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Everything posted by Ogunzinho

  1. Haha! What with a GLOBAL PANDEMIC giving us all a chance to seriously do the stuff that usually is just not viable, I went deep into this :) Let me just say, that Works. It is the ONLY thing that works, trust me on this... I copied the cloner, same effectors, swapped for the sphere, used mograph selection to have only the relevant sphere in the matrix visible, and no joy. So I used a shader effector on THE SAME CLONER to isolate a single sphere using the 'Sort' mode instead of default 'Iterate', with a shader that was just a tiny white square in a big black square (made in PS) with the black area being planes and the white area being the sphere, all the effectors from the same cloner, etc...and the renderer still could not parse it correctly, Bake the cloner to an alembic, and enjoy your DOF and Motion Blur! SHOULDA LISTENED TO YOU EARLIER @HAVEALOT ;)
  2. UPDATE: Just found this in the Help Files, I think it's the culprit... Spring (Delay Effector) As the name suggests, the clones will behave as though they have springs between them, resulting in slight residual oscillation. Over-oscillation can also occur. Large values will increase residual oscillation, i.e., the larger the value, the softer the springs. Note Problems may be encountered when using this Effector in conjunction with Sub-Frame Motion Blur (see Post Effects in your Cinema 4D reference manual). I guess they know about it already, and it's not just SFMB in Standard, it's Physical too... At least I can leave it alone and find a workaround. PEACE
  3. The real kicker here is that without the bake on the Mograph, it works just fine! 🤣 That's not much good if you're using a render farm for the rendering though, is it?! WHY DOES BAKING MOGRAPH BREAK THE MOTION BLUR?! 😠 Grr.
  4. Strangest thing: Even if I bake the Xpresso-animated sphere in the Timeline, and disable or delete the Xpresso from the Object Manager, so there's only keyframes, the renderer still leaves the sphere static while going buckwild with the clones, which are settling down in their animation at this point! It's absurd, the motionblur is being selective with geometry that is moving together in the viewport and observing the keyframes, should be dealt with identically by the renderer. I'll see if changing to a custom Density on the sphere helps...but dynamics are not being used. And motion blur MAHOOSIVELY changes what is going on in the viewport without it.
  5. Don't you just love 'little investigations' with C4D? The screenshots from a new camera angle show what's happening: I've attached frames 49 and 50 to compare with / without Motion Blur. The renderer evaluating MotionBlur is advancing the geometry and interpolating the tweens, but can't 'see' that the Xpresso ties the sphere to the clones it is re-rendering in different - blurred - positions. So the sphere very visibly stays put suddenly, and no longer seems to be stuck to the clones - it's really noticeable if you render from 0-75, around frame 40 it just visibly stops moving the sphere anymore and geometry intersects. This seems like a bug, to me, unless there is a workaround...The cached mograph should definitely be letting the renderer know that whatever it is blurring needs to pull the sphere with it, but it's like the motion-blur rendering cannot evaluate the Xpresso...You can clearly see how stupid the result is, considering the sphere is constrained to the surface of that clone 🤔 Dunno. How do I try this alembic idea, can you elaborate a bit? I don't see how this is solveable otherwise, unless I can somehow get the renderer to recognise the sphere as part of the cloner REF NO MoBlur 50.tif REF MoBlur 49.tif REF NO MoBlur 49.tif REF MoBlur 50.tif
  6. HI I decided to make a separate thread, as the Expresso issue I thought I had was basically resolved over here: However, my actual problem turned out to be something else... I've attached a scene file for anybody who might be able to help. You'll need to cache the MoGraph manually using the tag, pre-cached was too big to upload. If you go to frame 50 and render without Motion Blur active, OK, all is well and good. Now re-render frame 50 with Motion Blur active. The frame range from 40-50 is giving me no end of troubles...All I want is for the sphere to sit neatly on the clone while it wriggles and jiggles, and no intersections between the clone and the sphere...with Motion Blur! This seems impossible to sort out, unless I'm doing something stupid, which is quite likely. Any takers? I will be so grateful to fix this! ClonerPosition_moblur.zip
  7. OK, now we get to the actual issue! Even with this solved, my scene is completely FUBAR'ed by the Physical Renderer motion blur. I have uploaded a stripped version of the real scene and I'd love some advice about what I can do about it, if anyone can help. So: Expresso set to Generators, and the clone is tracked and position copied. You'll need to bake the cache for the cloner, had to leave it unbaked for file upload. If you check the scene and render frame 50 without Motion Blur, great, expected result. Now enable the motion blur and re-render. WTAF?! Bizarre. All I need, is for the damn sphere to sit on the damn clone, wherever it moves, and not intersect. ARGH. From frames 40-50 I get all kindsaweird, and I have no idea why Please let it be something equally simple :) ClonerPosition_moblur.zip
  8. YOU ABSOLUTE BEAUTY Always with the simple things. Thanks so much! Result!
  9. Hi, thanks for engaging The shader jpeg sequence is in the tex folder, the setup is super simple otherwise. As an example, advance to frame 38. Many thanks! ClonerPosition.zip
  10. The lag effect is less pronounced if I remove the delay effector... The question is, how to obtain the correct Global Matrix or Position data after all the effectors have done their thing and apply these values to my sphere on the correct frame so it is never intersecting the clone? I can upload a sample file if that would help?
  11. HI I have a basic setup with a cloner and I'm using Expresso plus a MoGraph Data Node to get the Position of a specific clone and stick a simple sphere primitive to its position. A math node adds enough Y vector to have the sphere sit neatly on top of the clone. The clones are animated by a shader effector with a delay effector set to Spring. I have baked the cloner, so the movement from the effectors is all pre-calculated and cached. My problem is, at render time, the Expresso doesn't properly evaluate the current frame, so the sphere is always lagging or overtaking its clone-position (derived from the Expresso MoGraph data node). One can demonstrate this clearly by advancing to a particular frame where the clone is obviously intersecting with the sphere. If I click anywhere in the viewport or object manager, the expression evaluates and the sphere moves to it's correct location. But when rendering, no - the geometry lags behind. No amount of Priority fiddling seems to make any difference. What am I doing wrong?
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