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Everything posted by SharpEars

  1. I am assuming that you will continue to add content and preferably C4D specific Python content that explore the various aspects of C4D Python interaction via the Python API, rather than just generic Python 3 educational content of which there is already a plethora available on the Web and in books.
  2. Hahahahaha, definitely a thumbs up for that one!!
  3. C4D has the cloner and animation, just think how easy it would be for us to make a day 1 to day 5000 animated set up and sell it for, not $69 million , but $69 billion!
  4. Just patreoned you at the $2 level, to see what you’ve got. Not clear to me what the various Patreon levels you have offer, over the $2 membership, so maybe you can chime in.
  5. Although the above chromaticity diagram commonly gets thrown around to represent ACES (i.e., as ACES2065-1), we are instructed to not use that color space for rendering, but to instead to use the much smaller ACEScg color space (see the two compared in the first diagram, below) which represents a much smaller color gamut that is closest to Rec. 2020 (see subsequent diagram). We still lose out on a good chunk of the greens, cyans, and blues, as with Rec. 2020. For now, there aren't any devices that can display these colors anyways, but 10-20+ years down the road... Who knows? Diagram comparing ACES2061-1 and ACEScg on the two common chromaticity diagrams Diagram comparing ACES2065-1 and ACEScg with other common color gamuts
  6. Just started watching your videos and I am so thankful that you are doing this, it's been needed for a very long time, because as difficult as it is for many people to integrate Python into their workflow, C++ is a whole different level of pain for the average modeler, artist, animator. If I may make a recommendation, based on the two episodes I've watched so far (I am midway through Part 4, Dialog groups and buttons, it is to brush up on the C++ concepts you will be using, before making each video. In my opinion, it is perfectly fine to say, "I am not going to explain these concepts here - they are a pre-requisite for watching this series." But, those times that you do get into the "language details," please make sure that the terms you are using are correct (i.e., the difference between a logical operator and a bitwise one (flags get or'd together with a bitwise or, not a logical or), calling ASCII characters what they are (e.g., two slashes for one-line comments). Those are the two I remember off of the top of my head from videos 1-3. I haven't really been making a mental list of errors or anything while watching. But, I can going forward, if you want to amend the existing videos in some fashion. As for me, I'll stick to XPresso and Python whenever I can. They are so much easier for 99.99% of the tasks that need to be automated and assuming the functionality is exposed via XPresso and the Python API. As MAXON states, "Python is C4D's second programming/scripting language,", but it really lags behind all of the functionality exposed through the C++ API and the documentation is, at least in my opinion, quite poor. On the other hand, if the barrier to entry for Python/C4D is a brick wall, C++/C4D is more like crossing the Sierra Nevada mountain range using horses and covered wagons. That's why I really do appreciate you making these videos - someone finally had to.
  7. Well the title pretty much says it all. Is anyone willing to take on this effort? I can provide some help and contributions if someone comes up with a good plan for videos. Anything from commands for automation, python based tags, to XPresso/Python integration, to plugin creation... So many artists are really scared of Python and it could really improve their workflow, if they can just get past the brick-wall barrier to that first working python based command, to help them with their work. Perhaps in addition (or maybe instead of, not sure) something on the site here for training that is not video based, like tutorials and stuff that are professionally put together and PixelPusher quality, if anyone still remembers those. You know, put Cineversity to shame and give them a run for their money, since I find most of the videos there to be junk, with one very notable exception being, Athanasios Pozantzis' (aka the noseman) videos. He is truly top notch and I wish there were more videos at that level out there for Python/C4D integration and development.
  8. So, who is scouring the web for leaks of tomorrow's announcements for C4D? If anybody finds anything, do post!
  9. I bet they just purchased yet another company and this has nothing to do with C4D 🙂 .
  10. SharpEars


    You might want to add that one to your wireframe section of images in the topology album, or whatever it was called. It could be a really good resource for people trying to model a keyboard or something electronic with panels and details, using SDS. That's what piqued my interest in this model in particular (especially to see how you handled the diagonal parts intersecting with the horiz/vert topology).
  11. We really need something like this for R23 and Python!
  12. SharpEars


