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  1. Hi, I need to create a rounded block with multiple steps and a copper strip running through each step. The stepped block also needs to have rounded edges and be controllable for further rounded edits. I decided to use the bevel deformer and created a single cubic shape with varying steps and edges. I have then made a number of polygon selections to apply a copper strip through the steps of the cube. This works as intended, but when I apply the bevel deformer I lose the copper strip within the bevel. How do I ensure the selected copper polygons appear on the rounded edges?
  2. I ended up rebuilding the stem of the laser cylinder and it must have been some odd poly issue as it's now resolved. I also raised the size of the whole object as it was very small compared to the example @keppn shared. Thank you for that btw. It did help! Thanks for all recs! Problem resolved 🙂
  3. Thanks guys. I've updated my software just as a precaution. Will play with the bump jpg file as it may indeed be too low quality. I simply upped the size and added a little gaussian blur which slightly improved it but not the dpi last time. I'll try the png and normal too. Hopefully that will resolve. I'll report back.
  4. Not poly count unfortunately. I'm getting a weird shader issue with my file too. Keeps spitting out errors which is weird because I've tried to isolate the thing and even when I remove all mat's I'm getting the issue. I may update C4D and see if that fixes it. Really annoying me. Bumps usually work fine even with low poly objects. It's only if I displace where it shows. Anyway, I'll report back after updating
  5. Unfortunately that didn't work. I've shown extreme blur here which still has this weird anti-aliasing going on. Can't work it out.
  6. Also, not sure if this is relevant but I've removed the tiling and yet it seems to be mirroring and doing an opposite effect. Both emboss and deboss on the same bump? Not sure how that's even possible but that's what's happening. Should only be the embossed section at the top.
  7. Hi, I'm having issues with weird clipping/antialiasing on a bump map. Not sure what I need to do to fix it. I've made the bump image high-res which helped a little but that's reached it's limit. I followed so many tuts on adding bump to a RS mat adding to an existing GSG mat and starting from scratch with my own mat and every time I do iI I still get weird clipping. I've played with height etc but nothing fixes it. I'm not sure if it's linked bit I'm getting a shader error and not entirely sure how to discern what shader it is. Is there a way to do that without having to go through every shader in my scene and deleting them one by one somehow? Please see attachments.
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