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Everything posted by Jaee

  1. I want to model this exact shape in Cinema 4D. Could you help me out? Attaching a C4D file for reference. 01.c4d
  2. Hi! I used a Plane and Random Field to create a grass animation that moves like it's swaying in the wind. I have two questions. First, can I make the red grass animate a few frames later than the green grass? I want the green grass to sway in the wind first, followed by the red grass. I need to adjust the animation's time offset, but I'm not sure how to do it. (I tried using Alembic to implement the time offset, but it seems impossible in the actual working file due to the large number of objects) Second, can I make it so that the bottom part of the grass is hardly affected by the wind, and only the upper part moves? This way, the section of grass close to the ground will be mostly unaffected by the wind. I'm sharing a test file and a video file as reference. Thank you! test 01.mp4 Test.c4d
  3. I want to rig a cantilever tackle box and create an animation where the box opens naturally. Could you guide me on how to get started?
  4. Hello! I'm trying to model this logo image in 3D, and it's a bit tricky. It looks like it's wrapped around a sphere. Does anyone know how I could approach this? Would using a surface deformer to wrap a cube around a sphere to create the shape, and then fine-tuning the shape afterward, be the best approach?
  5. When I click the render button in Houdini's Redshift Render View, I get this error. It seems like an OpenIOColor issue. Could you help me figure out how to fix it?
  6. I applied a Rigid Body tag to the cloner to simulate small rocks on the ground. I want to use a Pyro simulation in the Field Force to spread the small rocks by affecting them with the Pyro, but the small rocks aren't moving. Could you help me figure out what might be wrong? Attaching the recorded video file and the scene file. Thanks! Record (online-voice-recorder.mp4 C4D Pyro Field Force Cloner Simulation.c4d
  7. Can anyone model this? I can pay for it.
  8. Please DM me as soon as possible when you have time. Thanks!
  9. Hi Cerbera, the modeling in the FBX file I sent seems to have too many broken polygon triangle shapes. So, I'm planning to remodel it. How much would it cost to commission you for the modeling? This project needs to be completed fairly quickly. Also, if the modeling fee is too expensive, could you provide step-by-step detailed instructions for every part?
  10. Hello! I need some help modeling a phone case. Is there anyone who can help me? It's urgent :( so I need it done as soon as possible. I've attached reference images and an FBX file. Thank you! NOMAD_RuggedCase_14Pro.fbx
  11. Are you referring to collision deformer?
  12. Hello, I would like to create a natural animation where the net reacts and sways when the ball hits it on the tennis court. I tried using Mesh Deformer to test the movement of the net, but only the box moves, not the net itself. Does anyone know how to fix this? Or is there a better method? As you can see in the scene file, the net is divided into three separate objects. I've attached the scene file. 610947502_test01.c4d
  13. When the ball falls to the ground, I want it to bounce back softly with a slight compression. However, I want to avoid the ball becoming severely distorted upon impact.
  14. Using the soft body bullet tag, I'm trying to make a sphere fall naturally onto a plane. However, when I press the play button, the sphere suddenly distorts into a strange shape. I used smaller objects to match the actual sizes of the objects. And I opted for using Bullet instead of soft body cloth tag because I needed to utilize the mograph selection. Could you please explain why this issue is occurring? I'll attach the scene file. test.c4d
  15. I used the Rigid Body - Simulation Tag. Also, I'm attaching the scene file I was working on. Could you please check what the issue is? 1904039009_DynamicTest.c4d
  16. In Cinema 4D, I'm trying to make objects appear and naturally fall onto a plane where a ball has bounced away using Rigid Body dynamics. However, when the objects generated by the Cloner aren't too large, they seem to pass through the plane and fall below without triggering dynamics properly. Do you know what might be the issue? Increasing the size of the cloned objects seems to make dynamics work better. I've tried adjusting settings like steps per frame and maximum solver iterations step in project settings, but it didn't help. I also experimented with substeps, iterations, smoothing iterations, and damping, but didn't work.
  17. It's not easy to organize the points after cutting the top and bottom ends with a plane cut. Could you possibly help me with this? I'll attach the file I'm working on. model.c4d
  18. I did it the way you suggested, but my modeling looks a bit off... After adjusting the parameters for the Helix as you mentioned, I made it editable and scaled it down a bit.
  19. Thank you. While you upload some screenshots of the detailed progress, I'll follow the instructions you provided above!
  20. Oh, thank you. I hadn't thought about using FFD to deform the shape. Could you possibly walk me through the modeling process with some screenshots, step by step?
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