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Everything posted by smoore

  1. Thank you so much for the crash course on polypen snapping Smolak! From watching your video I'm thinking that maybe I need to get a bit more familiar with the snap tool. Maybe I'm not fully utilising it in the way Maxon intended!
  2. I think it’s a good tool and I appreciate that the modifier keys are taken up. But could we not have some kind of constrain to x / y / z in the tool settings? Would certainly be helpful. Anyway I’ll try the dynamic guides! Maybe that’s the solution. I don’t think I’ve ever bothered to use them before.
  3. Hi all, I'm currently working through Toby Pitman's Hard Surface Modelling course on GSG+, which I can highly recommend! In it he uses the polygon pen a lot to draw out the mesh for flat surfaces before extruding them. One thing that is driving me crazy though, is that I can't find a way to draw a straight line with the polygon pen (i.e. fixed to 90 degree angles), like how you would in Photoshop or Illustrator with the pen tool by holding Shift. Everytime I have to select all the points and do the old scale down on one axis trick. Does anyone know a quick way to solve this? Am I missing something in the tool or is there a plugin that can do this more easily? It seems crazy there isn't a simple way to do this. Thanks!
  4. I work for London-based design studio OTHERWAY and we are looking to hire a full time Senior Motion Designer who is mostly focused in 3D but can also do some day-to-day 2D as and when. Salary: £38,000 – £45,000 Hybrid working (3 days in office, 2 days at home) Full Job Description: https://www.ifyoucouldjobs.com/jobs/1249298753
  5. Cool set up Hrvoje! Do you have an idea on how you could have variations on the droplet geometry?
  6. I'm wondering if any nodes wizards out there could give me some tips on how I might be able to improve this condensation rig I've started? I don't know much about nodes, but I saw this tutorial by Mikhail Sedov and thought his Surface Scaled Blue-Noise node set up could apply nicely to a cold can condensation rig. I'm wondering if anyone has any thoughts on how I could improve this? For example, I think it might be good if it were possible to input a variety of different droplet shapes. Currently I just have one squished sphere. If anyone knows how to adapt this to have a multitude of different droplet shapes, that would certainly look a lot better! Droplets_Nodes_v1.c4d
  7. Just objects. I do have x-particles. Not sure if there's anything in there which might help?
  8. Yeah I get what you mean Cerbera. This is normally how I'd approach that kind of thing, I just wanted to field for any other solutions. One problem I'm having is a kind of jitteriness, which isn't coming from steps or scene scale, but coming from the objects bouncing between the front and back planes. I did see another post where people were talking about removing velocity from an axis using expresso? Any chance that might work? Or using a box connector? Not sure how either of these would work though.
  9. Does anyone know a way that you can restrict a soft body simulation (preferably with the new engine) to 2 axis so it appears to be moving in 2D? I know you can fake it by putting the whole sim in between 2 planes, but I’m running into some limitations with that set up.
  10. I need to create some steam coming from a coffee cup for a render. I'm hoping to use C4D's Pyro system, which I've had a little play with and seems promising. Can anyone who knows the system better give me any tips on how to make something that looks like whispy steam? Obviously making thick smoke is pretty easy, but I'm not quite sure which parameters to experiment with to get something that looks lighter and more steamy.
  11. YES! I think this might work! Thanks MJV, I had sort of forgotten about the Instance Object. I'm going to give this a try and if not then I'll try the Mesh Object like others suggested. The only reason I was avoiding that was because Mesh Deformer operating on the high-poly model will likely still be very slow anyway, so probably not the best solution. Thanks everyone for your suggestions! The help is very much appreciated!!
  12. Yes perhaps I have not explained too well. I would just share the file, but it's for work under NDA and the object is a brand's product we had professionally scanned. So I can't share the asset. Here is a simplified version of my object stack. I'm animating the object with the deformers at the bottom. I have the LOD set so the low poly is visible in the viewport, but the high poly is what shows in the render. I can't work with what I have because the high poly is slowing everything down. Hopefully this makes some more sense?
  13. I've just remeshed to get the lower details like you normally would. Either way, the lower detail one is just a reference model for me to use in the viewport, I'm going to use the high poly at render time either way. Is there not a way to stop deformers calculating on objects that aren't visible in the viewport?
  14. Version 2023 (latest) 8 million polys Have tried remeshing but due to the nature of the object I can't really lower the poly count much further without an obvious loss in quality. It's basically a rattan / wicker object and I need the polys to accomodate the gaps in the weave. I'd simply like to work with a lower-poly mesh and then swap out to higher when I need to render.
  15. Looking for some help. I'm working with a 3D scan which is very high-poly. I'm planning to animate it with deformers, but it's currently too high poly to work with as it slows down the viewport to like 3 fps. So I've set up LODs of the object so I can work with something lower poly and then switch out at render for the high poly. But the viewport is still incredibly slow, presumably because the deformers are still calculating the high-poly object even though it's not visible. 🤔 Is there a way to prevent this? Or perhaps another way of working with a low-poly proxy to improve viewport performance? Thanks!
  16. Thank you both! I think setting the bubbles to IOR 1 has solved my issue. 🙂 Makes total sense when you explain it now about it needing to have the same IOR as air. I just always assumed it needed to be the same as water.
  17. Thanks HappyPolygon My champagne flute is 1.5, my liquid is 1.33 and my bubbles are 1.33. I assumed the bubbles and the liquid would be the same? So what do you think they should be? I think I understand you but I'm a little confused.
  18. Hi all, I'm having some trouble with a Redshift render I'm doing and I'm looking for any help anyone might be able to offer. I'm trying to render sparkling wine in a glass. I've got a model for a champagne flute, the liquid inside and then a cloner for some bubbles. My glass and my bubbles (which just have a simple transmissive material on them) look great, but as soon as I add in the liquid you can't see the bubbles any more and the refractions look weird. I'm using the Rosé wine material that is included in the C4D assets browser, but even with just another basic transmissive material (IOR 1.33) it's the same. I've tried increasing the Trace Depths but that hasn't helped much either. Does anyone have any suggestions for where I might be going wrong?! Thanks 🙏
  19. I'm deforming an object using a Spline Wrap connected to a Tracer. Does anyone know whether there's a way to smooth that tracer spline out? I've tried adding a smooth deformer to it, but that doesn't work. Thanks!
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