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Crispe last won the day on September 17 2022

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  1. Just watched the podcast. Jeez all of this is so depressing. My niece has been crying herself to sleep at night because she had her heart set on an art-based career and is now wondering if there is any point. I'm 42 and I am confused as to what to do now, so it must be confusing for the younger generation trying to work out where to put their time. Simply looking at the capability for fake news and increasingly advanced fraud, as well as the huge environmental impact of the scope of AI computing, it's hard for me to see AI as anything but a net negative to society. Sure it might cure some diseases and make us live longer, but at the cost of a planet that will be increasingly difficult to live on.
  2. Same. Been finding it overwhelming for the past few months but also frustrating not really knowing what is worth learning now that won't be made defunct down the line. I'm largely a 2D guy that has in the past used 3D sparingly but the past few months I've been going harder into 3D but every day I see something AI related that makes me wonder if it is a waste of time.
  3. The Adobe Firefly updates are a real worry re the ability to upload an image and have the AI copy the style. Like as if that is not going to get abused.
  4. I'm kind of surprised that there still hasn't been anything done to Bodypaint. Maybe Maxon were intending on buying Substance to add to Maxon One before Adobe swooped in and picked them up 🤷‍♂️
  5. I can't use my Wacom in anything beyond like R25ish due to driver issues and I am slow as hell with a regular ol' mouse 😓
  6. Do they publish a list of bug fixes that come along with this release anywhere? I've got a few bugs that have pretty much stopped me using C4D at all (learning Blender) - Redshift is extremely unstable on M1/M2 machines but the other weird one I have is Cinema 4D freezes up my Wacom and causes the driver to hang and restart, but ONLY if Cinema 4D is open. Between those 2 things its pretty difficult to keep using it. Maxon support were aware of both bugs but had no fixes last time I reached out about a month ago.
  7. Out of all Adobe's programs After Effects feels like one of their most modern imo. But it's really held together by its amazing plugin community. I really wish Adobe would merge After Effects and Animate into one program. They add more new shit to Animate than After Effects, and Animate is a creaky old as shit program held together with gaffer tape. Adobe probably still have me by the gonads. I can't see myself trying this new one.
  8. Had a play with Designer 2.0. It's still not there for me unfortunately but it's still an amazing package for the price.
  9. Affinity Designer I think is a good example of perpetual not working. Or at least the way they've done it (too cheap perhaps) Their updates come out at a glacial pace. I've been wanting to bin Adobe Illustrator and move to Affinity Designer for a long time but every time I give Affinity Designer another go it's still missing too many key features. And looking at the forums it's just a hopeless lack of progress. People love it because it's cheap, but I'm happy to pay for a product if it means the devs can keep up pace on making their product the best it can be. It's frustrating, because Affinity Designer could be really really great with the way it bridges vector and raster workflows and how fast it runs. Maybe they're holding off til version 2.0 when I am assuming they'll charge again.
  10. It's kind of sucky that they didn't use the most recent version to announce the end of perpetuals so people knew from then on this would be the last, rather than just all of a sudden not have perpetuals, say basically nothing about it, and have the previous year's be the last perpetual. It's a bit of a sleazy way of doing it imo.
  11. My Pose Morph always bugs out. It's been buggy for a long time.
  12. It's hugely popular in UX/Product design. Pretty much the industry standard I think? Adobe has a shittier version of it called XD. Figma also ate Adobe's Illustrator lunch. I wish Adobe would use some of these billions of dollars to fix their slow, broken existing software. Rebuild some of their incredibly old and chugging apps - I'm looking at you Adobe Illustrator and Animate.
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