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Everything posted by Havealot

  1. If you can afford to not have full control over the topology, then volume builder + mesher + remseh is a great solution for this type of problen, Pinch_0001.c4d
  2. @imago: Can you share an example scene file that illustrates the problem?
  3. You can export it directly to alembic, no need to bake first. Keep in mind though that depending on your animation you may end up with changing point count which will keep you from use the interpolation.
  4. Yes, it is a bit hidden. Anyhow, happy simulating.
  5. @HappyPolygon Nobody is scrapping anything. The old bullet system is still available. Mixing the two systems is simply not possible. They run on a completely different architecture. Is the new system feature complete? No. Is it a state of the art system that allows unification of all simulation types and can be extended over time? Yes. All I have described in my post is how to fake rigid bodies in the current system.
  6. Does it? Both cloth and soft body will deform. If they don't (visually), it is probably because a) the resolution is very low b) the constraints are stiff c) there are plenty of substeps / iterations or d) a mix of a) b) and c). The old dynamics do indeed not interact with the new system. If you want a rigid body to collide with a soft body or cloth, you can achieve this by using a low res object. A cube for example with bendiness and stretchiness set to zero and soft body enabled (with softness set to zero) will behave pretty much like a brick with the default solver settings. If your fake rigid body object has high resolution, then you can still build a low resolution cage around it (volumes and remesher) and transfer the resulting movement to the high resolution mesh using the mesh deformer. Here is an example I did a while ago that simulates a bouncing wheel: Unfortunately I can't find the scene file anymore. But it does use the method described above to create a fake rigid rim.
  7. No particles were harmed in this experiment!
  8. @janan If it's ok to have all of them use the same (not black) color, you can just change the wireframe color in the preferences: Scheme Colors > Viewport > Shaded Wire
  9. Do you even recall what your original post was? I saw it and the down votes are more than deserved.
  10. @imagoDoes it not work at all on large amounts of points or is it simply too slow?
  11. @Joseph Gorman As Elly mentioned in the introduction of that part of her presentation, this is a sneak peak of what's coming in the future.
  12. You can use the loop over your distribution (the iterate collection node connected to your linear distribution) to vary the seed for each plane. Note though that this will cause an error. The point set node inside your displacer group will get confused since the domain (scope) port is not connected. The scope you want to use is the iteration that goes over your points. Displace + Distribution2.c4d
  13. For the sake of completeness, here is a Node based version of it. Note that the two Matrix objects needs to have the same count and that the connections are created between equal indices. All the magic happens in the "Object Group". Double-click the icon to get to the Node Graph. Also: I had to get around an update issue by keeping a parameter (dirty hack) animated clone_connector.c4d
  14. Here is a new version. I realized that percentage is a bit misleading. It's a probability rather than a percentage, so I renamed that. While I was at it I also added support for Vertex Maps. You can use that to influence the probability spatially with fields. So if you want some areas of your point cloud to remain more dense and others to become more sparse, you can do that now. Procedural_delete2.c4d
  15. If you have a version that supports capsules, you can use the attached scene to delete a percentage. Do a current state to object to "bake" your reduction. Procedural_delete.c4d
  16. Come on, put in a bit of effort. The idea of a forum like this is not the others do your work. Plus you won't learn anything when others do it for you. The screenshot suggest the setup splits out digits. Figure out what the last one is and insert the add node like MJV described. You may want to add a space before the m.
  17. @Lucas Doerre C4D standard particles don't have flocking and in Thinking Particles you'd have to create the behavior yourself. X-Particles has flocking built in, so I'd go with that. Tbh I'd start with browsing the manual and give it a try: https://insydium.ltd/support-home/video-manuals/x-particles-video-manual/modifiers/motion/xpflock-modifier/
  18. Clone your flies and apply a random effector with animated noise. That should already get you pretty close to the street light example. If you need more control over the alignment, you can either create a bunch of splines to serve as flight paths and clone on them. The position along the spline can be animated in Mograph and you can again use an effector to create variations of the flight paths. If you need full control or more complex behavior (such as flocking), you won't get around using a particle system.
  19. @Maber Select the Python Effector, open the Python Editor, scroll to line 78 and replace "xrange" with "range". That should fix it. Python was upgraded from 2.7 to 3.0 and this one of the few incompatibilities.
  20. First time caller AND first time responder. Bundle achievement unlocked 😄
  21. That's the Canadian Office in Montreal.
  22. Does it have to be a solution using Xpresso? If you just want to animate something like that, then use a Pose Morph. If needed you can drive the morph itself with Xpresso.
  23. Sphere tests are great as they are really cheap to compute. But in case you want to test against arbitrary shapes, here is. a more general approach to doing this. The only restriction is that the mesh you are testing against needs to be a closed volume. Open geometry (such as a cylinder without caps) will give you some amount of error depending on the case. For the mesh you are testing you don't have that restriction. It could be anything, even a single point. I tried to put some comments in there for explanation. It could also be extended to detect a partial intersection, like I did in the previous sphere test. If the sum of the aggregate node is anything other than 0 or point count, then it's partially inside. inside_general.c4d
  24. Here is a solution that is independent of the mesh density for the sphere case. inside_sphere.c4d
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