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Stefano Strika

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Everything posted by Stefano Strika

  1. I was just curios and I saw a few video from the pwnisher, those things are uninteresting basic crap and the fact that have tons of views only demonstrate that human race is becoming dumber at an impressive rate, when we start to judge somebody by the number of Youtube likes, there's something very wrong with the masses, that's for sure. Maybe I'm too old but if we talk about rockstar I still think about Rolling Stones, Led Zeppelin etc, most of those guys are just Youtubers that will be forgotten as fast as they have reached notoriety. Sorry but I'm not impressed at all:)
  2. I'm not sure if this is available in Corona too, on Vray for Cinema4D you should be able to import objects/scenes from Vray for Max as proxy including shaders etc (Cosmos assets are essentially Vray proxy).
  3. I can not say anything specific about future release, I will just say that Chaos already have a great platform and the best is yet to come.
  4. To be fair that's not a good comparison, that's not a "quality asset", those kind of websites offer crappy 3d models often stolen from old commercial library. Try to go on store like 3dsky, Designconnected, Turbosquid, CGtrader and similar and you will find tons of quality stuff that is native for Max/Vray/Corona and despite being offered also in obj/fbx you can be sure that Blender or Cinema imported model won't match that quality;)
  5. I totally agree, I say enjoy the vast ecosystem not the software itself;) there's a very good reason why I use C4D. That being said the number of quality assets/plugin available for Max is unrivaled.
  6. There are many issue in your file, my advice is to check some C4D bottle tutorial on YouTube, I'm sure you will find everything you need;)
  7. If all you need are tons of ready assets then there's nothing better than Max + Vray or Corona. Both engines right now have access to the Cosmos library also in C4D, the library is growing every day and there are very interesting plans to expand the feature set. If you are in a hurry just start to use Max and enjoy the vast ecosystem, if you can wait a bit probably you will be fine also on C4D.
  8. Both are nice, but in the end every renderer can produce great results, even free engines.. so what one use really doesn't matter that much. Overall I prefer Vray, almost everything in my portfolio is made with it. The feature set, the shaders and the efficiency in managing large scale project are superior to Corona. Corona had several advantages back when Vray was in a limbo during the transition between Laublab and Chaos, but now Vray is back and stronger than ever. I've been involved since the alpha version and I can tell you that developers are doing a great job, almost every day we get a new build with bug fixes and new features. It still needs some polishing here and there and a few features are still missing, but I'm confident that in a short time it will be again the go to renderer for many C4D users like it was many years ago (I mean, not only for archiviz). There are also several amazing things in the work, but I can not talk about that. As said Corona is perfectly capable of producing great images, today most of the exclusive advantages are gone, but it's still a good engine. Now it is part of the Chaos family, this is good because they get financial resources and integration with the ecosystem, but most new feature will come to Vray first, then will be ported to Corona, but only later and if possible. Last but not least, Corona don't have any plan whatsoever for a GPU engine, I'm a CPU guy so for me it doesn't matter but other users looking for platform longevity may want to consider this as well.
  9. Vray costs 425€ or (70€ monthly), it includes CPU and GPU engine, and Cosmos assets. Vantage is free right now. 629€ is the price for the whole Vray collection that includes Vray for every platform (C4D, Max, Maya, Rhino, Sketchup, Unreal, Houdini, Nuke etc), Cosmos assets, Vantage, Chaos Scans, Phoenix for fluid simulations, Chaos Player and some Cloud credits. That's the official price, you can still get it for less from other resellers. 425€ seems reasonable for what you get if you consider that otherwise you have to pay for a CPU engine like Corona, a GPU like Octane, and a RT engine like Lumion, all disconnected from each other while using Chaos ecosystem you build your scene once and it will work across the whole platform.
  10. RT solutions may looks stronger than ever but probably in a couple years Chaos Vantage will surpass most of them, I mean at least for archiviz and design Vray is by far the most used renderer and anyone is looking in to Vantage right now, so the growth potential is almost on par with Vray itself. Vantage offers a seamless experience, you can either work in Vray and send the scene to Vantage for RT results or work in Vantage right away, and that includes ready to use assets, shaders, lights etc. All integrated in Chaos ecosystem, IMO the best archiviz platform overall, CPU, GPU, RT engine, assets, cloud computing and top notch support. Other than that I expect Cycles to grow as well, since it is free it will attract a large number of users.
  11. For any question just ask, I'll be happy to answer anything related to archiviz;) Be sure to check our free workshop on YouTube, we show how to create a building exterior from scratch, it's for Vray but there are tons of useful technique that you can reuse with other engines: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCON9LaQTyC5Ie0JEWiunxhw Thanks Dave;)
  12. +1 DCC apps are here to stay, for a long time. I guess some people are easily impressed.
  13. We are streaming the video! Don’t forget to answer the quiz after the workshop, you can win the complete scene and several Vray licenses!
  14. Hi, yes it should be recorded 😉 you can also download a simplified version of the scene to test the latest Vray (5.2) features.
  15. Hi, For anyone interested D2 is going to stream via YouTube a free workshop on Dec. 9 at 3 pm We are going to show how to build this scene from scratch, starting from the DWG file, to the modeling in C4D R25, to the final render and post production using Vray5 (it has just been updated) You will also be able to download a large part of the scene. Here are a couple of renders:
  16. Stefano Strika

    MAXXI Museum from Zaha Hadid

    I want to share a few renders of the MAXXXI museum by Zaha Hadid, images are mostly final but I'll probably add more views and details as soon as I have more time. I hope you like it and constructive critics are welcome:)
  17. Hi everyone, I've registered on this forum some time ago and finally I have the chance to introduce myself:) I'm Stefano from Italy, some users may already know me from other forums as Sirio76. I own a small boutique studio dedicated to high end architectural visualizations and I'm here to learn and share C4D knowledge.
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