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Scott Williams

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Scott Williams last won the day on January 6

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  1. @HrvojeI see the power they have for generating and modifying objects within a scene and controlling fields, but I am not seeing how they can be programmed like Xpresso does with Logic Gates. I started watching tutorials today but was not seeing any resources on this. Do you have any suggestions? For my purposes, Xpresso functions fine, but if there is a way to improve it, I am always open ears
  2. @Hrvoje I am unfamiliar with nodes. I will have to look at what nodes is and does. I am mostly interested in Xpresso due to the logic gates - the IF condition THEN action ability based on parameters that I define. What does nodes offer that Xpresso cannot? Ultimately, C4D is so vast and endless, there are many ways to accomplish the same feat. If Nodes is superior, I am happy to switch over to using it in my workflow. Thanks for the heads up Hrvoje!
  3. @Cerbera That is wild! So you actually figured this out for yourself Just last weekend? The timing of this super niche issue to be found by you just a week ago... and for me to have this same issue just now... and both of us being newbs... the odds and unlikelihood really does point to something much bigger going on... Cheers !
  4. @Cerbera Oh my goodness, I NEVER would have figured that one out! Thank you so much Cerbera!
  5. @Hrvoje Thanks for the heads-up. Did not know I could do that. Scene is attached; hopefully I am very close. Thanks!
  6. I am using a Condition node set to Boole to toggle the Enable port of a sphere object during specific keyframes. The compare operators work as intended, but it is not connecting to the Enable attribute of the sphere. Screenshot url below of xpresso setup. Any thoughts would be appreciated. Thanks! Project attached Screenshot of xpresso https://ibb.co/N2Rkcy7d disable sphere.c4d
  7. Hello, how would I set up Xpresso so that when I click a Boolean button, the timeline jumps to a specified integer associated within User Data? For instance: User Data includes: "42" and Boolean Button. Xpresso would be Boolean - > Compare - > if true, then [TimeLine Jump]. However, under the Time Node, I see zero capacity for Inputs. Is there another node I could use to achieve this? Thank you
  8. Hey there, I am looking at Rocket Lasso's "FUI Graph" - free asset in the Database. Chris created a great free plugin, but I am not, for the life of me, seeing a way to plug in values into the Manual Data entry port via the Node Editor nor Xpresso. If anyone has any idea of how to access the Manual Data ports via Xpresso or Node Editor, please let me know! Thanks!
  9. Hi Hrvoje, I found a solution; Take the Hierarchy of group A then use Link lists for Group B and Group C. Cheers!
  10. I am trying to take the position values of the nulls in Hierarchy Node A, subtract that from position of nulls in Hierarchy B and then apply those to affect the position nulls in Hierarchy C. Screenshot below. Any thoughts? Is it possible to subtract Hierarchies directly or do I need to use more Link Lists?
  11. Oh man, I would love to see how this setup worked. The Testing3.c4d are not available. Any chance someone could break this set up down?
  12. In this attached scene, I have a Pyramid that I would like away from the Cylinder Top equal and opposite to the distance of the Cube from the Cylinder Bottom. I used Global Position of X,Y,Z and multiplied by -1, which I then applied to the Pyramid Position inputs. Is this not correct? I was thinking I could also Bake the cube movement and rotate it 180 degrees and attach it to the Cylinder top, but that seems like an inefficient solution. Help.c4d
  13. Wow, Jed. This is phenomenal. Totally awesome. I have never considered the Negate node before and am going to have to spend some time wrapping around what is going on here. Thanks for assembling that and sending it over. Totally cool
  14. I have a project that I am working on for the next three months and need an Xpresso consultant to save me time. One issue that I am having now is linking an object's color value to the rotation change of another object. If this is within your area of expertise, let me know your rate per Xpresso solution. Thanks
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