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Everything posted by BLSmith

  1. Hi everyone. I have three questions: Question 1: Can you link the movement of a pose-morph spline animation to the X/Y location of another object? Question 2: Can you make the ends of a helix spline flat without using boolian shapes? (See image below) Question 3: Can you use Xpresso to drive the strength of a pose-morph? ====================================================== Video for added context: Hopefully it helps, it took over 10 tries and an hour to cut out the fat lol! I've attached the file below. Thanks everyone. If I was not clear in any of my questions I am happy to re-phrase them. C4D_Cafe_Bool_Boxes_Help_Request.c4d
  2. I wish I could have made this shorter, but after spending 1.5 hours re-recording the same video over and over, this is as short as I could make it: TLDW: My piston isn't straight up and down, it is on an angle and all video tutorials online have theirs straight up and down. All my axis coordinates are at 0,0,0, and un-level making me feel like I have to create many nulls to compensate for it. Both of these issues are things not covered in most tutorial videos and I'm having difficulty transforming my object into something similar to that from what the tutorials have. I've been running in circles for days, and at this point I'd just like a clear idea of what to do with my model, even if it costs me some money.
  3. I've done that tutorial 3x now. The problem is my model's axis's are all off, and without creating 500 nulls I don't understand how to make it behave like 3D Kiwi's. It's difficult to explain and honestly I think I'd prefer if I could privately share my model and have someone explain with a video how to make it behave like all the various video tutorials I've followed on the subject. I'll make a video here explaining further.
  4. Heya 3DKiwi! Thank you for posting these. I have indeed followed these in the past and I unfortunately walked away with something that looked completely different. I think the main issue I have is with the axis points I've been given are all completely wrong and with my lack of experience quickly changing them, my animation looks completely broken while attempting to follow along. I'm ending up with nulls within nulls within nulls within nulls. It's almost driven me mad. I'll follow them once again, but at this point it's almost like I'm running on a treadmill going no where.
  5. Hi all. My name is Brandon Smith. I'm a video producer based out of Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Very new to C4D. My goal is to re-animate this old video: My first task: Animating a piston. The users have been incredibly helpful on the forum (@jed in particular), but I'd like to have someone make a private 1080P video, using my engine (use under NDA), animate the piston, and explain the process. Then we can go back and forth discussing any questions I may have. Video tutorials have proven to be a complete waste of my time because my model doesn't line up easily to the X/Y/Z axis, the axis's are zeroed out at 0,0,0, and after 100+ hours, I feel like a hopeless case. 10 months ago I managed to do it with a model I had: Though my current model confuses the heck out of me and I aim to spend at least 200 more hours on this project before its done. I've about had it with shooting in the dark and am ready to spend some money to actually learn properly. If you manage to help me with this, I'd like to extend the session(s) to all other relevant parts of the engine (as seen from this video). Pay: $50/hour, and I have a budget for up to 5 hours. Request: Video for animating my piston, and several scheduled Google Hangouts for any questions I may have. Shoot me an email at Smith.Brandon@basco.com or a DM here on C4D Cafe. If you've got examples of previous videos you've made, that will be a bonus. Hoping to find someone, send them a model, and get 1-2 hour video returned within a few days if possible. Thanks all for your time, Brandon Here is a short summary of what makes it difficult to simply follow a piston tutorial online: For a very specific view of my issues, here is a lengthy video of me explaining everything and then attempting to animate it using methods used in other online tutorials:
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