With the Cineversity access expiring at the end of the year (for all non C4D subscription users) does anyone have a particular key recommendation to watch before then?
I'm nearly finished the School of Motion C4D Basecamp which has been amazing for touching off a lot of the capabilities. MoGraph, deformers, basic animation, basic modeling, basic materials, some compositing with AE (I haven't got there yet), camera's, f-curve/dopesheet, volume builder/mesher, basic xPresso, basic particles, basic premiere pro.
At the moment I've chosen the character Rigging / Weighting series to try cram in before year end. It's something I haven't spent any time on previously so is a big gap.
Toon Rig Series -
Weight Painting -
Character Rigging Pipeline -
Biped Rigging -
There's the introduction tutorial of Nodes available here on the Cafe so I can learn through that route.
Has there been any 'wow, I didn't know that' series on Cineversity you think every user should see?