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Everything posted by Smolak

  1. The best joke is that for scene node like Break Spline Modifier you must pay $480 - this is the most overpriced 3d node in the world history. I know software that has much more powerful nodes for free 😉
  2. Octane renderer Greyscalegorilla, Kitbash 3D for 191 euro ! OTOY • OctaneStudio+ 2024 Launches with Greyscalegorilla Plus, KitBash3D, MoI 3D and more!
  3. Works fine for me just type big letters - it should works to the end of month. Code you should put on the next checkout page.
  4. Kaktak plugins Code: BLACKFRIDAY2023 https://kaktak.gumroad.com https://exorbitart.shop/ textures - only 17.11.2023
  5. Just after fresh update to Cinema 4D 2024.
  6. Anyone noticed that Asset Browser stopped to refresh watch folders ? No previews and even it doesn't update folders structure. C4D 2024
  7. I think that Inheritance method is better because it can works with different custom cloner objects.
  8. Smolak


    This great plugin stopped to work in Cinema 4D 2024
  9. From some days I tried to make windows generator by capsule using standard geometry modifier nodes with success but to make more complex setup probably there is need to rebuild whole polygon because we don't have nodes like loop or path cut. Generally I think about cutting chosen by polygon selection tag square polygons like that : Equal Spacing node works well but it works only for selecting vertical or horizontal edges - not both at once. Probably there is need to use loop to choose all polygons with the same polygon selection tag and generating new edges between four existing polygon points. But how to get them from array and set equal new ones ? Maybe someone did something like this before ? Or maybe there is different way like clone squares on the chosen polygon and merge them. Or maybe it's better to remove whole polygon, store its size and do that by creating new rectangles. But where to get its size and position ?
  10. Hello, anyone noticed that post, thread notification emails stopped to work from 20 july ? I tried changing settings even e-mail address.
  11. Symmetry has window bar ( can be moved ) and pin icon :
  12. There should be option to pin Modelling Settings window just like the new Symmetry panel.
  13. Smolak

    UV Projector

    I noticed this issue using alternate n-th selections too
  14. I have this issue very often. I found that it can be mostly resolved by : 1. using visible only, restrict to selection 2. don't use auto snap if snapping is enabled or use only snapping 3. use Plane Cut ( free mode too ) instead Knife - I found that it works more accurate than Knife. 4. If everything doesn't work - triangulate and untriangulate after cutting
  15. Yes, I know but it doesn't work with Cloner modes other than linear.
  16. It would be great to have cloner like this to use object boundaries with other cloning shapes, splines.
  17. Attached. I reported this 2 days ago and it was classified as bug. split_spline_cloner.c4d Also additional segments are not visible in xpresso :
  18. Attached. I tried different vector translation method without success. Outline_Asset_2.c4d
  19. This is great but it has problem with corner normal translate
  20. But there is problem with Cloner after that. Not all vertexes are visible for it : This can be resolved by two clones per segment instead of using vertices but anyway it looks like bug for me.
  21. hmm I tried Xpresso method and it still move whole object not it axis. In Scene Nodes I probably doing something wrong because it not work for me.
  22. Thank you, I didn't know that this works for points too.
  23. Hi, I have problem with simple splitting whole spline to individual segments at once to make it work with Cloner in "per segment" mode. Selecting all spline points and disconnecting them doesn't work for more than two selecting points. I tried Split Spline using scene nodes but it needs to create very complicated to me arrays of floating length values for individual segments.
  24. Smolak

    UV Projector

    Thank you it works perfectly now !
  25. Smolak

    UV Projector

    Thank you. This new projection is awesome ! I don't know where to report with image but I see that you improved Selections by poly size too. It works fine when tolerance is set to 0% but still cause errors with higher tolerance :
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