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  1. Thanks for the quick response @Hrvoje! So it's just a misunderstanding as to how the system works on my part - makes sense, thanks! I've gone back through and reapplied the nodes to an object group generator, and that seems to do the job well! Currently I've set it up to only grab the geometry from the first child of the generator, allowing me to add subsequent node modifiers below it (catenary spline, trim spline, etc). Hopefully this isn't too out out scope for this question but I was hoping instead to use an "Object Link" node rather than using child objects to grab the geometry, but I can't for the life of me figure out how to get the actual geometry (orange diamond shape) out of the object link node (blue circle shape), or what node is needed to convert them - any ideas?
  2. Hi there! I'm attempting to build a procedural Edge-to-Spline Node Modifier (with slightly different functionality than the inbuilt "Edge to Line" capsule) but I can't figure out how to return the generated spline object in the viewport when the node modifier is a child of a polygon object. I'm wondering if (but hoping not!) it's a limitation of the Node Modifier system and whether it's in-fact not possible to change domains between mesh->spline objects within a modifier? Interestingly enough though, copying the nodes into the scene nodes context works perfectly. Is anyone able to confirm whether this is a limitation or if I'm simply missing something? Thanks in advance! 🙂 (Screenshots of the scene node setup working/node modifier setup not working below)
  3. Hi there! I am new to Cinema, having come from a different 3D package, and have been playing around with the Python API to create various scripts replicating certain functionality in my original software. These scripts have been very simple, typically calling/toggling commands (with 'c4d.CallCommand(id)', for example), and I have been binding them to different keyboard shortcuts using the 'Customise Commands' Manager. My issue is that I'm creating a large number of small '.py' script files and assigning them manually to shortcuts, and feel that it would be much more manageable and efficient for me to merge my scripts into one main file and assign shortcuts from within it. As a result, I was wondering if there is an easy way of triggering these individual script commands within the main script file as a result of user-inputted keypresses? For example, the type of thing I'm looking to achieve is: if user_presses_F10_key: c4d.CallCommand(12083) # Change to 'Top' view elif user_presses_CTRL+TAB_keys: c4d.CallCommand(12080) # Change to 'Right' view Any help/detailed answer would be really appreciated as I'm still fairly new to Python in general too! Thanks!
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