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Everything posted by Shrike

  1. Im checking the nodes now again This drop down menu is essentially telling you that there is no documentation This is exactly the style of drop down which otherwise always has "show help" I've been taught for over a decade that documentation of a feature is in the right click drop down at the bottom If its not here, I must assume it dosn't exist The entire node editor window with all its tabs also dosnt have a single link to an apparently existing entire section in the documentation about nodes.
  2. I posted twice after I realized that this is likely not a temporary thing as the material nodes do not have documentation yet Material nodes were released in R20, this is quite some time ago, so I have to assume that it is the intention of not having documentation on nodes and this should be mentioned outside of a bug report thread I will check the other reply, I didnt see it by that point Edit: So it appears that there are documentation pages but these are simply not being added to the elements anymore? Ok but then why are we no longer linking a hotlink like we had all these years? Adding a link is so simple and used cross all old features always, I must expect that if this effort is not done, that is does not exist
  3. How do all the new nodes and material nodes have no documentation at all? Edit: So it appears that the menu is misleading and there is documentation but its not being linked anymore to the node features over the info? hotlinks That is another good point about UX. If I didnt complain I probably wouldn't have figured that out for years. Usability has always been a key selling point of C4D but it has gotten really out of hand and needs to be looked at desperately before it does lasting damage. The entire node and material systems are super confusingly intertwined with the core of C4D. The new icons also still need a pass. I see a lot of programming work has happened but it needs a UX strike team to clean up. Per example I was trying for 15 minutes to get rid of my material node view and get back my scene node view. Turns out, the only way I can figure out of getting back to scene nodes (which exist without any representation in the hierarchy) is by clicking "scene manager" The entire concept of nodes being scene wide goes against any paradigm I know. As C4D has no real "project" unlike a engine like Unity or Unreal, a scene is the largest representative world container there is. The scene exists to host things, not be a thing. Its so strange. Why is there no node object, like everything else. I kinda get the need to output things to the view, but couldnt this be done with a render target on a camera? Maybe I would understand better if the documentation would not be hidden. The entire node editor window also has no single link with help, despite there apparently being very helpful information in the backend log, which so far has cost me unnecessary hours of confusion
  4. Nvm I just got really confused by the nodes When is the documentation coming for the new nodes and stacks? Its 26 now, how is this not being added? The documentation is a core selling point of C4D and I expect this being there on the released product You cant expect people to understand an enormous set of highly complex nodes with completely different UX from before without even the simplest description of the purpose of a node.
  5. Yeah also check in the mainboard manual if you have the pump connector in the real AIO connector
  6. You can use a field Use the normals tag and then enable field, then use a field that matches this well what you want Per example a sphere field will push them all outwards, this is great for making tree leaves using alpha have nice shading
  7. For me, the auto unwrap feature just dosnt work at all Both old algorithms work but the newer good one dosnt work, just nothing happens if you press the button
  8. Most likely you didnt screw on the AIO tight enough, used too much or too little paste Thats essentially what happens 95% of the cases, 5% your pump is broken
  9. Are you really arguing with that guy after his first comment has been that laughably bad?
  10. Is it normal that the Redshift render preview is so janky and dosnt update on material changes automatically most of the time? Also jesus christ the shop.maxon backend is just terrible. So laggy and confusing. For my 2 seats, a redshift upgrade costs 44 but for my solo seat its 200 Then on next refresh its 39 but then it wants to buy it for all seats and you cant just get one redshift Also 39 what? Instant? Per month? Then the next page says 32,99, but in reality 78 because its two and im forced to get two Then trying to change the amount in the cart just removes all im completely on another page The navigation on the site is also highly confusing and you shift in and out of your user backend to other pages Everything around redshift so far has been an absolute UX mess Edit: Also I just upgraded 2 seats to redshift to get GPU support but it seems like Baking does not support GPU and still takes forever ... Baking also doesn't use the Task manager, and the popup completely blocks absolutely every action Edit: seems my SSD is choking a bit, maybe its that, but I cant tell a difference between CPU and GPU bake
  11. First It wanted to have the Maxon app to work, now it spams "no license" and keeps opening the maxon app to front but dosnt show any prompt, and everything was black Default is also GPU enabled, so im turning that off Now after the second restart, it seems to work, but it still did pop up the maxon app when I tried to render This all is very awkward Cant imagine anyone figuring out they can use redshift CPU without reading about it
  12. Im very confused to how the redshift works Default theres no CPU redshift in S26 but theres something in preferences? I downloaded redshift and installed to S26 but it still dosnt show up? This entire process is very confusing
