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Everything posted by HappyPolygon

  1. This reminds me of an old Plugin working on R19 that was similart to Volume Builder but for Splines. This effect was very easy to achieve. I searched the internet all night and couldn't find it 😭 Found it
  2. Node Packing 😛 What is the second Circle Spline used for ?
  3. How to freeze C4D with one simple move: Severe the ...} - Selection connection C4D can't handle me
  4. I thought Named Weights were to be used as an input for the Vertex Map but you have it empty. Actually I thought that was the single most important port that made the whole thing work. What's its purpose then ?
  5. It seems I have found that Scene Nodes are very customizable... I'm not sure if this is good or not... Definity good for someone who already knows how things work but for anyone else everything is hidden... What is actually annoying is that most output ports are visible but most input ports are hidden! Maybe there should be an Easy/Hard mode in the View menu. Easy is having all possible ports exposed so users have an idea what is the most a node can handle. Hard with most essential ports exposed. Where is the color legend ? Still confused on what colors correspond to what data types and what it means if It's a hollow circle or 4 rectangles. What a Vector4D does, why there is no Vector3D, and what kind of data type is the damn Weights 'cause right now only String makes the Average node work....
  6. never mind found what makes that node change appearence ... So... since the file link is broken I tried to reconstruct it myself... Nothing worked of course, I didn't have high expectations of my copping ability... Maybe there is something about the port data type that is not visible in the screenshots... What I enjoyed the most was finding the most OCD satisfying layout looks like an electronics schematic !
  7. My Aggregate Average node doesn't look like yours ... Did you gave the name to some other node ?
  8. The Poke article must have a broken download link... I don't know if the other articles have the same problem...
  9. Someone had asked for a hypercube setup a few months ago. 3 days ago someone made a YT video tutorial with XPresso
  10. Wrong approach on distributing instances. You should have used the Spline Effector Notice the order of Effectors applied on the Text Untitled 4.c4d
  11. I have questions (concerning the Poke article): Is this realy a construct of how a Field works ? 2. What is the "Operation" port ? 3. You use the Iterate Collection to "Iterate over all selected Polygons" but you connect it with the Vertex Indexes not Polygon Indexes... Then you iterate the previous iteration of the indexes to to iterate over all points ? vertex = point in the first place. 4. If I understand correctly the above setup converts a vertex weight map to a polygon vertex map ? 5. Am I asking too much if I were to suggest Maxon the following? : Add a node that read/pass and evaluates iteratively weights in Vertex and Polygon modes. That setup bundled in one Node so it can plug to any operation like Poke that doesn't support Fields. (needs some extra mechanics to implement to Neutron but it's not a big deal)
  12. Can we use Fields to map it to different intensity of an effect ? For example have the Poke node increse the Offeset using a Spherical Field ?
  13. I was about to tell him "then connected a to some points bellow" but I didn't. Obviously he had a lot of time to find a workaround to this since he had access to beta before anyone else from the public. And he did point it out to Rick in the live.
  14. Umm.... Embarased to ask but which parts of the Iterate Collection and Looped Carried Value correspont to the for x in range(start, end, step): ? And why do we have two nodes that esentially do, conceptually, the same thing ?
  15. How did you generate the banner images ? Processing ? OSL ?
  16. But do the new particles also influence spacetime due to their mass ? The bent surface seems static and not softbody
  17. The "What's New" section still features S26 updates... https://www.maxon.net/en/cinema-4d/features/modeling
  18. New update https://support.maxon.net/hc/en-us/articles/8658038724124-Cinema-4D-2024-0-1-September-20-2023
  19. Sorry, you're right. Only one image is too small to rad anything here https://nodebase.info/example/iterations-for-geometry-generation/
  20. Also please use bigger and more images for those who don't have C4D yet or just want to read and not open the attached files.
  21. My knowledge on physics leads me to believe that mass has a contribution to inertia and remotely relates to energy transfer and friction.
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