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Everything posted by Smolak

  1. I noticed that these primitives are listing in Mesh Primitive generator too but they doesn't work here :
  2. Most of the materials can be recreated but plants for examples have its own specific textures, alpha maps that are completely invisible for me. I think that this is very bad idea to create models with very limited usage and forcing to use only Maxon renderer. Standard Cinema materials can be exported to any other renderer but Redshift ones are completely invisible for others.
  3. Hi, Is there way to use/convert Redshift materials to Cinema 4D default ones if Redshift is not installed ? There are many new objects in Asset Browser but as I see they have only Redshift materials applied. So If I don't use Redshift they are not for me right and I can't use them ?
  4. The main node can be set much simpler : Polygon Bevel node set all parameters to zero and Use Islands is turned on Forgive me for newbie question but how did you add input for Geometry, matrix ? Edge Damage based on Phong Edges Spline Generator_.c4d
  5. We have Edge to Line node but it completely doesn't work with selections. I don't know why Cinema 4D scene nodes are too low-level in the terms of programming. This is why Blender nodes are much better artists oriented, intuitive and easier to use.
  6. Moving Axis is not a problem. Problem is how to rotate it without rotating whole object using scene nodes - just like Axis Tool.
  7. Hi, Is there way to rotate object axis using scene nodes just like using Enable Axis Tool ( L key ) ? I tried to modify Geometry Axis node but it rotate whole object not its axis. Name of this node is little misleading. Generally I need to do this : in nodes for one polygon object.
  8. Thank you for tips. Meanwhile I found this YT video where is showing dynamics remapping method using cache :
  9. Yes but this way I lose ability to reshape it later just like converting any parametric object. Some time ago I saw film on YT where someone presented way to move whole simulation within frames. Probably it was done by using simulation cache. I lost this link.
  10. Hi, I'm using C4D some years but still have newbie questions 🙂 I have object that is affected by dynamics - for example rope. I play animation, hit stop and now I'd like to have this rope shape on the frame 0 or have this object shape "freezed" like new default. How this can be done ? Thanks.
  11. Here are good scripts : Code Vonc - Selections CV-Parametric Selection Tag: Download and Install [CV-Parametric Selection Tag] - Cineversity Training and Tools for Cinema 4D
  12. Smolak

    Disconnect node ?

    Thank you all. It was inspiring so I made simple capsule version using edge chamfer 0 trick : PolygonsDisconnect_Capsule.c4d PolygonsDisconnect_Capsule_0001.c4d
  13. Smolak

    Disconnect node ?

    But for Capsules I cannot get it to work :
  14. Smolak

    Disconnect node ?

    Thank you very much for this ! I must deep more with your setup. I don't understand how it works yet. Loop Carried Value is the key for that I suppose.
  15. Smolak

    Disconnect node ?

    Hi, Is there disconnect node for disconnecting polygons, selections ? Just opposite to Optimize. Generally I need to fracture created by capsule geometry but it is solid because I don't see simple disconnect command inside nodes. Maybe there is way to disconnect polygons by using effectors ? PolyFX is terrible slow in this situation.
    It would be great that newly created instances have the same layer that reference object.
  16. It can be done using Cineversity Layer Comps : CV-Layer Comps [Video Tutorial Playlist] - Cineversity Training and Tools for Cinema 4D There is also AutoLayer plugin : https://ambiclusion.gumroad.com/#omFgA
  17. This one solution is good too : Scene with simplified user interface to select objects : ground_collision_xpresso_user.c4d I did the same using Capsule but the problem is that it doesn't update in realtime while moving object. To make update there is need to call Refresh View command. Is that Scene Nodes limitation ? ground_collision_Capsule.c4d
  18. Right, I forgot about minimum value 🙂
  19. For box B you had two clamp targets - this is why it jumped. With only one target it doesn't jump anymore.
  20. Try changing constraint tag priority. Sometimes it interferes with generators.
  21. There is also ctrl+shift method if you want to scale values using their actual values proportionally. But using shift for this is very bad idea because generally shift makes moves more coarse and speedup adding values too much - it is not as sensitive.
  22. Hi Deck, Thank you for tip. That's interesting idea not only for using with displacer but for positioning clones !
  23. "Locked Position" must be checked if we don't want to mess whole scene while reopening it because all objects using constraints will lose their positions.
  24. Attached simple scene. Placement tools is no way because I need to change terrain displacement during time. Constraints are good but they need to set every time locked positions. Also is there way to search tags by their name ? I noticed that there is way to add these constraints to special layer and select them all after that using "select from layer" command to switching locked positions for moving objects. The need of unlocking and locking them every time is very confusing and badly... stick ground disp.c4d
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