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Everything posted by HappyPolygon

  1. @Smolak Felt better and made it from scratch Wall.c4d Truth is it cannot be done with vanilla C4D tools. I don't remember where I got the PileUp Effector. I made an Xpresso tag for easier parameter access. I think I overdid it a bit... As a bonus you can switch the Source type of the Voronois to turn it to a stone wall. I couldn't implement that in to Xpresso, I documented it as a suggestion for the next release. 4 layers of bricks to customize might be a stretch... Sometimes by changing the Height of the layers it may brake their contact points (something to do with the Effector refreshing) just disable and re-enable the Cloner... To make it look more interactive like Blender just replace the Bend Deformer with a Spline Wrap. After the deformation just increase the bricks of the rows from the Xpresso tag as the wall might look overstretched if the spline is long. This way you can make the wall follow hills. The wall is made to be a rectangle so the bricks won't "zip" if you make a closed loop. Haven't actually tried it but I don't see why it souldn't work, just change the Cloner's distribution to Honeycomb and change Count Width to 2 and Count Height whatever. It's better to disable all Effectors and Generators before doing that.
  2. As long as they don't release any tech demo I don't have any high hopes. I've seen enough two-minute papers videos with the latest NVIDIA ML-related 3D model generation to know it's not gonna look great. That dragon on the website... totally misleading
  3. I don't know if you see exactly but I'm not an ordinary polygon ! 😛 Here's a template rig Wall.zip I'll see how I can tackle the offset of each row to make it look more like layered bricks later because I have a cold and my tummy hurts right now. Usually people fake these things using textures but I see how it could be used in destruction scenes...
  4. I will quote Noseman here "you don't need Scenenodes if it can already be done without Scenodes".
  5. Do your steps work on any other object or when the cylinder is not a deformer ?
  6. I wish I had more reliable sources but CB and CGChannel are the only ones I know. And from magazines only one the 3DWorld. From what I've realized is that all of them are very biased. In other words I strongly believe that they intentionally write non-subjective articles depending what company pays them more to write their stuff. It's the nature of these sources to essentially advertise a software. No one cares writing a good subjective article because no one can. There is no single artist having mastered 2 or 3 software at the same level. In the end if OTOY wants to promote their new renderer it will do so easily by contacting those media handing them a ready-made article with a small fee or a special 3-month license for the author to do whatever he wants. The author will be more than happy to write anything OTOY wants if what he gets makes him feel better (money, personal training, use the offer for his own commercial jobs whatever...) I think this is also the reason why Blender is much more promoted. Not because the Blender Foundation pays people to promote them but because authors and YouTubers have easier time to talk to more audience (students, hobbyists, newcomers) while being themselves low income or not having high ties to the big players (I mean why write an article if you have a full time job right ? this field isn't exactly in par with media reporters like sport, financial or political. Writing anything apart from these is a secondary income). I cringe at how much 3DWorld promotes Blender and Autodesk. Probably because people reading that magazine are also mostly inclined to those software...
  7. https://www.creativebloq.com/reviews/octane-render-2023-1
  8. I remember that. It's been a year since I mentioned this in the forum...
  9. So it looks like Lightwave is chasing C4D C4D is chasing Houdini C4D and Blender chase each other and Houdini is just chasing it self... Pyro seems that it takes longer than C4D to setup. Why call it TurbulenceFD ? Did they hire Jawset ? Actually they call it that way only in the video title... probably a clickbait. Lightwaves' geometry nodes look like they are very slow in viewport when booling. Anyway they haven't shown anything C4D wasn't capable even before SceneNodes and frankly it wasn't really necessary to involve nodes. When SceneNodes was released no one expected to work like this, We all expected just a different interface for the same existing tools (code execution). But MAXON always eager to make things "their own way" in a selfish attempt to innovate took the risk to reimplement everything under a different system. Basically trying to re-write the whole app from the ground up. That's something that will never end.
  10. HappyPolygon

    Toon Car

    Probably like giraffes... 🤫
  11. Found this https://www.creativebloq.com/buying-guides/best-rendering-software might be useful and informative to some
  12. confetti.c4d You can use forces to move them... If you set a rotation rate with a Time Effector and then tell the Rigid Body to follow only the rotation I think it makes a good animation... I also think this kind of confetti just spins in one direction as it falls and not too random like a feather
  13. I have no idea how I missed this interview ... Ah, yes, I was having a surgery... Can't wait for the next ! (interview) @PerAnders Only you 2 coded the whole MoGraph or you were the Lead/Senior developers of the team ? It wasn't mentioned in the interview for how long you worked for MAXON. How long did it take you to complete the MoGraph module ? Where you kept working there to maintain the tools for next releases ? What other projects where you involved in ? Was it complete ? What kind of compositor ? AE/PS style ? I guess SceneNodes where in the ideas shelf for decades The interview has many bio omissions and the story of how you got in to 3D somehow confused me because we have some similarities... How old are you? I too got a copy of Bryce when still 11 years old but my father wasn't in to technology so I got to know how to code after I got in university. In what language did you code your painting application and how old were you then ? Are you a self-taught programmer or did you graduate from an IT University ? Info is somewhat confusing because you shift from programming as a child to a graphics artist in early adulthood and then shift again to programming as a permanent career. What's your favorite programming language ? Where are you in the photo ?
  14. You try too hard and mess methods up... You are trying to manipulate dust as if it where a cloner instance and an independent dynamic body at the same time. You either gonna use the rope dynamics to their full extend or MoGraph. If you use MoGrap then see my attachment. Enable the Rope Tag to see that the two have unintended results. If you use rope you'll need to experiment more. From what I understand you'll need to rely fully on the Stickiness for this to work. You'll need to create Vertex Weight maps to both the rotating Helix and the brush. Yellow means the rope will stick to the surface. You'll need to coordinate two Linear Fields, one to increase the stickiness weightmap of the brush and the other to decrease the stickiness weightmap of the helix where the two meet at a contact point. As for the Connector Tag, I don't think it's relevant to what you're trying to do. no_tangle_hairbrush_core4d_changed.c4d
  15. If RS is ever to become the standard renderer for C4D then they'll have to delete a lot of code from C4D that includes the Material Editor itself, PyroClusters, Sketch&Toon, Physical Sly and a lot others. Why ? Because there is no reason having 2 incompatible Renderers. I don't think they will ever do that. The only way to do that would mean that all old rendering functionality is compatible with RedShift or it has been re-implemented to be available in RedShift. So far the Sky of RS is just empty. AFAIK only the C4D noises have been implemented in RS leaving out things like the Irawan (woven cloth) model and a lot of other useful shaders.
  16. This is the first group the Dissconnect Group and the 2nd group I couldn't find any other groups... My OM is also empty... I don't know if you have any kind of objects there ... just mentioning in case you have because that experimental Null I saw I thought was for use in the OM.
  17. Does the project involve particles, instances or just objects ?
  18. You need to first apply the rounding and then make the polygon selection. You can also bevel only a part of the edges and not all of them if you make an Edge Selection
  19. The graph looks like this That experimental Null looks a bit lonely without inputs.. I don't know. It's the 2024.1.0... was there a more recent update ? Will check *nope, no updates*
  20. Constraint Tag with Mix Animation ? Just throwing an idea, I have no clue if it would work.
  21. Playback doesn't work for me... Is there a specific node attribute I should be changing ?
  22. It's just that I cannot valuate and appreciate the introduction of an AI in a storage service. How messy would your storage possibly be in order to type "picture with me and my dog" or "rock music" to find your file ...
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