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Everything posted by keppn

  1. Totally cool, thank you! πŸ˜ƒ
  2. One thing that irks me with every simulation tech I have used so far: Most of the time I want to emulate the movement of something from the real world, as closely as I can. And most of the time it's endless fiddling with somewhat abstract parameters to achieve the realistic movement I know from the physical object. It really should be the other way around. Let me make my object, define it's size and weight and then let me choose from fine-tuned, well-tested presets. That's water! Or milk. Or sand. And then offer an advanced mode where I can fiddle around with advection and all the stuff 'under the hood'. But really, let me express my artistic vision through my everyday-knowledge of the real world. I don't want to study particle physics for any simple sim I do.
  3. Hmm... I'm not too hyped about that tweet. For a small-scale fluid sim it looks unstable and glitchy, I'd expect new tech to totally nail that usecase. Going further, I don't expect Houdini-level Ocean stuff, but Maxon could differentiate by comfort and accessibility. Give us a ready-to-use toolset for everything up to pool-size sims, with a Hot4D-replacement (Deformer for Ocean-Waves), automatic dynamic compartmentalization, Fake & real foam, Materials for Water, foam, bubbles, etc. etc. The new particle system is designed incredibly well, so I have high hopes that Maxon will deliver something good, despite that tweet...
  4. @Cerbera Fair point about the white noise / wasted time, I can totally see that. So, yeah, empowering Maxon's support team to dish out small doses of Extra-Maxon-One to helpful customers would be a perfect middle ground. Maybe someone @Maxon with decisive power reads this πŸ™‚
  5. Hm yeah, it's really time for some industry standards like materialx to become widely adopted. Recreating materials for another engine is sooo cumbersome. Anyway, as a C4D/Redshift-user, the addition of the Laubwerk-catalogue is a real value, nice!
  6. And, to bring some perspective to this discussion: 3 days of bug-hunting would be the job-equivalent of 3 days x 8 hours x € 75 rate = 1.800 € That's already more than a year of Maxon One, and I'm only asking for a free additional month.
  7. It's good to hear, that Beta-Members are rewarded for their contributions. The thing is: I did not sign up to be a beta tester, I just want to get my work done. But when a showstopper-bug like the one described in my first post creeps up, I find my self suddenly and involuntary in the role of an unpaid Maxon Quality Assurance employee. Not because I want to be a bug hunter, but because I must, to hold my deadline. Bottom line is a clean, pin-sharp bug-report with videos and reproduction steps – and for this, I should be compensated, too, even if it's only a gesture, a small thing. The whole "regular users as unpaid bug hunters" is also creating a vicious cycle: Maxon can save the dollars on an expensive Inhouse-QA and race the race for more new features - which again create more bugs, which doesn't stop them, because QA is done for free by a lot of users. If you sign up as a honorary bug-hunter, it's of course a good deed, and I applaud and thank you for it. But my time is too sparse for that, and right now, I involuntarily donate it to Maxons product quality for free.
  8. Hey, I spent the last three days working around a new bug in C4D 2025. I found the issue 2 hours ago: If you dock the new 'Object Profiler' to your layout, a render-sequence with motion blur will freeze after completing the first frame. The thing is: I get it, software is complex. 3D is super-complex. QA is hard. Support is very good, but they can't solve every problem in an instant. So when I spend three days doing Maxon's Quality-Assurance job, I feel like I earned the right to be compensated for that. It's three days doing Maxons job, and not my own. And the reward for a clean, confirmed bug report would be actually super easy: It could earn me for example an additional month for 'Maxon One'. Or three months, if it is a severe bug. C4D today has a premium price tag compared to other DCCs, and it would fit that it would reward users who actively work for a premium quality of the app. It's not about the money, it's about acknowlegement. So, if you are @DMcGavran or someone else close to Maxon reading this, please consider this. Thank you.
