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Everything posted by AlphaPixel

  1. I have an On/Off Switch for free on the site that can do this:) and also turn objects on and off at certain frames. You can add other objects or hierarchies into the Link section too if you need. https://www.alphapixel.net/c4d-preset-onoff-switch/
  2. Unfortunately the camera morph tags "Multi Morph" is looking for a list of objects as an input while the Hierarchy node is outputting single objects one at a time. I don't believe there is a way to dynamically add objects to a list like that without some plugin magic:/ It's one of those things that seems like it should be possible.
  3. You need to use the point node in Xpresso. If your spline wrap object is a primitive you need a correction deformer to read the points. But if its a poly you can just use the Point Nodes "Use Deformed Points" checkbox. Then adjust which point you want the null to be with the Point Nodes "Point Index". I attached the scene file and screenshot. NullToSplineWrapObject.c4d
  4. Some great stuff in here! Thanks for compiling this:)
  5. Hey everyone, I just put out a free tool that helps you along your projection mapping process from start to finish. It gives you everything you need to setup, model, and test your camera projections in C4D! If you are interested you can find it here: http://alphapixel.net/modelingcam2/
  6. I think you're looking for this inside the user data settings. Data Type: Vector Interface: 2D Vector Field See image attached.
  7. Pretty sure this is the setup you're looking for. Need to use a SurfacePosition Node which will look at an objects vertex's. See screenshot
  8. This might help. With your material set you need to make a shader for it then tell it where the filepath is: filepath = (your file path goes here) mat = c4d.BaseMaterial(c4d.Mmaterial) Then initiate a shader: sha = c4d.BaseList2D(c4d.Xbitmap) Then add the bitmap to the shader: sha[c4d.BITMAPSHADER_FILENAME] = filepath mat.InsertShader( sha ) mat[c4d.MATERIAL_LUMINANCE_SHADER] = sha # update the material mat.Message( c4d.MSG_UPDATE ) mat.Update( True, True ) # insert the material into the document doc.InsertMaterial( mat ) c4d.EventAdd()
  9. The output only effects Polygon Reductions intensity. There's nothing there, nor is there a way, to tie it to individual polygons currently. I think the object would have need to have falloff built into its code for something like that to work. I don't think it's something Xpresso can handle. Hopefully we'll some that in the next release:)
  10. Just drop your object into Xpresso Twice and connect the Text Output of one to the Display Name of the other. See image or scene file. MoText_Rename.c4d
  11. Not sure this is possible with UserData(at least I've never seen it). I would check with the folks in C4D Plugin Cafe. http://www.plugincafe.com/forum/default.asp
  12. AlphaPixel

    CBR Model Wires

    You have really nice topology in your models! So Clean!
  13. AlphaPixel

    Fixie Model

    From the album: Bike Models

    Rendered with Vray Model available for free download at www.alphapixel.net Thanks!

    © Alpha Pixel (AJ Haines)

  14. AlphaPixel

    Bike Models

    Bike Models For National Bike Month. Rendered Using Vray Models available for free download at www.alphapixel.net
  15. AlphaPixel

    BMX Model Vray

    From the album: Bike Models

    Rendered with Vray Model available for free download at www.alphapixel.net Thanks!

    © Alpha Pixel (AJ Haines)

  16. AlphaPixel

    BMX Model Vray

    From the album: Bike Models

    Rendered with Vray. Model available for free download at www.alphapixel.net Thanks!

    © Alpha Pixel (AJ Haines)

  17. I think this free plugin from Curious Animal will help you. It makes your edge selection into a live spline. https://www.curiousanimal.tv/shop/polyedge-spline/#content
  18. If you have a Cineversity subscription they have an Xpresso Maker script that will at least let you automatically add your userdata ports in one click and also can wire them to other nodes if they have the same name.
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