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  1. I have a cloner with a few dozens objects, that each have 3 materials assigned with selection tags. I need to do a Connect Objects and Delete in order to put the whole resulting mesh in a Spline Wrap. The problem is that this results in hundreds of selection tags and material tags (one for each selection tag). This crashes C4d and RS when I try to render. Is there a way to merge all identical material tags? And also merge all selection tags that use the same material? Thanks!
  2. Thanks everyone for your contribution! I want to show you the project I'm working on. I'm inflating the Nakagin capsules and making them float away, as an homage to the building, that was demolished last year. In the forces clip - I am able to control the float and scatter of the clones with a Turbulence and Field Force, both using Fields for their strength. But I can't get the ballooning effect (new sim cloth tag) to be controlled by a field. I want them to inflate starting from the top, not all at once. Using fields in Mix Animation interferes with the Turbulence and Field Force and they don't float any more. In the third clip there's a mockup of the inflation I want to create, based on Vertex Maps. To add another level of complexity, I want the windows to stay in place on the clones, even eventually have some of them fall off as rigid bodies. I haven't figured out how to do this yet. The final model of the capsules is more complex, and this will bog down the simulation. This is my first personal project using simulations, and any help is greatly appreciated. If anyone's interested I'll share my progress and final result. forces.mp4 balloon.mp4 inflate.mp4
  3. I want to create the following effect and am wondering if there's a way to do it with Simulation. Starting with a cube, I want to inflate it like in the screenshot based on a vertex map with fields. I want to trigger the beginning of the inflation with a field. Is it possible to do this with the Cloth Tag? I want to change the material color based on the strength of the inflation. I'm guessing I can use the Vertex map here too? I want the material to become slightly translucent when it's inflated. Finally, I want the inflated cube to float up based on the lightness given by the inflation. Not sure how to begin to do this. Any ideas? Are there any tutorials out there on the inflating and floating away part I know how to do a few of these things individually but not together. Thanks!
  4. happypolygon, thanks so much for the file! the solution with the shader field is great. but since i'm modifying the number of clones for creative reasons, I didn't want to fiddle with gradients. Your solution with the cloner field is amazing too. I'll definitely use that one in the future!
  5. zerosixtwosix thank you for the explanation and I'm really grateful you took the time to create a video! It works even for grid cloners so I don't need to nest two. The way you used the formula as a field is a nice touch. Thanks for all of your tutorials on youtube as well!
  6. Can you please explain? I'm attaching an image with what I'm trying to do - I want to move the clones up a bit in this case. On the right is the result of your formula on a 4 x 3 x 5 cloner. On the left is the result I want, done with a selection tag (but I don't want to use selections since I need many clones) I want to select and move every other stack of clones. So skip the first 4 x 3 clones, then move up the next stack, and so on.
  7. Can anyone help me with a formula for the formula effector? I know you can use id&n to affect every nth clone. But what's a formula to affect let's say 50 clones, then skip the next 30, and then affect 50, skip 30 and so on? I want to be able to choose the numbers 50 and 30 in this case. Thanks!
  8. Thanks for taking the time to make the video! This did work with some notes for future readers: The material needs to be a Standard material, not Nodes. The image is loaded in the color slot of the material and in the Shader Field the channel is set to Color and the texture is loaded via the Material Tag and NOT directly as a bitmap.
  9. Rotating the projection doesn't work. I found a workaround where I can use a texture tag from another objet in the Shader Field but this doesn't automatically update when I move the other object. I have to disable/enable the Shader Field each time.
  10. Hi Guys! I have a cloner with cubes and a Plain effector that scales some clones to -1 based on a Bitmap Shader Field. I can't figure out how I can rotate the shader field with the bitmap inside. I want to create a system where I will replace bitmaps and position them to hide different clones. Any tips? Thanks!
  11. Thanks for the input guys but it didn't work. I found another solution that seems to work - I cloned the lights on a Matrix object. And the Matrix can be deformed and it propagates to the clones.
  12. I'm trying to use a bend deformer on a cloner set to grid. It works as expected with cloned geometry but doesn't work when I replace the geometry with a redshift area light. Any Idea why that is and how to fix it? Thanks!
  13. Thank you! I'm also new to capsules. I originally tried the selection string in the Inset capsule but leaving it empty did nothing.
  14. I wonder if anyone has a tip for a specific problem I have. I'm using the Divider plugin with the Inset node operator but for some reason it insets only a few of the polygons in the Divider. How can I make it so that it insets all of them? I will need all the inset polygons later to use in my existing animated scene. Thanks!
  15. I have a complex scene where I use cloners, effectors, booles on the clones and some xpresso gathered from tutorials. The scene is heavy but works fine. But from time to time when I uncheck the "enable scaling" option in a cloner, the scene "breaks" in that some cloner settings are not respected any more. If I close and reopen the scene again, it's still broken, even though I hadn't saved it broken. All I can do is delete the broken cloners and re-import them from other files. Then they work again. Is there a way to reset the broken file to its saved state that worked fine?
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