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Everything posted by keppn

  1. https://twitter.com/dmcgavra/status/1768940118105027043/mediaViewer?currentTweet=1768940118105027043&currentTweetUser=dmcgavra&mode=profile Aha, so this is quite clear: New native particles are coming to C4D in April, supposedly when NAB is starting on 13th. From the Redshift forums it's also quite clear, that a big update on volume tech is coming. Sounds really good to me, I wonder what else will make its way into the release...
  2. The performance boost C4D got in the last release was really refreshing. I think you'll appreciate it 🙂
  3. This answer is ... somewhat opaque? Shall I clean my coffee machine? Refill my dishwasher with Klarspüler? Wait and drink tea? Quit strong coffee? Expect simulation capacities for suspicious-looking liquids? ... anyone?
  4. While I appreciate Dave's teasers slightly in advance of a release, I still wish Maxon would publish a fuckin' Roadmap already (Sorry about my french). We're grownups, we can handle a certain degree of uncertainty. But I really need to plan ahead in terms of technical development and Maxon gives me almost nothing in that regard. In other words: Please, just tell me I don't need to pay for another year of x-particles.
  5. Dave is posting particle stuff all the time, and here is a very telling play of words... Given his last teasers were equally straightforward, I think we can safely assume new particle features are coming in c4d's next release. Which is great! 🙂
  6. Thanks for the heads-up, but no, it's really obviously a bug, when it hits. I've been working with the same scene in C4D2023, where everything worked as expected. In C4D2024, the same scenefile sometimes just goes mad in regards to layers... Still waiting with a shoe in hand to squash that damn bug 🙂
  7. I seem to have a problem with layers. Muting or soloing layers sometimes does not fully work, and stuff from other layers remains visible. It's hard to replicate (and therefore to report), so it would be nice to know if this is a known issue?
  8. I do have a band of my own, so I can't resist this shameless plug 😉 All Artworks made in C4D, btw, check them out: www.hörn.de
  9. Ouch, now that's not intuitive at all. I hope, Pyro gets some updates here...
  10. There are known problems regarding bump and rough reflections in Redshift. The most common solution mentioned in the Redshift support forums is to Enable "Legacy Bump Sampling Technique" in the Redshift System settings. Rendertime goes up, though... In any case, please open a support ticket in the Redshift forum. Staff is super nice and knowledgable, and it would help to bring additional awareness to the matter.
  11. I use Danielsan's plugin for a while now, and it has been such a time-saver. It creates really clean materials from a set of texture files, and even adds Triplanar-nodes (and others), if you wish so. Highly recommended!
  12. Wow, that's a hefty release o_O Good for you Houdini-Crowd! 🙂
  13. Ptex works without UV-maps?! How is that possible and why do DCCs still live in UV-land?
  14. It's more than 10 years old, but I still dig the original debut video for Microsoft's Surface. It's so snappy! https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=nx1VPLu2r3I&pp=ygUgT3JpZ2luYWwgTWljcm9zb2Z0IHN1cmZhY2UgZGVidXQ%3D
  15. The parachute is in Chris Schmidt's "What's new in C4D 2024"-overview, around 1:20:00 https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=7sCQhPtSY2Q&list=RDCMUCBUvfWSXVUWyq7WDPJPAhjA&start_radio=1 The unified simulation system is cool indeed 🙂
  16. Maybe the latest teaser also illustrates viewport-performance instead of new features?
  17. Oh man, @DMcGavran dropped a substantial teaser... looks like we're getting some viewport-love after all! ❤️ https://twitter.com/dmcgavra/status/1699079989772124282?s=20
  18. I'd like to add another performance advice: Split your scene into layers, like "building", "flowers", etc. Then, download "CV Layer Comps" from Cineversity. It allows to mute and unmute layers with a single click. Now, when animating, mute every layer you don't need. This should help performance massively. Before rendering, unmute all layers. You can even store the parametric or unoptimized versions of objects in muted layers without performance penalty. Everything tidy in one scene file 🙂 CV layer comps lets you also define presets of muted/unmuted layers, so you can change between "animation state" and "render state" with a single click. I fought with heavy scenes on a regular basis, and this technique with layers made them really managable. You can of course combine this with all the other hints mentioned so far, it's all good advice!
  19. I'm hoping for a new particles solver with massive performance gains. Pyro has to have some kind of new particles under the hood already, hasn't it? And a new, fresh viewport, please. And an uncluttered dopesheet. Thanks! 🙂
  20. @MashYeah, but when the null has keyframes of its own? Then the track shows its own keyframes + all keyframes of child-objects. No other app I use has this strange behaviour, it's so messy 😞
  21. Oh wow, layer colors in the dope-sheet! I didn't know that, thanks a lot, @Mash! One thing that always bothers me in C4D: Parents always show the accumulated keys of their children, which makes the dopesheet super-busy. Example: "Null" - has zero keyframes "Kugel" - 2 Keyframes "Würfel" - 2 Keyframes I'd like to see only the 4 "real" keyframes, not 8. It's a small problem in this example, but in a complex scene I just go blind 😵
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