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Everything posted by HappyPolygon

  1. Is this for 2023 or 2024 ?
  2. Here's the update. Turns out you don't even need the PolyFX linked aspect ratio.c4d
  3. I thought that 5+ meant any value greater than 5... Karpik will see the email and think why is this mf asking and not just download and test it ...
  4. More like this bubble_test.c4d Cloth Tag has a Balloon tab. That's where the Pressure is.
  5. Just make everything a collider and the bubble a soft body with extra pressure.
  6. Cerbera probably used 2024 for the project which uses RS The wave can be deformed to look like that modulation.c4d
  7. I thought RS has recently got a toon shader .... not an outline maker but a constant lighting thing...
  8. Forget everything I said... We can combine the two solutions... You make 2 identical Dividers. One with the PolyFx and the Voronoi. Add a Connect. Just use check these under the Extrude The Plane Effector just scales them Uniformly As long as the two Dividers have the exact same values this should work. (you can connect their attributes with XPresso and what ever you alter on the first Divider will drive the second) I sent an email to the Divider creator asking him if the plugin is compatible with 2023 or 2024... if it is I'll buy it. 5 dollars isn't too much.
  9. If that doesn't work I think it's time to play the SceneNodes card But I didn't manage it to work because there's some bug with polygon selections running around that prevents me from using capsules as I want. The plan was to make the following PolyFX does its thing but this time you have two Dividers. One that is having the geometry changed and to make it look like small cubes by simple Inset and the other playing the primary role. The Delete would delete polygons around the Inset to make it look like a smaller polygon. Both are under a Voronoi to convert all individual islands to instances and the Inheritance will link the scale from one Voronoi instance to the other Voronoi instance... But I still have my doubts this will work because the plugin is in charge of changing the size of polygons not the Voronoi and not necessarily by scaling them... Maybe this can be solved with XPresso but I have no idea how to use those 4 nodes. Making clones scale to their assigned polygons' space is an old suggestion I sent MAXON. Blender has it, Houdini has it.... Even ZBrush has it.
  10. Man that trash bag has ruined you life ! Isn't the Tools -> Axis -> Center Axis work ? If you have it under other parents/generators try unparenting it and then change the position of the Axis.
  11. The features were few but the new opened use cases are a lot. They just kept focusing on presenting the features but not finding interesting ways to showcase them because they were going to spend too much time on constructing scenes or build XPresso rigs (for particles). I like the new deformer. It solves so many problems of the past.
  12. OK here's what you need to do. I don't guarantee this will work because your Plugin is not a native MoGraph generator. Reset all parameters of the Divider so the divisions match the original topology of the Plane. Make a set up as the following image Set both Voronois without source points Change one of the X/Y or Z position values in PolyFXs' Transform tab to 1. Any small value is enough to separate the polygons. (Mode Partial Polys) Set the Cloner to Object and put the Voronoi with the Divider in there. Set the distribution to Polygon Center. Set the Inheritance as an Effector of the Cloner and set the rest of attributes as shown here Now hopefully now when you change the Dividers' attributes the clones will follow those changes... I put a Random Effector on the Voronoi of the Plane to test it and all cubes scaled accordingly. I'm not sure if this will have the same effect on the Divider if it's not compatible with Effectors.
  13. Nothing is small potatoes when dealing with old code. This is the main reason for having so few updates for old features. It's easier to re-write a tool (not fast) or expand on it than revisit it to add things in it. Too many dependencies with other features.
  14. I think this was introduced in R23. I remember using it.
  15. Where ? Didn't see that in the listed features ? Is this a capsule thing in the Asset Manager ? How could this benefit VB ? You mean melting two textured meshes together and transferring their textures to the VB ?
  16. If my calculations are correct C4D will reach the functional capabilities of Houdini minus the fluid and granular simulations in September 2025.
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