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Everything posted by Roysia

  1. Hello everyone, I want to ask a question, in response to the color change value of a certain point on the video, grab it and output it as a luminous shader. I'm having some trouble with my idea 1._I converted the video into a sequence of pictures, and the size of the texture is 720X1280 2._I assign this shader texture to this sequence frame to display the animation. 3._Material for 2X2 "plane" 4.In _XPresso, the bitmap node input port "file name" specifies a sequence of pictures, and X=360, Y=640, but the problem encountered is: the bitmap node can only read the first one. How should I do it? How to output the color change value of the "capture point" in combination with time?Can be synchronized to the luminous shader of the ball?
  2. I also encounter the same problem
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