  13. Very good stuff, the modeling and simulation tools are amazing. CPU split is also a great idea. Does the task manager also benefit the volume builder? My wishlist for R27 is: - Improved boolean & volume builder performance - Unwrap multiple objects at the same time to one shared UV space (you can edit multiple now finally but its impossible to unwrap multiple pieces together) - Scene nodes and the new stuff around need an UX pass - Proper texture baker (does redshift have a baker?) - As mentioned in other threads, the white line icons are often not very readable
  14. I really hope the unreadable icons are being fixed, it really pains to work in the new style but not on all These white line icons are really hard on the eyes and honestly I resorted back to S23 even though I have a 25 subscription And Im a 20/20 eyesight guy on a 27" 1440p The old icons were always really outstanding compared to other apps, they are timeless modern and very readable. Also please, boolean needs an update. And voxel performance. Volume builder is so good, but I just need more performance or ways to optimize.
  15. Hey, I was wondering where the feedback reports did go Oddly I do not have this option in my help menu (am on subscription)
  16. While it does feel that there is a new world of possibilities opening, It is now really confusing what is a normal hierarchy object and what is node and what is material and what is cross compatible Edit: It seems like there was a bug where the Scene root was not visible and the node graph was locked which greatly confused me, switching the scene fixed it ------------------------------------------------------ NODES FEEDBACK: What I found highly confusing is that the right click context menu does not allow you to search nodes. This is clearly the by far fastest way to work with nodes, right click and search, infinitely superior towards clicking the asset browser, searching, scrolling, dragging into view, similar to how other node editors work - but it only allows input and output right now, so its confusing me on top as I search for things which I then can't find. Also what does an input and output even do? The entire design right now is far too abstract and perpendicular to how cinema works. Im a senior artist, game designer, technical artist to a degree, can code but I'm not a data oriented tech engineer who can see through some cutting edge new concepts mixed with older concepts in a freestyle unique way The input comes from where? Data? Fed through what? Where do I input the data? The Output goes where? Theres no object. This is for subgraphs I assume. Why can I then put these on my main scene graph? Where is my node graph in my scene? How do I group, copy, use a graph if it dosn't physically exist in cinema? Where does the output go? Its way too abstract. I'm working in the void. I have an empty scene with a graph in the void, which displays something in the void I can't touch. How do I make 2 if I can't touch it? How do I save it? Is my scene my node graph container? Is my graph canvas a separate hierarchy? Is my scene root not the same as an output on the scene node highest level? So many questions A graph should to have a physical form in cinema, in the hierarchy. This is how cinema works. Each node graph should be started and edited within a node graph object that is clearly visible in the hierarchy, even if its a null that shows only the bare basics. I should be able to create a node graph like any other object. This way you can also have them parallel and have their 0,0,0 center of the object. Your scene should not be misused as an object contrary to everything else. Then the opposite, why can I add node operators into my hierarchy but they don't show in the Scene nodes given they are nodes? Im sure it makes sense to not show it for some reason but its very confusing. An alternative would be to add a button "Create new Node graph" which is a group, or have each scene start with a "New node graph" group and then let users click on and start in that group. This way you have at least an object to give some structure to where they are and that they create something that is not in a void, where its clear that the input and output goes outside the group, and not start on top level which is highly misleading and confusing. Right now its like the object manager / hierarchy would be a cube you can edit. Also some of the tools are super confusing right now, the cloner operator I just can't figure out. I expect to input a cube and get a grid of clones, like C4D usually works. The matrix has all things a cloner usually dosn't have but no amount for clones. I can't try for 20 minutes and then give up to make clones. C4Ds power was always the usability and the UI. I see the potential here and it clearly has power but this needs an UX pass desperately. By writing this essayI slowly start to understand but the first impressions were rather devastating, this is way too heavy and abstract right now 1. Right click needs to be able to search for nodes to speed up the workflow 2x 2. Scene Graphs should to physicalized in the hierarchy to remove the extra dimension of abstraction, or at least rename to Scene Node hierarchy and create a New Node Graph by default, which users can click and start inside, so structure becomes clear. I need to understand in which space I am moving, where it is, starts and ends. 3. Node connections and types need to be more clear 4. The asset browser needs icons, all gray folders are not very helpful 5. Nodes need at least simple tooltips, all C4D features have full documentation 6. Nodes need better coloring, Node operators can be used in hierarchy and look exactly like Nodes which can't be I hope this helps and I'm looking forward to the completion of the new core, overall 25 looks like an important step forwards but it needs some changes. Also the new UI is a little too high contrast but layout wise similar to my personal one. I would just love if you could turn off the animation elements on the bottom not only the timeline
  17. These capsules look great, can we do our own modifier presets with these? Like our own bevel modifier basically etc Also I really hopy the 2 big nasty bugs are fixed that keep reappearing, the one where eventually your scene always gets corrupted and selections are no longer shown, and the copy-paste mesh going to a totally wrong location
  18. Shrike

