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Everything posted by HappyPolygon

  1. For some reason you had the Sweep a child of the Emitter... why were you trying to emit sweeps ? Also the Emitter was spawning multiple particles... you only need one so I reduced the birth time for just one. laser-na-quina(correct).c4d
  2. GazzaMataz started a think-tank post to discuss speculations about the future of C4D ... Well I'm not gonna throw 8-balls around or Tarot cards... I just bent space-time and secretly downloaded the future C4D tech demo from 2027... had some difficulties connecting to the internet (wrong date on computer) and Microsoft was persistent on downloading Windows 13... Weirdly I could not connect to the internet past 2027... I officially know something Noseman doesn't ☺️ I was planning on posting this two weeks ago but somehow GazzaMataz went to the future and posted a similar topic before me... Looking forward for your comments, criticism whatever for the video...
  3. nah... Using the Standard Renderer it's straight forward... For the light you can add a transparent material with Glow or just Fog. The surfaces are just mirrors with color to help the message of reflectivity...
  4. Well, the Destructor and Deflector remain cubic for the past 20 years despite my suggestions to make them assume the geometry of a referenced object, so they are mostly useless... I hope Eudes finds the solution adequate to his needs.
  5. This must be the most overlooked feature of C4D ever. I've asked the same question more than once in more than two forums. No one ever suggested this. @Zerosixtwosix you must be the only one who knew about this.
  6. Are you sure you're asking about C4Ds' future and not the future of the CG industry ? If we are going to discuss about C4Ds' future then there is no room for any other DCC in the discussion. If we are going to discuss about C4Ds' future then be assured you'll be dragged into a hole with a lot of speculations and future-telling nonsense since none of the Maxonians in here will ever confirm or deny any of what will be said due to their NDAs. Please state precisely the topics you'd like to read about because the topic will get derailed really fast.
  7. I found this that explains how it can be done in Blender. It doesn't differ much from what I suspected. I just prefer (i'm lazy) procedural and fully automated methods. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mPdkBoBhQu0&ab_channel=BlackoutCreatively
  8. I was afraid it wouldn't ... You could take your chances to contact Lazaros and ask him to update the plugin, and maybe donate a 5€ bill or you can pay almost 100 to the Ricochet https://rocketlasso.gumroad.com/l/ricochet-from-rocketlasso?layout=profile Maybe some developer can build you a custom Python Script or SceneNodes setup if you send them a PM.
  9. Could you make the simplest ever example of a Bool Option ? Like an Enable/Disable subdivisions modifier capsule. No other parameters. Just how to activate or deactivate the node. Dealing with simple values with If and Switch is easy but how do you turn that to execute the same high-level process involving ready made geometry nodes with a small alteration? I want to make a modification to my Cage modifier to have it invert the selection when deleting the polygons but I don't know how to connect the IF or Switch node to the main node tree... In code terms the nodes are functions, making an IF is easy, each condition just calls a different function but with nodes I still cannot grasp how the node tree can fork out so you have a certain branch execute the operations.
  10. Looks complete to me. What's left ? Sidewalks ? Columns for bridges ? Traffic lights ? Crosswalks ?
  11. In the meantime you can check these posts that might be useful in some way
  12. If you can share sources of what you've seen maybe it will be easier to imagine how that could work so we can help you.
  13. What would a cell division possibly have in common with a Pyro simulation ? Have you seen anything remotely like this ?
  14. Does anyone know how do I link a Preview Image to the File Link ? Do I select a certain Data Type or is there something with the Advanced settings I should do ? Maybe the Texture link is wrong ? Shouldn't the Data Type be Url ? or the User Interface File Path ?
  15. Oh, that's why I couldn't find how to assign a sound to the Speaker... So I went to the online documentation of R20 .... nothing works in that page
  16. spring final.mp4 That hurt my feewings... Houdini has an L-System implementation that why I asked Maxon for one... I guess they also think it's not useful that's why they don't update it with other things I suggest...
  17. Good thing I asked the exact purpose as this is a special case. Use the Turtle. Turtle is your friend. Copy these to your MoSpline attributes You can control the Angle and Movement to your preference. As long as your opposite bars are parallel the setup works as it it. If the bars converge or diverge though, n order to connect them with the turtle you'll need to deform the spline with the Spline Deformer which might be a bit difficult to work with.
  18. Do you need to draw the angle as part of the model, part of the modeling process or do you need the angle to procedurally display the angle ?
  19. Made a mistake with the name. https://help.maxon.net/c4d/en-us/Default.htm#html/TMGWEIGHT.html?Highlight=MoGraph My mistake , I take it back. They already have that implemented. It's just that it's not as straight forward as the other tags. You select the tool, then just click any instance and then the Tag is created. Which with only one click will open the attributes or else will revert to the tool attributes. Hmm... still doesn't work though. It doesn't translate the MoGraph weights to VertexWeights. I don't think this is a bug. It's just not built to work this way. Well of course it doesn't ! I'm applying it to the Subdivision object ! Still doesn't work but if it did the VertexMap tag should also be assigned on the Cloner.
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