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Everything posted by clarence

  1. Lovely cars : ) Did you get any further with the white background?
  2. I wish you all a creative 2022!
  3. I agree. It’s fascinating that the better they get, the more invisible their work is.
  4. I haven’t seen it either, but the effects look fantastic in the video. Good catch! Some of the scenes later in the movie were filmed close to where I live.
  5. Brilliant, thanks! I have only tested sheen very quickly, but I have some characters to work on soon where I might explore it. Otherwise, I’m surprised how fast I got used to the new physical material.
  6. Gorgeous velvet! The image would easily work as a product shot, with the dazzling colours and nice contrast. I might have to try out that velvet on something soon.
  7. Very unexpected. But an interesting development. Might this actually threaten Autodesk’s dominance a tiny little bit? I hope it will lead to a closer (seamless?) integration between C4d, Zbrush and Redshift. And that the development teams can bring cool innovations to all the programs.
  8. Lovely work! Good to see people’s non-3d creative projects. Maybe we should have a thread where everyone can post their cool projects?
  9. Thanks @Icecaveman! I’m happy you like them.
  10. Thanks : ) Tentacles are always fun.
  11. Haha, you’re kidding right? Even though I have a pretty decent design background, I never excelled in nor enjoyed traditional drawing. And I assure you, my real-world scribbles are not worth posting anywhere. I could post wireframes, but you really should take my word that these are genuine C4d scenes, rendered in Corona and then meticulously treated in Photoshop (with too many layers). And my posts here on Core4d are not about getting a job or acquiring new projects. I have more work than I can handle most of the time. Instead, I like the idea of a creative community, where people share ideas, problems and showcase their work.
  12. Here's a new illustration for an upcoming book.
  13. Oh, the song on Spotify is fantastic! Good work.
  14. Good to have you here. Where can we hear your music?
  15. Welcome, Vrah! Good to have you here.
  16. They have been quite thorough, to say the least. Interesting to see both Vray and Corona at the top.
  17. Next week, The Pixel Lab will have 30% off all materials, VDBs and… well, everything.
  18. Very cool. I was also unconvinced by Corona’s volumetrics at first, but I’ve come to like them.
  19. Here's a character I've been working on for a tabletop RPG set in the 1920s. His poor soul is being ripped out of his body by a malignant alien. Working on the clothes was actually the most fun part of this image.
  20. Oh, that’s cool! A few years ago, I tried to convince the developers of the Hydra photo app to include something like this, but it never happened. I will give HDReye a spin (literally).
  21. Thanks! I spend a lot of time with the light and atmospherics. I’m still in awe that haze can be used without taking 24+ hours to render.
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