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    Cinema 4D 2023
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    Arnold, Physical, Octane, Redshift
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    Windows 11
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    Ryzen 5950
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    GTX 3090

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  1. @Cerberathank you so much for that. I am not sure how that got unlinked as well, but I appreciate you looking into it!
  2. Sorry, here is a project file. I have turned dynamics off, as they are just hairs on a sweater, but when I rotate the main null, the hairs do not move with the geo. hoodie.c4d
  3. Hey C4Ders, I have a simple question, and I know I have run into this problem before, and google isn't helping me which is weird, but I am working on a character, and trying to add hairs to his sweater, but when I move the geometry, i.e. rotating the model, the hairs do not move with it, what could be causing this? Thanks!
  4. @CerberaThank you so much. I really appreciate the critique!
  5. @Cerbera@MJV @GazzaMatazHey guys, I decided to do a complete retopo and add some overall extra geometry, as well as loops to the lips and eyes. Please let me know your thoughts. I appreciate the input!
  6. @Cerberareceived! Thank you. This is helpful and I will use it, as I have decided to retopo it completely. It would give me good practice anyways.
  7. @Cerbera @MJV @GazzaMataz I've made some updates, one of my thoughts is on the mouth, not only topology, but also, how it is shaped. Some topology reference I looked at mostly shows the mouth closed. I am going for a more stylized look, and would like to do some lip sync at some point. I am a big fan of EJ Hassenfratz style, and he uses pose morph for his mouth shapes, but I am not sure how much control and finesse you can get with it. I've attached the latest update, and also a reference from EJ. Thanks again for any input guys!
  8. @Cerbera @MJV @GazzaMatazThank you guys so much for the critique! I will go back and make those necessary changes.
  9. @Cerbera@MJV Sorry for the delay! Here is the model with isoparms. I can include the C4D file if you'd like to see it. Thanks again!
  10. @Cerberaby isoparms do you mean just without the SDS? The base mesh? Please excuse my not knowing... haha
  11. Hey C4Ders, I have been working on this character lately and would just like an overall critique, one part in particular is the mouth. To me it looks okay, but I am not sure rigging-wise as he will be rigged. Thanks! I've attached one of my references as well. Not going for a spot on copy, just a reference.
  12. @HappyPolygonThis is perfect, thank you!
  13. Hello C4Ders, I am attempting to have a rope animate on and form a circle. I have gotten this project file. My problem is, I would like the ends to look like the are frayed, or twisting to form the rope as it comes together. Thanks! rope_twist.c4d
  14. @Cerberathis is exactly what I am looking for, the linear field was a good touch. I didn't think about that. Thanks again!
  15. Hey C4Ders, I don’t have a scene file, so I will try to explain this the best I can. I am trying to do an animation/simulation of different objects (ingredients I.e fruits and vegetables) being “thrown” up from the bottom of the frame, come to a slow ease and then fall back down. I hope this makes sense. Please let me know if you need more of a description. I have tried dynamics with wind, and I think this is the way to go I just haven’t gotten it quite right. Thanks! Best, Peter
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