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Everything posted by unbelievable

  1. Hi Mash, do you know an easy way to constrain the confetti's rotation so it only spins on one axis? I've attached my file. Confetti test 3.c4d
  2. Actually, having a go with a particle system and it's working great – thanks for the tip!
  3. Hi @Mash, thanks for your help. Confetti test.c4d
  4. I have a farily simple confetti simulation where confetti is falling from the top of the frame to the bottom of the frame. I have it floating nicely but I am unable to get it to flip/rotate as it falls. I've tried adding forces to the Dynamics Body Tag but nothing seems to work. How would you add rotation? I found a cineversity link to exactly what I want to do but frustratingly, Maxon hasn't brought the tutorial into the new cineversity so I am unable to watch it.
  5. That's what I feel like doing. I gave up in the end and made the cones shorter so they didn't intersect. Thanks anyway.
  6. I've come across an issue where, when a spotlight's cone intersects with an object, it leaves a white line (on the front of the podium in this scene) at the point of intersection. Does anyone know how to fix this?
  7. Thank you both for such incredibly detailed replies. Rather than just saying, "You're doing it wrong", giving such informed and lengthy explanations really does help noobs like me. Spurred on to do things correctly, I am going to rebuild the model properly! Thanks again.
  8. Hi, would you mind posting the settings you used as this is the best I'm able to get?
  9. Is there a way to smooth the curved surface on this model? Altering the angle in the phong tag doesn't help and there are no phong breaks around the curve. Is it just a case of starting again? test.c4d
  10. OK, sorry if I wasn't clear enough. And thanks for a perfectly explained solution. I was concentrating making it work with an already keyframed camera (it's motion tracked to footage). I'm going to try again with the camera inside the nulls from the start this time.
  11. I tried to set up the scene but when I save it the camera jumps so here's the next best thing. Scene 1 is a camera panning up to view the cube. Scene 2 should be a camera panning up to view the sphere. What I have been doing is creating a null, zeroing its position as a child of Camera 1, copying Camera 1 to become Camera 2, making the null a parent of Camera 2, then moving the null so Camera 2 points at the sphere. I have moved the null in this scene to where I would like Camera 2 to be. Thanks for the help. Test.c4d
  12. What I'm trying to do is render three scenes with exactly the same camera motion. I assumed I could animate the camera in scene 1, then paste the camera into a null in scene 2, so I could move the null around (whilst still maintaining the same camera movement). Unfortunately, this doesn't work and the camera still jumps back to the position it was in scene 1. Is there a relative / absolute position setting I'm not finding? I've found the 'Relative Mapping' option when the camera is selected in the animation dope sheet but that doesn't help. I can't post a scene due to confidentiality but any help gratefully recieved.
  13. Thanks Mash. I won't be able to do that unfortunately. Thanks for your help though and I will report back if I figure it out.
  14. I have an issue with an animation I'm doing and don't know what's happening. It's a render of a fridge door opening. The transparent plastic in the door shelves looks correct in the first 91 frames of the animation (as seen in attached image 1) but then from frame 92 onwards, the appearance of the transparent plastic seems to change, beoming more frosty, or as if the normals have reversed. The normals are correct and the door shelves have a phong tag set to 40ΒΊ. I can't understand what the problem is. Any help appreciated.
  15. I have an editable object that I'm trying to use a pose morph on. Position works, Rotation works, for some reason Scale won't record. I don't want to use point level if I can help it as I need to keep file size down. There must be something I'm doing wrong but I can't figure out what it is. Any help appreciated. *****EDIT***** Dont worry, figured it out via help - you need to have the object tool selected. πŸ™„
  16. Are you trying to tell me that's always been there and I haven't noticed it!? Entirely possible πŸ™ƒ Although I have to say it isn't the most enitely intuitive way of removing it.
  17. Yeah, that's where I thought it should be but I don't get that option. Do you? I get Absolute, Vertical, Render, Icon.
  18. I seem to have dragged a tool into the viewport and it has created a shortcut for the tool that is in use. For instance, when I select the move tool, the word 'Move' is in the middle of the viewport. I can move the shortcut around but can't get rid of it unless I turn off HUD in the viewport filter. I've tried loads of searches and key commands but just can't get rid of it - Can someone please tell me a simple way of getting rid of it?
  19. I can't find anything about how to get particles to change colour with age using redshift - the only thing I can find is the rs vertex attribute. Can anyone throw any light on this? Just the name of a node to look for would help and be gratefully recieved πŸ™‚
  20. I am actually very trustworthy πŸ™‚ I just created this one, but it displays the same issue in renderview as the screenshot from yesterday. Thanks again. Untitled 2.c4d
  21. Hi CBR, thanks for replying. Please see screenshot attached. I think this is a bug so I might report it to Redshift. As I discovered after posting, it only affects the renderview, not renders, so it's not too big a pain. I can get the boole to work in the renderview by turning the render visibility of one of the objects off and then back on again.
  22. I'm fairly new to Redshift but I'm finding it pretty intuitive so far. One issue I'm running into however is booles not working correctly in renders. Objects that should be subtracted will appear until I turn their render visibility on and off, which seems to trick it into working correctly. Has anyone else come across this and is there something I'm missing? EDIT: This is only happening in the renderview and not in actual renders.
  23. Great, thanks CBR. I was aware of showing broken phong edges but I wan't aware you could really do anything about them. By 'other commands that follow', do you mean 'Unbreak Phong Shading'?
  24. I have a clothing designer sending me fbx files from Clo (3D Fashion design app) and I am getting random phong breaks. Does anyone have any experience of how to fix this on export from Clo?
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