    Cool, I think the wireframe you posted above is for a different keyboard, but I did find the posts from when you were just working on this project and it has some wireframe images, so cool. i.e.:
  13. Probably not too hard to do yourself using Python or xpresso, assuming you know these.
  14. SharpEars


    Was this one modeled for SDS (i.e., quad based) and if yes, can you upload a versions with wires and no textures so we can see how you laid out the topology for something this complex?
  15. I think the way to frame selected objects, is to calculate a bounding box around all of the objects and then make sure that all eight points of the bounding box are visible on the screen, perhaps preserving the camera orientation to mimic the built in functionality of "Frame Selected." Of course this may be easier said than done and as already mentioned, camera type, zoom/perspective distortyion, etc., will need to be figured in, but it's the first step to solving the problem, in my opinion (i.e., to simplify it down to fitting the corners of a box on the screen). Attached are some pics to demonstrate. The first image shows C4D's frame selected default behavior, with all objects aside from the bounding box I created, selected. After framing, I selected my bounding box in order to make its borders more visible, which is why it shows as selected (i.e., it was not selected for framing). The second image is using C4D itself to frame the bounding box I made around all objects by hand, only (i.e., only the bounding box is selected). As you can see, the method of using a bounding box to help frame is not perfect. A tighter crop is possible, as shown in image 1, if one takes into account the empty space near the box's corners. On the other hand, it does come close, is far easier to implement, and ensures that nothing gets cut off. Cinema itself is not perfect, in the sense that it doesn't center the scene (containing all selected objects), as you can see in both images 1 and 2.
  16. Don't know about basic, but as far as I remember, you can assign multiple layers to one object and as far as I know, there is no way to do that in Cinema 4D. In C4D there is a one layer per object limit. Sure, layers can be nested, but this one layer limit gets to me. Also, instancing of stuff is done better in 3ds max. If you want to create a single tag object that is used by multiple pieces of geometry, there is really no way to do that. You'd need to create multiple tags and tie them to each other in weird ways via expresso or to some master user data set (or a python script), so a change in one affects the others.
  17. I guess I understand what you mean, but even something as generic as: - Fixed modeling issues related to making cuts using the Line Cut tool. ..., would be far more helpful than: - Fixed several modeling issues ..., by being at least somewhat specific about the tool, tools, or modeling actions that are affected by the fix. That's all I'm saying...
  18. Would it be possible to know which issues those are, particularly in modeling. I'd like to know if they are in commonly used tools or something obscure that I'll probably never come across. For example: Fixed issue when modeling splines causing the end point of the spline to erroneously connect to the view center rather than the first point of the spline when "Close Spline" is turned on in the Spline object settings. (And that's an actual S22 bug, btw). or Fixed issue where, sometimes, points randomly get added to unrelated edges when cuts are made using the Line Cut tool while Snap is enabled in Vertex Snap + Edge Snap mode. (Another, actual S22 bug)
  19. I get that, my question was one of, stability issues in what?? Option 1: All of the modeling tools and in addition to that, XRef? Option 2: Just the modeling tools related to XRef
  20. Great thanks! I wonder what they mean by: Fixed stability issues with modeling and XRefs Does that imply that: - They fixed modeling issues and they also fixed XRefs issues or - They fixed modeling issues having to do with XRefs There are still quite a few general modeling bugs and if they fixed any of these, this update is a no-brainer - useful to everyone! If it's just issues around XRefs, well, not as useful or important to most people.
  21. Right, but it would be nice to know whether it's worth updating to (i.e., how minor are the fixes and what are they?).
  22. It is available for install at MAXON's site, but I can't seem to find any release notes on how it differs from the prior release.
  23. All good ideas, currently working on another (far more complex) Plugin Idea, but plan to come back to this one.
  24. Two different solutions appear above you. It would be very helpful if you pointed out which of the two you are referring to. Michael
  25. More Useful Measure Object 2.0, initial proof of concept (note the additional gradations that can also be used as Axis Snap points at 25%, 50%, and 75% of the lengths of the measure arrow vectors): From this: to this:
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