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Marc Trzepla

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Everything posted by Marc Trzepla

  1. Thank you for the reply - in the end I remade the Collider object to be a little less geometrically busy and it seems to have solved this.
  2. I have a linear matrix as my source for a voronoi fracture. The objects that are smaller than the matrix interval are behaving individually, instead of as a collection. I've tried lobbing everything under a Connector thinking the fracture would "see" it as one big mesh, but this didn't work. Suggestions?
  3. R21. I have a collection of objects under an On Collision Rigid Body tag being crashed into by a Collider object - quite a few of the Rigid Body objects are ending up inside the Collider. Not all - the rest fly away as I expect them to. I.... Checked the Collider - its normals are facing out... Up'd the Steps Per Frame in the project Dynamics panel... Changed the scale from 100 cm to 1000 cm etc.. Fiddled with the Bounce and Friction for both the Collider and the Rigid Bodies ... Tried different Shapes - Automatic, Box, Static Mesh .. No improvement. It'd be one thing if I started at least seeing fewer objects getting caught up inside the Collider, giving me clues about what was causing this, but nothing's changing for the better. Any suggestions? Yeah, my impression is that newerererer versions of C4D have improved Dynamics, but I have to stick with what I have for now. Thank you, Marc
  4. This worked out perfectly. (in the end I set my gradient knots to Step to make it a little easier to visualize the distribution) Thank you for the reply, Marc
  5. If I have 3 objects in my Cloner but I don't want even distribution (33% of Object A, 33% of Object B, and 33% of Object C) ... how can do this? I know I can put duplicates of a particular object in the Cloner (say, 10 copies of Object A, 1 of Object B, and 1 of Object C), but figure there might be a more elegant way. Thanks, Marc
  6. Imashination Yeah, I tried disabling Sampling and Anti-Aliasing but never got pixel-perfect results. MJV I gave Standard (and later Physical) a shot with the Background .. I agree with your “closest” assessment with the Background object, though it never quite became “perfect”. Looking for “10” and I'm getting “9.94”. Mike A I'm actually not looking to do a composite in C4D - my turning to the Background object in the end was just to test whether pixel-perfect was possible at all and, if it was, to then backtrack to the mesh I was eventually placing the texture on to get the same results. Client has given me a graphic that gets partially distorted on a surface and the portions that aren't distorted are rendering out with the looks-like-it-was-slightly-scaled fuzziness and I'm being called out on it. Said I would look into it and fix it. Ultimately I'll probably end up generating a matte to exclude the non-deformed surface and re-apply those portions in post but thought I'd check here first because I thought, “surely I should be able to get something as simple as a 1-to-1 texture to work.” Thank you, all.
  7. I'd like to render out a background with its texture pixel-perfect and cannot get C4D to do this. My source texture is 1920 x 1080 and made up of a 1-pixel grid of black lines on a white background. The render settings are for a 1920 x 1080 output, but every render looks like the texture is being scaled. Tried multiple camera types - perspective, parallel, and Front. No improvement. Tried having the texture on a plane (saw in the manual that the magic number for a Parallel camera is 1024, so my object size was 1024 x 576), as well as a Background object. No improvement. Started with Redshift, switched to Standard, same looks-like-the-texture-is-being-scaled results. Used UV, Flat, and Camera projections, no improvement. I fiddled with the antialias settings to test my “looks-like-the-texture-is-being-scaled” guess - which, on a 1-to-1 render, shouldn't come into play - and saw that choosing something other that MIP altered the results slightly. Even turning off antialiasing completely didn't produce the expected results. Attached shows an enlarged crop of the upper left-hand corner of the 1920 x 1080 source image and crops of the test renders. Am I crazy? Why can I not bring an image into C4D and spit it back out looking exactly like it came in? Thanks,
  8. Unbelievable how my eyeballs went straiiiiiight past that and only saw the interpolation pulldown. Great to know that's there.
  9. Ah, yeah, you're right .. that setting applies in this case. Bummer - I thought this was just for “new” keyframes, but apparently it blasts over and ignores the key type for keyframes that -already- exist. Thank you,
  10. R21. Weird. I thought my profile had that info. Sorry. I'll go fix that now.
  11. If I have Autokeying enabled and reposition an object the keyframe (Step in this case) changes back to Spline. Is there an option to prevent this? Thank you,
  12. Annnnnd nevermind. I never even thought to check if there were settings for the tool. I found the (unchecked) Select Boundary Loop which, now that I enabled it, selects the edge loop my eyeballs have been starting at.
  13. What determines how C4D chooses a loop selection? For instance, right now I have a hole in my mesh that I'd like to get the edge loop of to then convert to a spline and the edge loop selection tool refuses to select the "by-my-human-eyeballs-very-obvious" hole boundary, choosing instead to select some hole edges, and choosing interior edges for the rest. At first I thought that perhaps some points weren't welded and I Optimized and Connected just to make sure, confirming with point selections that returned 1 point selected for random checks, but no improvement. Any suggestions? Thanks, Marc
  14. Yeah, I totally understand it's like walking into a video store back in the day and just saying, “I'm looking for a movie...” I'm terrible with face recall, which is complicated by the fact that I was primarily listening here and there to the video play in the background while I worked. What I THINK he looked like was young in appearance despite his age, no beard, perhaps sandy, not dark hair. I'd be terrible in a lineup. His theme throughout seemed to be about adaptation. I was most taken by his comment at the end about how one of their employees went on maternity leave early and wanted to keep working while at home and even though this was 5+ years ago, they set her up so she could remote in. Made a remark about how workplaces are becoming fluid and flexible - that at one point over a weekend he saw a render going on the server and saw that the user was the woman who - now home with her baby - was working around the schedule of her newborn, still productive but without traditional "M-F, 9-5" hours (I know, not representative of said industry, but just trying to make a point..) It's not important ... just thought I'd put it out there on a lark. As for Cinefex, ah I can still see my first issue with the Apollo 13 capsule on the front. Heat shield re-entry flames? Blowtorch on a chunk of metal in the shape of the model. Classic.
  15. I've googled to no avail and thought perhaps someone here might know what I'm looking for - A few months ago I watched a YT video of a vfx chap talking about a variety of related topics, starting with how he and his friends got into visual effects back in the 90s, all the way up to remote virtual post production. I wanted to share it now with a colleague and cannot get back to the video for the life of me. -Presenter, now around 45+ years old, goofed with computers in high school with a friend -Jurassic Park came out and, like many, said “this is what we want to do.” -Shared a picture of him possibly still in high school getting a chance to meet (/work?) with Lucas in some third-floor capacity at the Ranch -Now is head of a fairly large visual effects company I know, it's not a lot to go on. In this day and age I find I rely on “remembering” via Google, so the names of both this presenter AND the company he started slip my mind. I don't think it's David Dozoretz or Chris Edwards or The Third Floor as far as I can tell... Any ideas? Google just kept showing me links and pictures of George Lucas. Thanks, Marc Chep ps - bummer I can't lazily use typing 'c4dcafe' to get here any more ... some gambling site grabbed it up
  16. I have a 30fps scene that some of the objects I'd like to have animate at random lower frame rates ... some at 12fps, some at 13fps, some at 16fps, etc., and even some at the full 30fps. I don't have Cineversity, so CV-StopMotion doesn't work for me, and I read that CS_VibrateNull2 from Chris Smith might work, but the links to sugarfilmproduction.com in old posts no longer seem to work. How can I achieve this? What would be the Xpresso equivalent of After Effect's posterizeTime(value) expression? Thanks, Marc
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