    R25 Expectations

    I think the absolute end game of the 3D software industry is the combination of parametric modeling with semi automated UV mapping, baking, texturing optimization and export / render, and with geometry nodes and material nodes this could be achieved by adding the few missing links of a good integration of UV mapping into nodes (I almost only use the new auto mapping at this point) and allowing proper baking of curvature, normals etc, thus finally allowing proper texturing and creating complete assets. Cinema has sat too long on the back of people making text and spheres with cubic tiling materials and missed many opportunities to jump into movies and games as a cause, and with real-time becoming more prominent, more arch-viz and others are moving to Unreal 5 and Unity HDRP to do their rendering as well, requiring assets with proper baked texture maps as any software is capable of producing - only in cinema circles this is still unheard of. Cinema made a lot of really good moves with the latest versions, with 24 finally having the possibility to do a full modeling and UV workflow that is bake ready in software, now there is not much missing to bridge the gap between C4D and the others in terms of asset workflows, allowing C4D to shine with its other powers at last. I know I am in the 1% that is asking for these industry standard asset workflows but that is due to C4D not supporting them and all the users in need are clearly using something else. Motion graphic artists will also appreciate stepping up their game and having the possibility towards creating much better assets aside of relying on rendering power of the latest render engine to overshadow that their assets don't have proper texturing and rely overwhelmingly on tiling materials. (Please add at least a curvature mask node so people can do normal texturing workflows like any software allows you to. Without curvature you are essentially dead locked from doing anything parametric or smart outside of manually painting everything. This is the most important aspect of any quality texture and the Edges Mask node is very glitchy, unpredictable and does not work well at all. I heard there is a redshift curvature effect but this also needs to be exportable. I hope someday there will be a revamped baker and I really hope the nodes team are looking into making geometry nodes viable for complex real world scenarios as people would do with Houdini in a more complex fashion and not just abstract effects) Things also desperately need to be cleaned up. There are still prehistoric "Specular Blinn" reflection materials as default, very strange parity between viewport and rendering and multiple types of material cores at this point. Having a much more feature complete but heavily outdated core that then requires a different render engine on top is a really awkward spot to be in. Unity did a similar thing where they split into 2 (3) render pipelines which was the worst move they ever did. Unreal has one pipeline that just works, now unity will forever have to support 2 or more highly complex non compatible pipelines which has been so far years of disaster and while they are slowly recovering, it is still a mess and always will be. --- While I really like the seats backend as a company owner, I expect for the general community a better model for entrance otherwise new users will die out, I also expect the start of a plugin marketplace which is just a win-win business move (unless the share asked is too high, keeping creators on their own sites) Blender is really thriving due to their plugin economy per example even if they take no share (afaik).
  19. Hey Its probably ok for the price if you want to learn maya and later get the full version but it has a lot of artificial blockades, like not being able to do certain UV actions, not exporting a certain amount of polygons, etc etc At that point its better to use blender for sure. If you plan on using it as your main and only thing, I wouldn't
  20. As a studio the C4D License is not very expensive, Maya or Max cost 3-4x the amount The Maya indie version is pretty terrible, we have such one But for the Indie dev, Teenagers and solo people, having no Indie or free version is a big mistake tho and it very noticeably cripples the amount of new people that get into cinema and something needs to happen before the community dies out Lets be real, without people cracking it, nobody would get into C4D in the first place, something needs to happen to get new people in The 17 year olds who either crack it or don't bother and just use blender, these are the future users and future company owners who then buy C4D licenses
  21. this looks really good is there a way to generate textures somehow you would otherwise create in other tools? how do you get the curvature?
  22. The online seat handling is hands down the best ive every seen on any software In Octane for C4D you have 2 manual unlocks per year which is a total trash fire, Im doing that like twice a day on C4d. Adobe I have to get 1 new account for everyone... Autodesk urgh Going home, kick the work PC license out on the login prompt with one click. Of course automatically would be better but its still very convenient. And I can just buy more licenses and get people onto the same account and have an overview of used licenses without having to go to some website. (I'm not using team render however) The only annoyance is that you sometimes randomly get logged out, which can be frustrating when employees without the account access cant login.
  23. Shrike

    Maya indie

    I was pretty shocked to see Maya and Max costing 170 per month, that is 3 cinema licenses. Shuddering imagining paying that for max. From our studio the only thing I noticed is that there is really no "greener grass", cinema definitely has a lot of strong upsides others can not match well right now but clearly a lot of weak sides as well. Maybe if you are an char animator or something very specialized then maya could be better but overall as package I heavily doubt it. There really is no best 3D app overall, far from it.
  24. Thankfully, I really rely on pipelt and that didnt work anymore Having a pipelt with rectangle spline would also be cool but I think I can hack that together myself with the existing
  25. Yes I already was suspecting a dissonance to be here as the intent was not very clear. I expected scene nodes to be an attack on parametric workflows and further establishing C4D somewhere in between houdini and all the more traditional others. But maybe MAXON see this more as a side benefit of simply reworking the core architecture within the new data driven structure, then maybe this is really undersold and should be made much more of a big deal imo.
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