  9. or... a skateboard-sword! Skatesword! πŸ˜„
  10. Okay, Maxon Support was able to reproduce the problem and filed it as a bug. Still strange that it worked in C4D 2023, 2024, 2025 until recently and suddenly it's a bug? So weird....
  11. hmmmm... I found a workaround: - Drag the alembic to the timeline and bake points - Make a new Posemorph-Tag on my cloth-object - Reference the bake in the new Posemorph-Tag. Now it updates when scrubbing and rendering. But how on earth is it broken with the Alembic in all scenes in all C4D releases?! I filed a bug report with Maxon, I feel there's something fundamentally fishy here... πŸ€”
  12. I just re-installed C4D 2025.1, completely fresh, no plugins - still broken 😞
  13. Hi Core4D! Please help a lost soul: I'm working on a project for several years πŸ™ˆ... and now, in my very last scene, my cloth rig is broken 🀣 I made a Marvelous sim for my main character, exported to Alembic. The Alembic drives the 'real' textured cloth via a posemorph tag. That worked flawlessly for ~ 100 scenes. Today though, the posemorph does not update in the viewport or in renderings. It still does kinda-work though, because when I change some setting in the tag, it updates – but only once, then it's frozen again. See my screenrecording. The super strange thing is: - This is broken in ALL of my scenes - The problem is in C4D 2023, 2024 and 2025 - As I said, it worked in the past, and does update manually, but I can't render I included a simplified scene without textures. The right garment should follow the movements of the left garment. Thanks for having a look! posemorph not updating.mp4 posemorph not updating.zip
  14. The field driver is such a great universal tool! πŸ”₯
  15. Here's Chris Schmidt's Overview! πŸ™‚
  16. Btw, can we have another C4D-teaser, please? @DMcGavran πŸ™‚
  17. I very much dislike the absence of an open roadmap... on the flipside though, the time before major releases still feels like 'the real christmas', even after all those years :')
  18. Off the top of my head: I think "Liquids" will be added to the new unified simulation system. Personally, I don't think they can compete here with Houdini or Liquigen, but okay, the new particles system is great and liquids won't hurt. Speaking of sims: I really hope for a big, fat "Just cache anything in this scene"-button. Mograph, Dynamic IK, just everything at once and nicely compressed to disk. A shiny fresh viewport please! Redshift is in dire need for an atmospheric model. I hope the groundwork they laid with a revamp of volumes allows for nice athmospherics soon... Hopefully, there are some more performance gains possible as well. I recently opened some older, chuggy scenes and was amazed how much better they ran in the recent C4D. But speedier is always better πŸ™‚ Last, but not least: Indie license, please!
  19. Hey gang, It's almost that time of year again! So, what are your hopes and wishes for C4D's next major release? Do you think Maxon can maintain their recent streak of good delivery?
  20. Every little step towards standardization of 3D assets across DCCs is very welcome. I hate buying assets with sub-par quality just because I'm used to the 'wrong' DCC. Go Material X, Go USD! Go all standards! πŸ™‚
  21. keppn

    C4D July release

    Nice Point-Update, I didn't even expect one before the next major release. Also: Redshift finally got a nice distance shader. Finaaally! Next? Please add a full Redshift atmospheric model for all kinds of outdoor scenes. Thanks πŸ™‚
  22. keppn

    Trees in wind

    Here's a nice setup from VideoCopilot for your exact need. It's not too hard to build and works really well:
  23. It's not very intuitive, but use the 'Flock Modifier' to set a separation between particles. I guess it's not really the same as particle-to-particle-collision, but good enough for piles of sand etc.
  24. In the cloner, swith from "Render Instance" to "Instances", then it works.
  25. Btw, if the drone blades are moving all the time, you can perhaps fake it completely and save a ton of rendertime. Render 1 still from top with good motionblur settings, use that image as a texture on a disc and rotate the textured disc slowly. Depending on distance and camera, you can get away with it πŸ™‚
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