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Everything posted by clarence

  1. A long time ago, Flay.com worked exactly like a plugin hub for LightWave. It wasn’t a shop but a combo blog/list with short descriptions and links to the plugins. Worked really well and quickly became the most visited LightWave site around. I’m pretty sure it helped both plugin developers and Newtek (maker of LW) sell more copies.
  2. As a relative newcomer to C4d - using it mostly for illustrations - I’m surprised that rendering is not better in R23. I felt an urgent need to get an external renderer as I got started. So, for me, integration of Redshift would be very welcome. (Even though I’m more than happy with Corona). I really like the dynamic placement stuff in S24 (haven’t tried them yet though) so more of that would be cool. And following the recent discussions here, I would say C4d is in dire need of an “official” plugin store. But that’s probably not Maxon’s job. How about Core4d - could a simple web shop for plugins be set up here to help small developers reach out?
  3. clarence

    Smart Importer

    Oh, that’s nice! Thanks.
  4. Thanks, this is nice! What are the differences between HOT4D and aaOcean?
  5. Three scientists enhanced GTA V with machine learning: https://www.theverge.com/2021/5/12/22432945/intel-gta-v-realistic-machine-learning-cityscapes-dataset Check out the video in the article for some really impressive results, especially the last sequence. I’m not sure if the solution runs in real time or not though. Is this the way forward for photorealistic rendering?
  6. Thanks : ) I’ll see if I can give it a try.
  7. The PIFUHD human 3d generator that works from a single photo sounds intriguing. Did anyone try it?
  8. Reallusion Magazine features an architect using Cinema 4d/Redshift along with Character Creator and Houdini: https://magazine.reallusion.com/2021/04/06/architect-levels-up-architectural-visualization-with-character-creator-marvelous-designer-and-cinema-4d/?utm_source=2104-5_RLnews&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=newsletter&utm_term=main1_L
  9. The complaints in this thread are very similar to almost every Lightwave and Modo release thread I’ve read over the past 15 years - regardless of the actual quality of the release. And from what I’ve heard, it’s the same for 3d Studio. It seems 3d professionals are really hard to please.
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