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JakS last won the day on July 2 2023

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  • DCC
    Cinema 4D
  • OS
    Windows 11
  • CPU
    RTX 4080
  • GPU
    Intel Core i9

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Community Answers

  1. Hello I am moving into drafting work and have seen what Rhino can do. Does anyone have a licence to sell? Many thanks.
  2. Hello all. I have a character (torso only as I am working on face animation) and I have a jacket, shirt and tie as separate elements. I want to distort these along with the neck and torso but can't see a way of adding them to the geometry that gets a weight tag. I realise that I could retopologise the whole body area to include the clothing as the outer vertices of the geometry but want to see if there is a way of avoiding that - the clothing is made in Cinema 4D rather than ZBrush and may change. Many thanks in advance.
  3. I have abandoned the idea of getting Moves working. An app called Face Cap seems to be the best alternative.
  4. Many thanks Hrvoje and Zeden. I will chase Support again. Given that I have R21 I was told that assistance from them would be limited - they have yet to respond to me sending them a screenshot of the files that won't open.
  5. So I have now got the plugin from Maxon support. It is a step closer to the system working but the captures cannot be opening in a c4d scene.
  6. Checking online it looks like I need a plug-in. This is no longer available on the Maxon site. Does anyone have an idea of where I can find this plug-in? Can plug-ins be copied and I could get it from another Moves By Maxon user? Many thanks.
  7. Hello. I have Cinema 4D R21 and an iphone 11 with Moves by Maxon. Could anyone guide me through the process of getting capture data from the phone into Cinema? There are Youtube tutorials suggesting that R21 works with Maxon by Moves but I have been unable to find the extension in the Extension drop down or a plug-in in the preferences drop down. Any help would be very much appreciated. Thank you.
  8. Hi Vozzz That sounds ideal. I will take a look. Bentraje - I had a look at the Reallusion option and it amounts to around £1000 to get up and running for facial capture. Probably a little too much for me at this stage. The cheapest that I have found so far is Rokoko. To get up and running it would be the cost of an iphone plus the monthly subsciption fee to their Studio Plus software ($20 per month).
  9. Great. Thanks very much Bentraje. I will look into it.
  10. Thanks Bentraje. Have you used the Reallusion system? Is my estimate of the cost accurate? Thanks again.
  11. Hello. I am keen to start recording some facial mocap data and use it on some characters. My characters have cartoony faces so I am not needing to get involved with too many features/muscle groups. I have been looking into the Reallusion option but it rapidly seems to build up into something quite expensive. It would involve Iclone and then a Live Face Plugin (I think) amounting to about £540. Has anyone researched any other options - tried out the Reallusion software. I model in Zbrush and Cinema 4D. Many thanks. JakS
  12. Thanks for the videos Zeden. They don't solve the issue however. I can sort of create some geometry very laboriously using split edge and then bridge between edges but it leaves additional edges that can't be removed and the horizontal edges don't connect with the vertical ones. It seems strange that such a basic action is so hard to achieve.
  13. Hello I have been box modelling in Zbrush and created an area that is missing a few edges. Please refer to the attached image. Does anyone know how I can create edges between selected points? I have tried the topology brush, curve brushes, point actions and none permits this. Any help would be much appreciated. Thanks in advance.
  14. I have managed to resolve this. I suspect that there are a number of ways but I have discovered (for anyone who is interested) that by duplicating the Dynamesh and creating a ZRemesh with this duplicate - the detailed mesh can be projected onto this lower polycount mesh. This mesh can then be more easily smoothed and the results seen on a higher level of subdivision.
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