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Everything posted by keppn

  1. Wow, that's a hefty release o_O Good for you Houdini-Crowd! 🙂
  2. Ptex works without UV-maps?! How is that possible and why do DCCs still live in UV-land?
  3. It's more than 10 years old, but I still dig the original debut video for Microsoft's Surface. It's so snappy! https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=nx1VPLu2r3I&pp=ygUgT3JpZ2luYWwgTWljcm9zb2Z0IHN1cmZhY2UgZGVidXQ%3D
  4. The parachute is in Chris Schmidt's "What's new in C4D 2024"-overview, around 1:20:00 https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=7sCQhPtSY2Q&list=RDCMUCBUvfWSXVUWyq7WDPJPAhjA&start_radio=1 The unified simulation system is cool indeed 🙂
  5. Maybe the latest teaser also illustrates viewport-performance instead of new features?
  6. Oh man, @DMcGavran dropped a substantial teaser... looks like we're getting some viewport-love after all! ❤️ https://twitter.com/dmcgavra/status/1699079989772124282?s=20
  7. I'd like to add another performance advice: Split your scene into layers, like "building", "flowers", etc. Then, download "CV Layer Comps" from Cineversity. It allows to mute and unmute layers with a single click. Now, when animating, mute every layer you don't need. This should help performance massively. Before rendering, unmute all layers. You can even store the parametric or unoptimized versions of objects in muted layers without performance penalty. Everything tidy in one scene file 🙂 CV layer comps lets you also define presets of muted/unmuted layers, so you can change between "animation state" and "render state" with a single click. I fought with heavy scenes on a regular basis, and this technique with layers made them really managable. You can of course combine this with all the other hints mentioned so far, it's all good advice!
  8. I'm hoping for a new particles solver with massive performance gains. Pyro has to have some kind of new particles under the hood already, hasn't it? And a new, fresh viewport, please. And an uncluttered dopesheet. Thanks! 🙂
  9. @MashYeah, but when the null has keyframes of its own? Then the track shows its own keyframes + all keyframes of child-objects. No other app I use has this strange behaviour, it's so messy 😞
  10. Oh wow, layer colors in the dope-sheet! I didn't know that, thanks a lot, @Mash! One thing that always bothers me in C4D: Parents always show the accumulated keys of their children, which makes the dopesheet super-busy. Example: "Null" - has zero keyframes "Kugel" - 2 Keyframes "Würfel" - 2 Keyframes I'd like to see only the 4 "real" keyframes, not 8. It's a small problem in this example, but in a complex scene I just go blind 😵
  11. There's no caching option in the IK-Dynamics Tab Adding e.g. a rigid body Dynamics tag and caching that doesn't include the IK Dynamics MoGraph-Cache doesn't work I would prefer not to use any plugin here... Baking the object messes up the eye positions (They dance around wildly). Also, baking seems like a clunky workflow....
  12. Setup My rigged whale has a IK-chain with dynamics to the fin, so the fin follows the upper-body movement with a little delay. This works wonderfully so far Problem I animated the upper body with keyframes. Right now, IK-dynamics are recalculated every time I scrub in the timeline, which is slow. Also, I can't resume renders, because the IK-dynamics are solved a little differently each time, so I need to cache before rendering Question How do I cache the IK dynamics of the fin? For the life of me, I can't find no way to do that?!
  13. @Jeff H1They made licensing such a mess... right now, I honestly can't say what I currently have and what my future ootions are o_O
  14. Thank you for this thread, @HappyPolygon! Much appreciated 🤩
  15. Btw, this is a superb plugin. It scans a folder with PBR-maps and generates a tidy Redshift-shader with 1 click. It saves tons of time and includes some comfort-nodes in the shader-tree: https://danielsian.gumroad.com/l/redshift_pbr_material
  16. This is a handy overview for PBR-Materials in Redshift:
  17. Yeah, you can cache Pyro to a VDB-sequence. I don't know Corona, but it should have a native Volume shader to render the VDBs.
  18. Maybe Rocketlasso's 'Slicer' would be handy here? https://rocketlasso.gumroad.com/l/slicer-from-rocketlasso?layout=profile
  19. d'oh! I have never noticed "Animation path -> Spline". That's quite a useful function. Thanks! 🙂
  20. Now I'm getting a popup about my limited membership in addition to the red banner. Can you please fix that?
  21. Impressive indeed... That AI certainly travelled through France thoroughly!
  22. Acrobat was always the worst of the bunch in terms of UI... like unusable bad. I'm afraid to open the new version now O_O
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