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Everything posted by Smolak

  1. It works as overwriting only, doesn't create new selection tag. Thank you very much !
  2. Thank you for information. I tried this before and unfortunately it has the same command with shift pressed or not :
  3. And probably the old one "Set Selection" was gone because I can't find it in R25. For my workflow the old one behavior was better. Is there way to simulate "holding shift" key in script ?
  4. The native "Store Selection" command ALWAYS create new seletion tag even if it is selected. To overwrite current seletion tag you must hold Shift.
  5. I still don't know what is difference with orginal one ? It has exactly the same behavior
  6. The great thing is that "selection string" values can be mixed for more complex like : "A", even
  7. Yes I saw them in the store but how much workflow from past scene nodes are compatible with R25 Capsules ? As I know Scene Nodes generate geomethry from scratch. How to connect them via Capsules to existing scene geometry ?
  8. Dragging objects works but polygons not, probably I doing something wrong.
  9. Scene nodes especially with the new Capsules are incredibly powerful. They are game changer. Maxon should advertise them with more special tutorials. Next time I will try how to make fences using Nodes by using custom objects as parts and copy them by spline with intelligent scalling withing spline.
  10. Thank you very much for this tip. I tried select node but I didn't know that in selection string there is need to add " " string while typing tag name 🙂
  11. If someone is interested here is my first attemp to using R25 nodes to build windows from polygons. You can interactively change depth and size of widnows frames. This is of course very simple example but can be easily expanding further. Unfortunately at the moment only way to using object polygon selections in scene nodes is by weight maps. There is missing Get Selection node that exist in manual. It could probably read selection tags. NODE Windows from Polygons_0001.c4d
  12. Also they remove option to customizing grid which is very bad for arch viz :
  13. These new capsules works fine with other renderers materials too. They can be used for more complex operations or even "plugins" to generate windows on buildings on given polygons for example even with interactive parameters changing.
  14. Yes, of course but the main problem is that they should be additionally randomly rotated opposite to the others by 180 or 90 degrees - just like cars on parking lot.
  15. Yes, I thought that scene nodes are the best for exact control of clones but I still learning them 🙂
  16. If someone is interested with much simplified version : clones_rotated_by_weights_with_random_90_180_increments.zip
  17. Hello, Anyone knows how to control cloner clones heading driven by MoGraph weight in Xpresso ? I want to have clones rotating by 0 AND 180 degrees if they have 100% MoGraph Weight and other clones rotated by -90 AND 90 degrees when their Weight Map is set to 50%. It can be very easily done in another software but in Cinema I can do it only by using four different MoGraph selection tags that is not as intuitive... At least I did this by very strange and unintuitive way. One by using MoGraph weight tag and another way by selection tag with masked effectors. Really there is no simplier way to control exactly clones heading ? Rotations.c4d
  18. They want to strenghten Blender because they never will go to make own 3D software. Stronger Blender = weaken Maxon and strong Maxon is not good for Adobe.
  19. vonc_pipemat.zip This plugin can do the same and more but it can be little unstable sometimes : Power Selector - Plug-ins - Shop - C4Dzone
  20. You can convert it here Python 2 to 3! (pythonconverter.com). Works fine in R23.
  21. I'm on R23 and have this info : Probably python3 issue...
  22. Strange but it totallydoesn't work for me. After that I have only doubled menu line :
  23. Hi, Does anyone knows how to rotate selected objects axis ( not objects ) for example by 270 degree by script ?
  24. I didn't notice any slowdown. As I know it use internal Cinema Solo mode ( nothing special ) but with ability to make custom profiles for objects.
  25. There is great plugin NitroSolo – Nitro4d ( see included videos ) that is even better than layer system. Another one : Hide and Seek Plugin for Cinema 4D - The Pixel Lab
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