you can make this fully procedural, if you alter the number of plains the cylinder distribution will break. You can make it look procedural if you follow the same instructions with the plane Cloner at it's maximum grid size and later shrink it. The point selection will still remember the selection even if the elements are not yet generated. That means that you can change the plane Cloner grid size up to the size the correction Deformer saved that state. procedural-random-gridpoints-v03.c4d
  17. I mean he is constantly in an unstable relationship with Maxon. OK the love/hate situation is not too fitting here. It seems like he want's to be close to Maxon but not too close... It's like he cannot make up his mind if he wants to be an independent developer or work for someone else. As I see the timeline of his career I feel sad that eventually he is giving away his intellectual property for others to manage and profit. I guess it's a character thing, like some artists that get too attached to their creations and don't want to sell them and others that are so productive that they sell everything without keeping copies. Anyway, I also feel sad to find out that he worked in Maxon and eventually left. We could be having a terrain editor in C4D if he didn't.
  18. Yes the geometry is calculated on render time. It's the same principle used in fractals. In fact the formula generated terrain is a fractal. I guess they also use an adaptive bailout/iterations system to balance the render time and detail between close-ups and zoom-outs. Vue was very unstable. It got better now.
  19. To make a hexagonal pattern use a Matrix with Hex grid as a point source in your VF I managed to select the perimeter using a node but that works only if VF generates one continuous geometry (no islands) I've managed to do it parametrical BUT it's not 100% functional because it needs an Expresso Tag that will have to connect the some elements from the two selections. It is possible to make a selection of elements on a VF object (MoGraph Selection). To select only the edges you use a field on the MoGraph selection, I used a simple rectangle spline. First I selected only the elements of what is inside the spline and set made only them visible with a Plain effector. Then I made a copy of my rig and set the Plain Effector to make visible only the elements outside the spline. To make it 100% parametric you need to make an Expresso Tag and control with a single variable both of the following elements present on both rigs : The Splines width and height should be coupled the Matrix objects dimensions should be coupled Both initial plane (the ones that are under the VF) dimensions should be coupled all the above should connect to two parameters (width - height) in a way to stay proportional (i.e. you need to have the spline dimensions slightly smaller than the plain's and the Matrix a bit larger like in the image) I would do this myself but I got a terrible headache. (file in R25) It might not be exactly what you want, I got a bit caried away in my own thoughts... You can't edit or select polygons on each component (fragment) individually unless you make them editable (will loose procedurality) but collectively you can add as many Deformers and Effectors you like on them. (currently we can't have a polygon selection tag on generators without messing everything up eventually (with the help of the correction deformer) I guess you could do it exactly as in Houdini using SceneNodes but right now I can't think in such level of abstractness) Have fun tiles.c4d
  20. I think it will soon start to loose ground again to GAEA and World Machine. As far as I know Vue still does not support erosion maps (to export) and still uses a sculpting environment with some elements of procedural terrain generation. The node and presets system GAEA and World Machine support, makes them superior to Vue as far as terrain generation is concerned. As for Plant Factory I think it's on the same level with SpeedTree.
  21. he seems to have a love/hate relation with Maxon, reading his bio he has been developing a lot of plugins. Some were sold to other companies, one was bought by Maxon itself, later he worked for Maxon but left to work solo again before selling Terraform to Insydium and working for them,... well the pattern of what he will do next is obvious.
  22. This doesn't seem right. TerraForm was an independent plugin bought by Insidium. They were supposed to take all developers from Terraform and put them with the rest of the team. How many developers did each team have before the merge?
  23. Is it just me or there is nothing new ? Except for the landscape effect tools like hydraulic erosion everything else is very familiar ! TfGrid = FFD TfPath = Spline Field ----------- want some river tool ? why don't you make a proper river tool with variable width and branching ? MtInset = Inset Node/MoExtrude with Step Effector MtRemesh = Remesh MtSplineSample = MoSpline MtPolyScale = PolyFX Effector MtShellGen = Solydify Node/Cloth Generator Looks like they are trying to implement features from R20+ to R18- users...
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