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  1. hyyde's post in Tank Tracks Dynamic Rig was marked as the answer   
    More prgoress 😄 This is it. 
    2024-12-27 18-57-22.m4v TankTrackRig_Test__0003.c4d
  2. hyyde's post in X-Particles Pouring Liquid between objects was marked as the answer   
    Hi there.
    I dont have too much experience with liquids in xparticles, but i believe you have to fill it up first, with the sim, and then do the pouring. To fill it up quickly, i think you change the Emission type to hexagonal. and set the emission source  to object > volume (all in the default xpEmiter). and maybe shoot the particles on 1 single frame and let it settle for some time. Then having the bottle already animated, let it do the pouring. I would start with it, But im sure there should be a slightly better more efficient way. 
  3. hyyde's post in [C4D] xParticles - is it possible to `infect` particles with other particles ? was marked as the answer   
    Seems like whenever i post a question in here, I find the solution myself not so long after 😛
    File attached if anyone is interested. Video file also
    2022-03-28 22-13-12.mkv
    xP - Fake xpInfectio Triggerred with xParticles.rar
    In the xpScale - `Parameter to Change` should be set to SCALE, and in the mapping section Parameter=Scale Value map to Age (the longer the age the slower and smoother the growth
    What controls the distribution of new particles is the Weight map loaded in the Emitter>Object>EmitterShape set to Object>Weight map is loaded in the Selection field 
  4. hyyde's post in C4D R25: x particles wont render correctly in Picture Viewer on a specific frame was marked as the answer   
    nevermind again... sorted by moi self...
    xP doesn`t like RS motion blur...
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