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Everything posted by ExtraMedium

  1. A friend figured it out for me mod(id:f) / (f-1) The more you know. Hope it helps others.
  2. Hi - long time listener, first time caller. I want to write a formula to put into a formula effector that changes the display color of clones in a pretty specific way. I want clone 0 to have a Value (HSV) of 0, clone f (the built-in variable) to have a value of 1, and then all the other clones between them to be evenly distributed, the way a Step Effector works. I then want it to loop and do the same thing all over again for as many clones as I put in the cloner (like a sawtooth wave). I'd very much like to keep this to a single formula in one effector if possible. The Input Color Profile for the scene is set to Linear, and Linear Workflow is checked - it's not a color space issue. I've been working with the modulo function for a few days trying to figure this out, but I'm not great with code, so I don't understand where I'm going wrong. The furthest I've gotten is this: mod((1/(f-1))*id;1) : this sets the first clone to 0, divides the values up and increments the rest of the clones in the set correctly, but cuts the loop short and starts over at f-1 clones again before placing the last clone with a value of 1. I suspect this has to do with 1 being the loop point, but I can't figure out how to do an if/then or something to make it 0.9999. I've also tried mod(id/f;1) : this gets the number of clones per set right, but the value distribution is wrong. The distribution seems even, but the last clone never reaches a value of 1, which I need to happen to map to a mograph color shader correctly in Octane. I also can't figure out how to shift over the values this produces. Any help would be very much appreciated, thanks 🙂 Formula Effector Issue.c4d
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