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Corebot last won the day on January 25

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  1. Hello all : ) We have a new plugin for you https://www.core4d.com/ipb/store/product/51-project-spline/ This helper plugin will project splines onto designated surface. Multiple input splines are allowed and will project accordingly. Strength slider is provided to control the projection strength Partial projection is supported Requirements: Cinema version 2025.1 + is required
  2. Dear members and visitors A small ask if I may : ) We have a lot of new content on our YouTube channel! All the newer videos are now 1440p @60 fps which makes the experience much better. Channel is steadily growing but it is not easy to increase the visibility since there is so much C4D content of quality level we find a bit lacking, therefore if you can like or subscribe to the channel this would greatly help us move forward with quality content. https://www.youtube.com/@CORE4D Thanks a lot in advance!
  3. There is a lot of spam activity in last few days, way more than usual. Could be related to black friday(?). We are in contact with forum software provider for newest update.
  4. Dear members Adsense is gone now. This should vastly improve browsing experience. Please let us know if you notice some remnants so we can act on it. Big thanks to all subscribers and contributors, this would not be possible without you ❤️
  5. New version 2.0 release NEW in 2.0! - Brick fill parameter which controls generation of all bricks so that bricks can be missing - Seed for brick fill which controls randomization - Select parameter where one can select specific brick or range of bricks to be excluded from generation Some random missing bricks
  6. Hello everyone I am happy to announce that of Decemeber 1.st adsense will be removed. This will make the forum browsing experience become much nicer Thank you!
  7. Dear members In December, we are planning to remove ads permanently. We all know and understand how annoying they are but they helped us run the forums : ) Now we are in position to remove them for registered members and improve browing experience. This is made possible by contribution from a member which wants to remain anonymous and we wanted to say thank you to this person publicly
  8. shold be gif, can you check now, system cached png preview instead of whole gif
  9. Here is one as plugin asset https://www.core4d.com/ipb/forums/topic/118999-core-4d-brick-wall/#comment-763492 Can you be more specific? This one covers loop carry quite well
  10. This nice little helper plugin creates brick wall and offer various parameters to control the final look. Single object is created with selections for brick and grout available. Here is a short video of it in action Find the plugin in store: https://www.core4d.com/ipb/store/product/50-brick-wall/ To install simply import it into content browser Requirements: Cinema version 2025+ is required
  11. Dear members Our yt channel is growing, there is a lot of new content - don't miss it! Hope that you will also subscribe if you haven't already : ) https://www.youtube.com/@CORE4D
  12. This helper plugin will generate a circle spline from 3 input geometry objects. There are no additional parameters. Note that circle is generated on XY plane and works only in 2D Requirements: Cinema version 2024+ is required Registered members can find it in the store https://www.core4d.com/ipb/store/product/49-3-point-circle/
  13. dear members We are stadily growing with or youtube channel and have 18 videos already. Subscriber count is rising. Pelase consider subscribing to the channel. Here you can post suggestions for lessons as well. Currently there is focus on nodes while we are also working on other lessons https://www.youtube.com/@CORE4D thanks
  14. Dear members In last 24 hours forum there were few attemps to breach into forum and put it out of service. These attempts failed but security operations that are onging will cause slower loading times and short downtimes due to spam defense and other armor services. We are sorry for any inconvenience this may cause. Interestingly, the attacks originated from EU and we forwarded all our findings to authorities. Personally, for the love of life, I can't understand why someone would want to harm a community of software artist and 3D people having fun time and helping each other. Thanks Robert
  15. This helper node will convert any image into Vertex Color or Vertex map. Node comes with convenient set of controls as shown By default, node has the UV test grid image from content browser loaded To install: - Open Content browser - From Create menu select 'Import Assets' - Locate the zip file and import New category called 'CORE4D' will be made in browser with Image to Map node Requirements: Cinema version 2024+ is required Registered members can find it in the store https://www.core4d.com/ipb/store/product/48-image-to-map/
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