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  1. Apprantly management knew about this for a while, decided not to mention to anyone. They probably cashed out big bonuses and buggered off...
  2. Thats what i did as well, in the end. But still would be nice to have it working correctly. But it doesn't happen all the time. Ive managed to bake it several times before without any issues. I tried that but that's not an easy task, there is about 60 bones, each of them is being baked on each axis, so 6 in total, i didnt even look into the scale to be fair. But transform and rotation had a dodgy keyframe on every second frame. To clean that up i would have to spend probably a day of work. Im not doing that. I ll leave it for now, if there is no easy fix for it, no point wasting time on that kind of clean up. Thank you for testing it though.
  3. Here's the latest version. This is literally version maybe 80th or so.. im keep saving seperate files cause it break on so many things. every now and then i try to bake it but still getting the same results. as on the first video. So just to clarify again what's wrong: i have motion clips that i am trying to bake into keyframes, but its getting glitchy on every other frame. (See the video from the first post ) here. If you can try it and figure out what's causing it i would be grateful. Thanks. Hero_anim_bake_test.rar
  4. And another one: when i edit one of the clips ( adding keyframes to the bones on a separate layer) how can i make them visible in the curve editor ? so far it just complete luck to see them. if i click enough times they will appear... i dont see any buttons to filter them. i cant find any info online regarding those keyframes.
  5. And one more question: How to stop a motion clip at a specific frame ? Trimming and cutting doesn't do it. anim still plays. The blue-line dude has stopped but the actual skeleton still moves, despite being out of range of motion clip.
  6. Hello. I have my motion clip anim setup. I tried to bake it but result is terrible. Not sure why would it do it. Anim plays well before bake. It creates a keyframe on every other frame, at values of zero from what i can see on the curve editor. Cleaning this up is possible. but it will take forever (50+ bones, transform+rotation on each axis...) Any ideas if there is a potential solution to this ? I cannot be doing this crap from scratch, yet again 😄 I can retarget and bind the character again. I will go for that if no one can think of any way of fixing it. Thanks. 2025-02-22 16-56-54.m4v
  7. I cant remember if i tried that 😄 but i till , thanks for the tip.
  8. I guess they are not planning on fixing it then... thanks for sharing.
  9. yeah, it is unchecked. I show it on the video as well. just in case people will ask that question 😄 Also if i select the whole model, not just a section, it will select all of them.
  10. Hi all. A few versions ago i started noticing this issues, when selecting polys and edges in some cases, the selection tools won't select all of them, like they are too thin to be selected. Attached video of the issue. This happens with all the selection tools. Is there a setting that controls how accurate / sensitive selection tools are ? Or is it just another bug ? Really annoying one. Thanks. 2025-02-08 14-23-21.m4v
  11. Old stuff but would be usefull to know how to actualy get the polygons selected. Right now all it does it creates a selection that works with other capsules, or maybe deformers etc. How can i work on selected polygon in a traditional way ?
  12. Dropping the fully rigged tank. Model is from Grabcad. Not textured. Ive added basic speed and steering controls. Not sure how to make the tracks more stiff. They kind of flop around sometimes. And when turning sometimes they will slid off the wheels. They are transfering motor power with friction, so not very accurate, like real tank. Last wheel - cogwheel - should be transfering power by moving the tracks, but doubt that would work well 😄 Maybe i wil ltry one day. There is a Target Null - all it does is stabilize the gun. It doesn't move the tower. but i guess it can be easly linked for that as well. Leopard 2A5_RIGGED.rar
  13. 2024-12-28 17-51-59.m4v I mean , come on, this is sick 😄 once its an actual tank. This works actually better than the test rig. I had to tweak suspension and distance between everyrthing and all, crank the quality settings and somehow it doesn't explode until it reaches the edge... Even the suspension mesh moves with the wheels, although its hard to see. Gun Stabiliser. Ehh i love C4D 😄 so easy to do certain things.
  14. Yeah, the typical non dynamic rig is also good. I even used new Rope sim to get the tracks bounce around nicely. So maybe semi dynamic. But just for fun i wanted to try this. It is very unstable actually. For this example work well, but as soon as i moved the box left or right, centre of mass change ever so slightly and whole rig just sink in the floor. So lots of parameters to control, probably very dificul to get it to move on an actual rocky/uneven surface. Increasing the Substeps, or colision settings makes it a lot worse. But a fun 'gadget' to play with nevertheless 😄
  15. More prgoress 😄 This is it. 2024-12-27 18-57-22.m4v TankTrackRig_Test__0003.c4d
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